Inspired by the drunk thread: Focus: Shitty movies you can't turn off when they are on tv. My pick was Armageddon, which is objectively an awful piece of shit, but I just have to watch it when it comes on tv. Cannot help it. Alt-Focus: Popularly good movies you can't stand watching. I've tried to watch The Lord of the Rings movies. They're insanely popular and won Oscars. I'm a geek, and I keep getting told I would love them, but I can't make it 45 minutes into one without falling asleep or turning it off.
What is there NOT to love about that movie? It's the perfect summer blockbuster, with shit for plot... and if you can't enjoy it for what it is, then I don't know what to say... other than you have no soul.
Focus: Roadhouse. I'm probably gonna catch shit for this but you know it's a bad fucking movie. When it's on though, I always watch it. And Sam Elliott is in it and that makes it ok for me. "Pain don't hurt."
Elephant in the room is Sharknado, but I don't think it counts because it was designed to be a so-shitty-it's-great movie. I think in order to qualify for this thread, the movie should probably be written with serious intent. This is the first thing that comes speeding to mind:
The Princess Bride. My god is that movie awful. The only reason I watched the whole thing is my idiot neckbeard friend told me it was amazing. I was not amazed.
The Replacements My dad didn't have cable, so when we were up at his place every other weekend it was this, The Lord of The Rings, or The Antiques Roadshow essentially. I learned a lot of random shit from the roadshow, and TLOTR is legitimately good. The Replacements is only good because of Brooke Langton and my Stockholm Syndrome-like affinity for it. I could probably still recite it word for word though.
So I just made this point, verbally, to The Husband. "You take that back. Right now. You blasphemous whore." Soooo he has strong feels about this. However I agree with you. Tombstone. Bad movie...but once it's on, I'm gonna watch it. Also, on the subject of Armageddon. I hate that fucking movie. I hate the soundtrack. I hate the cinematography. I hate the themes. I hate all of it. ExH2 had an obsession with that movie. He identified with the Harry character to the point that when he quoted his life philosophies, he quoted Harry. He really identified with the martyr theme of Harry dying like he did. So he'd watch it. On repeat. Jesus. For girl movies - How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. 13 Going on 30. I love Mark Ruffalo. And Machete. OH! Taken. I'll watch that, horrible as it is...though I love me some Liam Neeson snapping necks. edit: ExH2 also had an obsession with Pearl Harbor. Again with the heroism/martyr/dying themes.
Wasn't he Batman? Gravy, it was well after the wedding day. If I'd had any luck, he'd've overdosed and offed himself and saved me the trouble of actually divorcing him.
Poor Batman. Hollywood hated him until Christian Bale showed up. And Christopher Nolan. It's hard for me to take Batman seriously as a superhero when his original series was "KA-POW!" "SHA-ZAAM!" and pun-ariffic.
I've got a couple I can think of: Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. Ditto on The Replacements. A Knight's Tale. Love this movie. Not Another Teen Movie. The jokes are obvious, the performances are over the top, and I watch it. Every. Fucking. Time. It's on. Roadhouse. I'm Gonna Get You Sucker. The Glimmer Man. I'll save you the trouble, they're all complete shit. I know. As far as the Batman franchise, Keaton was the best, Bale was second, and the rest don't actually exist except in some twisted figment of my addled imagination.
Focus: I still like both Probelm Child movies. Hell, I'll even watch the third one, which was made-for-tv and awful even compared to the first two. I loved The Faculty when I saw it when it first came out, in 7th grade. It's basically like The Breakfast Club having to fight off aliens who are taking over their high school (and eventually the world). The movie still holds up well to me. I saw 21 & Over for the first time a few months ago and thought that it was hilarious. Alt-Focus: Not too long ago I re-watched Lost In Translation when it was still on Netflix. The first time I saw it was my freshman year of college and I didn't like it then, but I wanted to give it a second look. It was just as bad as I remember. Bill Murray's and Scarlett Johansson's characters have zero depth and the movie mocks the Japanese from start to finish, but in a pathetic, unfunny manner. I know that movie critics are dumb, but I still can't believe that all but one Top Critic on Rotten Tomatoes gave this film a positive review. I like the James Bond movies, but aside from the only four really awful ones (License to Kill, The World is Not Enough, Die Another Day, Quantum of Solace), the least enjoyable entries of the series to me were six of the films that receive the most praise: From Russia with Love, Goldfinger, On Her Majesty's Secret Service, The Spy Who Loved Me, Casino Royale (2006), and Skyfall. In some cases these movies had positives like a good bond girl, a good villain or henchman, or a good performance from the actor who played Bond, but they were also very slow paced and incredibly boring. I don't understand how they're supposed to be more entertaining than the other ones that Connery and Moore did or Brosnan's first two.
This movie ROCKED in a big way. The absolute best part, though, was the DVD special features on it. Turns out that they filmed it in the Czech Republic, and that jousting was fucking REAL. The 45 minutes of the raw jousting footage was insanely entertaining.