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The Titty Bar: God's Gift or Satan's Spittoon?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Blue Dog, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. Blue Dog

    Blue Dog
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    Absentee Mod

    Oct 19, 2009
    South Louisiana
    Yesterday I was talking to one of my friends about an upcoming bachelor party, and the subject of strip clubs came up. We talked about it and whatnot, I went home, and didn't think anything else about it until this morning.

    Then, for some reason, I got to thinking this morning, and I had an epiphany:

    Holy crap- I don't like going to titty bars.

    Now hear me out- I love naked women. They are the best thing that has ever happened in the history of everything. And I like going to bars and getting drunk. That too is great and wonderful and lovely.

    But its in the mixing of the two where I start to turn against the idea. You have a bunch of generally empty-souled women who are trying to bleed you out of every dime you have while pretending to find you interesting. Think about how you would approach the same situation if it were to happen in a regular bar- a very sluttily dressed woman comes up to you and just starts practically begging for you to buy her a drink. You are pretty sure that she is not into you and is just using you, and that nothing- sexual or otherwise- good will come of hanging out with her, so I would think that most people would just tell her to fuck off and concentrate their attention on something that might actually yield a positive experience.

    Now put that exact same situation at the titty bar, but now you know 100% that they are just using you for money, and that they probably hold you and every other guy in the place in contempt.

    Oh, but you get to see her tits. Yay. Maybe have her rub on you a little bit. Super.

    You can have the fake attention of a woman who will not sleep with you- all for the low-low price of $20 for however long a song lasts! Oh, and they'll throw in a nice beer special too- One Beer for the price of Twenty Four! Fucking where do I sign up?

    I don't know, I had never even thought about it before until now. Like most of you I would still agree: naked women= awesome. But the more I think about it, the more shady and pathetic the entire thing seems to me. I guess I would just like to spend my money of something, you know, good.

    So I ask yall:


    What are your thoughts on strip clubs? Do you enjoy them? Are the overrated?


    Something else I just thought of- there are a lot of you (me included) who would not pay someone for sex. How, in your opinions, does the act of paying for sex differ from paying for strippers? Isn't it the exact same thing, except without you actually getting laid? Discuss.
  2. bfj

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 20, 2009
    I know where you're coming from. In the town I work in, there's a once a month "appreciation night" at the local titty bar for the folks in my industry. Here's the deal...

    No cover, free drinks from 8-midnight, and they get food catered for the event. Literally, if you go to the bar and want 25 shots of Patron, it's free. They've had ribs, party subs, all kinds of shit. It's the most insane thing ever, especially considering that the amount of business that gets sent their way has to PALE in comparison to the amount we would all go and drink. The titties? They were a bonus, but we were all just stoked to get wasted and hang out with the hot girls we worked with that would fuck us, instead of wasting money on the ones that wouldn't.

    But any other night that that, I don't go unless it's a bachelor party for a buddy or something. It's good for a funny story here and there, and hey, who doesn't like to look at naked women, but I'd rather spend my $$ somewhere on a girl who might actually sleep with me later.

    Just my .02...
  3. jets22

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I'm fairly indifferent as far as strip clubs go in general. The fake attention I have to pay for from desperate, drugged-up women isn't exactly my ideal night out, but every once in a while with a close group of friends, it can be entertaining. Especially when the girls in the group are the most enthusiastic/curious about going.

    One thing I really don't get is the idea of hiring strippers at a bachelor party though. Sure, titties are awesome, but one or two naked strippers lap-dancing their way around a room full of guys while some 300 pound dude sits in the corner menacingly watching you seems forced and awkward. And at at least $100 bucks a head (unless you found her at a truck stop), why not put all that money towards something way more fun and memorable? Like stealing it from Frebis.
  4. Striding Man

    Striding Man
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    Average Idiot

    Nov 18, 2009
    I may have somewhat of a unique perspective on this topic, mainly because I spent 4 years working as security in Chicago's biggest titty-club. I started when I was 18, and within a year I was in charge of "stage production" and the head of security until I quit in at 22. I'm at work now but I'll get more into this and the shit that went down when I have more time later.
  5. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I eat lunch every Thursday at a strip club. They have a shitty buffet that costs $5. So I get a $5 lunch and get to stair at naked women. And if I'm feeling really frisky I can have one of them rub on my wiener for 10 minutes for $60. (Just make sure you bring a change of pants).

