I'm a big fan of theChive and they just started doing a podcast and one of the things they do with their token guest is ask three post apocalyptic questions. They're only a couple of episodes in but the answer have been pretty amusing so far. Focus: The world is basically over and you have a DVD player and only one DVD to watch for the rest of your time alive. What is it and why? You have the task of repopulating the world with one female. Who is it and why? You've started to hallucinate and go just a little bit crazy. Which iconic person from history would you want to have your hallucinogenic visions with and talk to?
1. For the movie I'd have either Dr. Strangelove or Its a Mad Mad Mad Mad World. Or Maybe the Time Enough At Last episode of the Twilight Zone. Spoiler Yeah, that feels about right. 2. This question doesnt really have an answer. You could start the world with the hottest woman alive but eventually the human race will just be a bunch of bumbling retards drowning in their own drool after eons of inbreeding. With that said, I pick Bea Arthur. 3. I'm going with Charles Manson. At least it would be a captivating hallucination to keep me my mind off foraging for food, potable water, bits of scrap for shelter, and constantly contemplating suicide. Bump.
For a movie either Citizen Kane, Dances with Wolves or Dazed & Confused. For repopulating? Octo-Mom. You can't miss. Historical character: H.P Lovecraft. He needs to know that he gave birth to the entire modern horror/sci-fi platform, all posthumously. And I want to know why the fuck what's-his-name turned the Alert back TOWARDS Cthulhu I mean DaFaq, dude??!?!
1. I would choose Some Like it Hot. If I was forced to pick my favorite movie, that would be it. I just never get tired of it. Plus, it has a little bit of everything - comedy, romance, action, music - so it could satisfy different cravings. 2. Jason Jones. I've had a crush on him since I was 16 and he just keeps getting sexier. Unlike a couple other of my celebrity crushes, I think I'd actually enjoy hanging out with him. He's funny, smart, creative, and down to earth, so we'd probably be able to make the most of it together. And, I think our genes would mix well to create the new human race. 3. Salvador Dali. I can't think of anyone else who would be better to go crazy with. He just fits the role of "best pal hallucination" so well.
Dazed and Confused. It's one of the only movies I've watched 200+ times and I'm not tired of it yet. Hugh Jackman. He's intelligent, funny, and talented. And hot. Willie Nelson. He's so talented and awesome. He'd be a fun person to be around hallucinating.
1) Supertroopers or Boondock Saints. I've never gotten sick of either of them no matter how many times I watch them. 2) Milla Jovovich. She is ridiculously talented and intelligent. It doesn't hurt she is easy on the eye either. She'd make up for any of my failings. 3) Genghis Khan. Arguably the greatest military mind in history and built the largest empire the world has ever seen.
1. Either Goodfellas or Dazed and Confused. I've watched both 100s of times and will watch them 100s of times more. They've both got enough going on where you can watch it from different perspectives every time. 2. Whoever is the equivalent of a female Les Stroud. I'm going to need some help if we're actually going to survive this thing. 3. Mark Twain. He would be hilarious in addition to being very smart. Might even teach me how to river boat.
1. Groundhog Day. Topical, dark without being TOO dark, funny, and inspirational. All this, plus it has personal meaning and inspiration tied into it. 2. I won't say "my wife" since that misses the point. Also, beauty becomes relative at this point. I base this answer on the fact that this is the one woman I need to talk to for the rest of my life. Taking the above into consideration, I pick Alice Munro, because she's a fucking genius. 3. I would want to hallucinate Jesus. It's really something of a double-play -- you get the interesting conversation plus a bit of extra zeal if it comes down to a survival situation.
1. Grosse Pointe Blank. Best collection of topical one liners in any movie ever. 2. Mila Kunis. Smart, hot, funny, hot, and has now been proven to be breedable. Also, hot. 3. Gary Paulsen. He wrote Hatchet, and we're both from Minneapolis, so he could give me survival tips while we chat about home. In a halucinatory way.
1. Fight Club or the original Ghostbusters. For some reason anytime I come across either of those movies, I have to watch them. 2. Katy Perry. Her most recent endeavor has led me to believe she has some sort of control over both land and sea creatures, which would come in handy if we're the only two people left. Plus, boobies. 3. Jim Morrison, just because we could end up in a never-ending loop trying to figure out which one of us is actually hallucinating and who invited the naked indian.
1. Going to have to go with The Lion King. Yeah, I know. But weirdly, I could watch that opening scene especially ten million times over and still enjoy it. 2. I'm going to go for a weird pick for this one, too. Selena Gomez. I will make her the finest deerskin and fox-pelt clothes. And she's young, so breeding should be a wide window of opportunity. But if we gotta do the whole making our kids fuck to continue the population, to be honest I'd just want to kill myself. Might as well meet my species's extinction on my own terms. Selena can do whatever she wants at that point. 3. Probably Teddy Roosevelt. He'd be like a Force ghost of pure, unadulterated testosterone and wisdom.
1. Idiocracy. To remind me why the world probably ended. 2. Barbra Bush: The anti-boner. Because I hate humanity and don't want it to continue with my rage filled, hateful offspring. 4. Pete Carroll. I appreciate all he's done, but Jesus jumping Christ I want to kick him in the balls repeatedly for that play call.
1. Ghostbusters. For whatever stupid reason this movie never gets old. 2. Charlize Theron. She's just weird enough that I think she'd understand me. I'd spend the entire time trying not to think about Sean Penn though. Fuck it, I'm stealing Milla Jovovich from Bundy Bear. 3. Maynard James Keenan. The guy owes over half of his career to hallucinating. He could show me some things.
Dvd: You guys have made a lot of great calls, I'll echo Supertroopers, Groundhog Day, Dazed and Confused, or Back to the Future. Girl: Taylor Swift. I hate her so much. The hate sex would be awesome. Also, she could write songs about me, and have no one to play them to. I suspect that would be as close to the torture she puts me through every time I see her insipid face or hear her insipid songs. Historical Figure: Leonardo Da Vinci. That guy saw things no one else saw without drugs, God only knows what he sees on them.
Rush in Rio, live concert That way I get my favorite music, too, including one of the best captured versions of my favorite song, La Villa Strangiato Nina Dobrev She's beautiful, seems fun, speaks multiple languages and is young enough. (I'd rather choose Morena Baccarin, since she's the most beautiful woman in the world, but too old for the long-term task, I think.) Abraham Lincoln. Dude had a lot going for him, and would be a good listener. Also, he wouldn't try to move on my action with Nina.
1. Pulp Fiction. 2. I'm telling myself Jennifer Lawrence has those qualities. 3. I have to go with DaVinci too... if he wasn't tripping before, just imagine what the ultimate Renaissance man would be like then. Him or Ben Franklin, because he had the revolutionary patriot edge on top of being the ridiculous inventor type.
1. Predator. I have been watching this movie since I was a child and I'm not sick of it yet. Fuck yeah. 2. Jennifer Lawrence. Who the fuck cares. She's hot, seemingly entertaining and not built like a bag of golf clubs. Good enough. 3. John Wayne. Who the hell else?
1. Starship Troopers. If I could pick a trilogy it would be Lord of the Rings. 2. Salma Hayek. No explanation needed. 3. Albert Einstein. Cause if I am tripping balls, why not learn some shit?
Well seeing as he isn't actually there and you're just imagining talking to him then yeah, you are the crazy one.