These amazing Canadians. Look, my party will be totally lame in comparison for a variety of reasons. Mostly because Devil's Advocate and I will ride in on horseback, shotguns across our thighs, but dressed like monks. Who wants to do a meetup at this end of the world? I'll take a roadtrip, but it had better be worth it. Don't expect me to go to Houston or something.
Re: TiB Meet-up - The Big Easy Thank You!! Just so everyone knows, New Orleans is not locked as a destination. I want suggestions please! I'm in Denver, Colorado is the baddest state ever, but I am willing to travel a bit.
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy This would have been perfect in July when I was living as a bachelor. October is your best bet. Other than April, it's about the only decent month in this town. As far as I know, I'm the only local Idiot and I will attend whatever you people come up with and I'll happily provide suggestions, but look somewhere else if you want a party planner or organizer.
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy We don't need a party planner, that shit is for sissies. Maybe good bar and lodging referrals would be good, if we decide to go there.
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy Shut your mouth, mya. Blue Dog lives in that suburbanized, law abiding, and pleasant smelling area of Louisiana known as the North Shore. (I feel dirty just writing those words.)
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy A girl in a bra is the best you can do? It's New Orleans. Drunken nudity is mandated by the city council.
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy To be fair, it was a little bit of both. Ole'! But no mya, I don't live in New Orleans. I live in the good part of the area, unlike some other poster who shall remain nameless. And by good part, I mean I live in the same area as Bruce from "Swamp People".