    What's not to love?

    Sure you aren't taking one home. You are paying for the scenery. And boobs, is a lot better than the shit that shows up at the bar normally.

    And if they werent stripping, what would they be doing to make money? We are keeping these ladies opff the streets!
  6. Kratos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    I hate strip clubs. There's just something about them that make me feel dirty and desparate. I would never pay for something involving women and sex; it's just not me. I'll go to them for a combination of two reasons.

    1) It's a buddy's birthday and he wants to go look at some fake titties.
    2) The comedy of the whole situation (especially the people watching of the creepy old dudes).

    The only other way I'll ever go is if I'm retarded drunk and accompanied by at least two women in our party.
  7. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    I like them. When I'm feeling like a failure, I can go to the strip club and remind myself at least I haven't had to resort to the pole.
  8. pterodactyl

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    Oct 19, 2009
    The only strip club I like is the around here that is open until 5 am and you can bring your own beer.

    If there's nothing else going on after the bars close, grab a case of beer and head to the strip club. $20 cover and $20 in ones to throw on stage and its not a terrible way to spend 2-3 hours of extra drinking time. Just as long as you aren't blacked out and end up dropping $100 on the private dances.

    Just don't point that out to them. They don't like
  9. PewPewPow

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I actually fucked around with a stripper for a couple months so my viewpoint is skewed. Yes I did meet her while she was on the job, bought a lapdance talked to her for a while, got her phone number, and then took her out to dinner a few days later. As if that wasn't cliche enough this chick was actually doing the stripper thing to go through college, she was decently smart, had an amazing body, and was always horny when she got off shift. Hands down hottest chick I've fucked without paying for it (although I guess that's debatable).
    When I was younger I fucked a couple hookers in Germany and Thailand. I really don't want to dive into the whole morality argument that goes along with paying for women to sleep with you, I figure it's a question of economics. The chick has the pussy, you have the cash, it's an exchange of goods and services.
    Would I still bang a hooker now given the chance? Doubtful, I've got more game now than I did then and understand that even a one night stand is more satisfying than a hooker. Although there was that threesome in Thailand...

    me love you long-time GI
  10. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Pretty much exactly how I feel, I'm cheap as fuck and spending that kind of cash on chicks that aren't remotely interested in anything but my wallet is not something I'm interested in. When you really look at it, you KNOW you're not getting any action from these girls so you're literally shelling out a lot of money for blue balls. I'll stick to porn, thank you.

    There's also those old creepy guys that sit by themselves who you know are there multiple times a week, seeing them just depresses me.
  11. lust4life

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    Their novelty wore off when I was still in college. Friends here make it an annual event called "Skanksgiving" where they go to strip clubs on the day before Thanksgiving, but I always passed. I'm with 'Sack and Frank. I could drink a boatload more booze elsewhere for a fraction of the cost, so that's what I did.
  12. caseykasem

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 6, 2010
    I've only been to a few strip clubs but I despise them. I hate the fake conversation and the fake attention they give you for your money. The prices are insane and the drink minimums are bullshit. In Colorado you can't have full nudes and alcohol in the same place. One time, a few friends and I took a buddy of our to one to "re-release him into the wild" (his girlfriend had just cheated on him). He couldn't stand it and we ended up haning out with three of the strippers outside of the club and they fulfilled every stereotype I've ever heard about strippers. One was working her way through college, another was addicted to meth, and another was beaten by her father and had a baby with a "client".

