Unibroue Maudite and La Fin du Monde Unfortunatly my network has been causing hell at school so I can't get pictures. They're strong (8 and 9 percent respectively), flavourful, and come in huge corked bottles so once you start you can't stop. I've truly never tasted anything like that in beer. I can't eloquently commend them, but they're outstanding
When I used to indulge, Old Thumper Extra Special Ale from Shipyard in Portland, ME was my favorite. Didn't have much luck finding it outside of New England or the Orlando airport. Along the lines of a porter in body and color, but a pretty high alcohol content. This time of year, I also drank a fair amount of Sierra Nevada Christmas Ale.
Plus, we all know that Coors Light would win in a landslide and the resulting celebratory hoopla would discourage people from posting their choices of inferior swill. I mean, name me another beer who has more gimmicks and zany contraptions than a Sharper Image catalog. IT CAN'T BE DONE, I SAY! Sure, Boddingtons has a little ping pong ball in it, but can the mother effing can change colors and be poured from a wide mouth vented opening? I DIDN'T THINK SO.
Surly Cynic - Brooklyn Center, MN Bell's Oberon - Kalamazoo, MI Bell's is more known than Surly, but both are great breweries. Both of the beers I have listed are a sweeter beer (Belgian style) but have a little bite. I think both come in around 5.5-6.5% ABV. Not overly powerful but not complete piss either. Oh, and if anyone has ever had Kasteel Tripel, that shit knocks you on your ass before you know it (11% ABV).
I know I'll get flamed for this, but fuck it. My go to beer will always be Miller Lite. There, I said it. It always tastes the same and I can drink a metric ton of it without getting blotto. (If I'm mixing it in with Crown Royal shots though, all bets are off on the "blotto" part.) I love Harpoon Ale, (or any of their varieties for that matter), but finding it down here in Florida is impossible, so Miller Lite it is.
Year-round: I usually will just get a Miller Lite draft if I'm at a sports bar or eating wings. I'm more of a tequila drinker when I do go out and drink. Seasonal: Great Lakes Christmas Ale. It's quickly becoming a Cleveland area holiday tradition. If you can get your hands on some it's definitely worth a try. It's got a nice flavor and a good amount of alcohol. (Lame description, I know.)
My go to beer for going out and drinking is Bud Light. Easy to chug, play flip cup or beer pong with and always has the same taste, much like Mr. Miller Time up there. My watching hockey and relaxing beer if Guiness, hands down. It is the most flavourful beer I have ever tasted and is so rich and creamy. It is delicious. When I went skiing in Buffalo I came across Samuel Adams Winter Lager while having lunch in the chalet. And it was delicious. I am heading over to the States this weekend and hoping to pick up a metric fuck ton of it for my holiday parties. It is a present to myself.
Really enjoyed this thread on the old board, glad it's back. I drink craft brews exclusively, not interested in anything that wants you to drink it "ice cold" or anything that feels they need to brag about being "triple hopped brewed". So with that in mind, here's what I'm drinking right now: Left Hand Fade to Black. This is a foreign export stout, brand new to LH's portfolio. I would describe this as a baby Russian Imperial Stout. It's a pitch black beer, lots of great roasted malt flavor. This is a kick ass beer, and one of the first brews from LH featuring their new labels. Great Divide Oak Aged Yeti. This is Great Divide's Russian Imperial Stout (RIS) aged in oak barrels. So you still have a big RIS, but the oak aging gives it a bit of a vanilla taste. This years batch was just released. Grand Teton Pursuit of Hoppiness. I..adore this beer. Every year Grand Teton brews four seasonal beers in accordance with the Reinheitsgebot. Each beer is made to showcase one of the ingredients in beer (Water, Barley, Hops, (and Malt)) Obvious where the focus is with this one, this is a huge beer that hopheads will love, but it's got a great balance to it as well. Not just a hopbomb. Awesome beer from one of my favorite breweries.
I could go off on a mad Victory extravaganza here, but I will leave that for our dear friends who are indeed back in the Philadelphia region to hopefully tout the pleasures of Hop Devil and Golden Monkey. Since moving to Chicago, I have been carefully picking my way through the Goose Island library of beers, with my favorite so far being the Winter Ale. A fairly spiced, not overdone ale. Had my first taste of Great Lakes Winter Ale today at lunch, and it was damned good. Not up to snuff with Victory's Old Horizontal, but pretty good. Next up for my Christmas party will be a case of Delirium Noel because it makes my wife do fun things.
Stone IPA. They have it on tap at my favorite local bar (Yogis for those familiar with Bloomington). The double IPA Ruination is also great, but a little heavy in my opinion (think dogfishhead 120). Of course an honorable mention to Bell's Hopslam.
I second anything from Bell's Brewery, particularly Oberon. I also love Magic Hat #9 and Ithaca Apricot Wheat. Yum. Sam Adams Summer Ale is always refreshing as well.
When it comes to keeping it relatively cheap and simple, Red Stripe, Guinness and Newcastle will all do nicely. Red Stripe is for the spring and summer, Newcastle for the fall and winter, and Guinness is for when I have to choose one beverage to take with me to a desert island from which I will never return. I never turn down a good pint of Guinness. "Good" being the operative word here. I've been to too many bars that have dirty taps and inept bartenders who don't understand the skill, nay the art, of pouring my silky, black mistress. When I find a place that is mindful of keeping the keg fresh, the tap clean and the staff well-informed, I stick around. As far as craft beer goes, I must pimp the local offerings. Blue Point Toasted Lager, Oatmeal Stout, RastafaRye, and Oktoberfest are all staples of my beer diet. Residents of the Northeast should be able to find it if they look hard enough. Everyone else is going to have to buy a bus ticket. Blue Point Brewery
My favorite beer is Ommegang's Three Philosophers. It's a Belgian style ale with lots of flavor and ~9% ABV. As a testament to Ommegang's quality, Duvel kept getting its ass kicked by Ommegang in beer contests, so they bought Ommegang. Another favorite is Dinkel Acker dark. Sadly, Dinkel Acker is no longer imported into the U.S. I have a 12-pack in the pantry that I can't bring myself to open yet.
Natural Light. So easy to drink, keeps you with a steady, manageable buzz, poundablility factor is high, and nobody will steal it from you. Kirin Ichiban: A beautiful beer, tastes way heavier than it goes down, tastes great with meals (like the Sushi I'm about to go eat) Magic Hat No. 9: Awesome concert beer. Taste is preserved whether it is ice cold or butt warm. Awesome to have in the fridge while entertaining non-beer drinkers (if I'd let them in my home.)
Abita is great if you live in Lousiana/southern Mississippi. Abita Amber is a favorite, but they have all kinds and great seasonals for the whole year. Their rootbeer is also awesome and is made with Louisiana cane sugar instead of corn syrup.
Oberon is fantastic but like many on here I will be honest and say Bud Light is my choice. I am in need of help now, though. I have just recently lost my job (last Friday) and am unemployed for the first time in 19 years. The wife and I are looking to cut expenses. She looks at the beer as a waste of money altogether. I do not understand that and will not quetstion her for I do not like confrontations. Anyway I am not wanting any sympathy, I am just wondering if my choice to change to Busch Lite is a good one. So far I have saved lots of money but I sometimes seem to get a bit larger buzz off of the Kroger brand bottled water. Any help would be great.
This is my new baby since moving to Shreveport, LA. Prior to moving here, and I don't give a fuck what any of you say, my "California Sins" were washed clean with the following PA: When I was younger, ages 14 - 18, the only beer I ever drank was this glorious swill at 99 cents/32 oz: