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"Those Summer Niiigghhts"

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by walt, Aug 3, 2019.

  1. walt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009

    I'm probably showing my age with this reference.

    The other day I was thinking about all the stuff we did on Summer break from school. We camped out several nights a week, sometimes as a means to having a few underage beers. But we did so much more, and man, the time flew.

    Now kids sit on their asses playing Fortnight all day or big about the heat, bugs, etc. when forced to go outdoors.

    Focus: Memories of Summers from your earlier years.

    Alt focus: If you got the chance to bang some hot Australian chick you never saw again, that'll work too.
  2. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I remember we'd sneak onto the golf course my friend live near and smoke down in one of the tunnel paths under the road. Back in high school when I smoked, weed my lung capacity was shit and I volcano the fuck out of the bowl one night at the course. I was nick named Senor Volcano from then on. Then there was the car cruising listening to Bone Thugs non stop. Given the shit we pulled driving Im in firm belief the driving age should be 25. I wasn't with them but a group of my friends got hammered one night and decided doing a lawn job on every lawn around the entire neighborhood was a peach of an idea. It was the valedictorian driving his pick up while a few others road in the bed swinging bats at mailboxes.

    Besides that every waking moment was devoted to trying to get girls naked.
  3. walt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    There was one night a bunch of us were camping down the "The Swamp" and decided to just wanted around our little town in the wee hours of the night, helping ourselves to whatever was in the neighbors' gardens. Just stupid kid stuff, making jack o'lanterns out of immature pumpkins, throwing the guts at each other...but it makes me laugh still.

    We did a lot of stupid shit like thag. It seemed so "bad" at the time, but it was really harmless.
  4. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    Oh dear, memory lane....

    Usual weekend nights were cruising and street racing for a few hours while figuring out where the party was that particular night. There were like 10-15 places that we'd have bon fires and the kids would congregate. Sometimes they were only 4WD accessible so we'd have to pile into someone's truck to get there . Once there it was usually pretty low key....150 people or so around a bon fire drinking.

    Violence was unusual, but it did occur. One night I saw my best friend wrestling an axe away from some redneck...I found out a bit later that the redneck swung the axe at me because I was talking to his girlfriend. It all turned out well (At least for me) because she and I scurried off into the bushes after the ruckus and fucked like folks that just had some dummy try to end them with an axe.

    Another memory...a buddy stumbled away from the fire to piss and damn near pissed on me. I let him know I was there sitting in the bushes and he naturally asked "What the fuck are you doing sitting in the bushes?"

    I answered him "Dude...Sumo was starting to look good to me, I had to get away before I did something stupid."

    Sumo was a girl, she was a bit overweight but always dressed nice and presented herself well. I feel bad in retrospect about calling her Sumo (As in Sumo wrestler), but in those days I was not about to have the shame of sleeping with Sumo on my head. So I sat in the bushes trying to clear my beer goggles.

    (A couple years later I didn't have any bushes to escape to and found myself in a compromising position with Sumo. I will say this, she had some awesome titties under all those pretty wrappings. Dear God...she's probably a grandmother now.)
  5. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    My memory is simply all that free fucking time I had. The time to do nearly whatever you want, there was no rigid responsibility to get up early for. If you had twenty bucks it was all the money you needed in the world. There were no perverts out to get me, my parents didn’t get arrested for letting me walk to the store.

    ... in fact, if they wanted cigarettes, I COULD BUY THEM FOR THEM. A child. They just wrote a note:


    -HIS MOM”

    ...and that’s all the trust that was required. There was such a carefree innocence to summer back then. Then, you become a teenager and the fuckin’ parties started. BUSH BASHES as we called them, my friends. Three hundred drunk teenagers in a forest somewhere on the outskirts of down, then everybody drove home. Or my friend would piss a group of assholes off and he’d clean their clocks with a shock absorber.

  6. wexton

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    North Coast BC
    Just the free time with no cares in the world. You spent all the time you could outside because when you live in Northern Canada, comes fall/winter, it is dark out early, so you enjoy it as much as you can when you can. Then comes winter is when you stay inside and play video games. Couple bucks would go along way in getting candy.