    I'm taking a friend to vegas for his 21st and he is dead set on going to a strip club. Without a doubt, there will be some hot ass bitches there but I'm still dreading paying to look at a set of tits.
  13. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I get depressed enough as it is looking at regular people. I don't need to go to a place where I need to wear sandals just to count the tangible emotional scars of a single individual.
  14. BL1Y

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Feb 7, 2010
    See if he'll go see a burlesque show instead. He'll get to see some titties and you'll at least have a plot to keep you entertained.
  15. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    Strip clubs are fun once every 2 - 3 years. And only in large groups, preferably to celebrate something, and preferably with girls in your group.

    Overall, I've always thought Tim Allen said it best:
  16. Pink Candy

    Pink Candy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    In my home state of NJ, it's illegal to sell alcohol at an all nude strip club. If I'm going to pay all this money to see a woman with emotional scars dance around a pole, they're going to be naked, goddammit. But, you're allowed to bring your own beer, so, a few beers, jiggly bits, what's not to like?

    If I was single and had some girl grinding on me, I'd go home supremely frustrated. The times I've gone I was involved with my husband so at least I got to take out my pent up sexual tension on someone.
  17. silway

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Montreal strip clubs are pretty awesome. I think you need to go with a group of friends as a special occasion thing, but they were a blast. Drink, talk, watch naked women, maybe get a dance with some spectacularly nonexistant rules. It's a good time. And this one dancer was straight up better at pole work than Cirque performers and Burlesque dancers in Vegas. Amazing.
  18. Zazz

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    Experienced Idiot

    Mar 1, 2010
    I tried to write about the sheer awesome that is Costa Rican strip clubs, but I can't do it justice. Have you ever seen a girl shove a just-opened beer bottle up the snizz, gyrate around, and shoot said beer out of said snizz at the front row? That's the b-squad warm up. I never liked strip clubs in the states, nor would I ever buy a hooker, but my outlook on that has changed while down here. It's cheap, and these girls are gorgeous. They fly in from Colombia and Venezuela to help feed their families; I'd feel bad if I didn't do my part, and their butts.
  19. zyron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I don't mind going to a strip club every two or three years but would never want to go more than that. The worst strip club I have ever been was one that I went to with a bunch of friends when I went to UConn and it was right down the road (can't remember name of it). God where the girls there ugly, overweight and old. It was a friends birthday and we were all throwing our money in front of him so the girls would dance for him and we got yelled at by a black dancer cause we were looking too. Bitch, you just saw us throw are money down.

    Went to a strip club in Vegas once and you had to buy 3 drinks when you walked in. Me and my friend each had 3 drinks in front of us and they weren't cheap. I usually don't get lap dances but the most beautiful Hawaiin girl came up to me and I could not say no, she was that hot. It was a very expensive, but very nice lap dance.

    On our way back to Vegas from Death Valley we stopped at one of the brothels to check it out. We had a couple drinks at the bar with the prostitutes around and then 2 of them gave us a tour of their specialty rooms (dungeon room, bubble room,etc). I looked around at the other guys that were there and saw nothing but ugly, fat, old, and all around disgusting looking human beings and there was no way I am paying to sleep with someone who would fuck those guys.
  20. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    I have no issue with them. I have a friend that owns 2 though so when I do go (haven't been in like 1-2 years) I guess I get special treatment so that may have something to do with it. Free drinks can do that.

    The first time I went to one of his I fell in love with "Jenna". She was just smoking hot with long brown hair that hung in big loose curls down her back, she smelled so good and her ass was amazing. I always sit at the rack when it was her turn and she'd pay some extra attention to me, I don't care if it was for the ones or not. She'd come and sit with us and talk to me about normal everyday shit. Kinda weird but she's human too.

    Anyway, she was always little touchy feely with me off stage too. There was one night specifically we were leaving, she gave me the most sensual 100% naked hug. I smelled her hair and told her I wish I could take her home in my pocket. Subtle mixed with some funny. I've got skillz. Needless to say it never happened but I still think about her and this was years ago. I've never been that attracted to a female before. She left a lasting impression.