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The TiB Post Hall Of Fame

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Crown Royal, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    With the recent kudos being given about the TiB and RMMB over the past couple of weeks, it reminds me how sad it is the all the great material in the RMMB is pretty much in the wind and we won't get it back. We still have a more-than-hilarious collection of shtick in this place, some things so out of left field they would put Seth MacFarlane to shame. I was having fun with the "Search" option yesterday reliving some of the most gaspingly hilarious posts on here (can't use quote tags):

    Booze, football and Bluedog make for a great job channelling Rex Ryan:
    "Oh! Oh! Oh, YEEAAAH! That's right, Zyron! You friggin' Throw those feet into my slut wife! You throw 'em in there just like Nacho does into quadruple coverage! MEN! Watch this! His big toe is the the size of Santonio's enchilada negro! That's great hustle!
    (Slaps Zyron on the ass. HARD.)"

    Allord telling ballsack how to score shegirl:
    "Don't fret, Ballsack, she's just lying to hide her vulnerabilities. She doesn't want to let out the long held secret that the fastest way to turn a woman on and cause her to jump you and ravage you senseless is to have athlete's foot-flavored kisses. A woman's nose and tongue are wired directly to their loins, and that's why so many women involuntarily hump the air when you shove rancid meat in their faces, and can't help but make out with a man who knows how to exude the manly stench of dominance from his pores.
    Wanna get laid, Ballsack? First, slice a large onion in half and rub the exposed rings under your armpits. Then crush a few cloves of garlic and drop them into your blazer. Go to Shegirl's house, neatly take off your clothes and fold them on the sidewalk. Then knock over her trashcans and roll around in the glorious debris. Put your blazer back on and your tie, but don't bother with anything else, and don't bother buttoning up the blazer, since you'll just be ripping it off again in a minute. Walk up to her front door with a large hunk of bleu cheese, knock sensuously on her door, and take a huge mouthful of cheese as she answers.
    "Mmmmfffk mmmffkk mmm?" You'll ask her, as you erotically spray her with crumblets of moldy cheese. Be sure to punctuate this statement with some vulgar thrusts to illustrate the incredible floppy masculinity you possess.
    I personally guarantee she will shatter your pelvis with the sheer force of the ensuing moments of primal behavior."

    ballsack being ballsack:
    "Good to see where principle ranks on your list of's somewhere between "run of the mill whore" and "gaping asshole receiving multiple cocks festered with HPV". You're crazy....I have gotten up, laughed, and walked out."

    effinshenanigans showing his love for Facebook:
    "I've always felt that Facebook is the equivalent of giving someone a bullhorn, one of those super long fold-out wallet picture holders, and a bunch of acid.
    Some people take all of that and sit quietly. Every now and then, they mutter something through the bullhorn and just leave the picture fold-out open if anyone is interested enough to stop by and check it out. They don't like acid, either, so they just toss that into the grass.
    Others drop all of the acid right away (perhaps even dig some up from the grass that belonged to people who tossed it) and start screaming every vapid thought into the bullhorn while they hurl their picture wallet at people passing by. That way, when the other person stops and says, "Why the fuck did you throw this at me?" they can have an excuse to show them every picture in there.

    FOCUS: Your favourite TiB posts and quotes of all: the most famous laughs shared , or the ones we missed.
  2. Angel_1756

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    The Big Four-Oh

    Oct 21, 2009
    The T-dot O-dot one-of-a-kind
    Any number of Black Jesus' posts will have me in stitches. Hell, this is one of the recent ones. I laughed my ass off at the *slap slap*.

  3. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    I can't remember the quotes that I have thought were "the best." A bunch of you idiots make me laugh, though, which is the main reason I visit this site. If there was a way to read the rep I've sent, I could go back and check those posts, but I don't know how to do that.

    FOCUS: Your favourite TiB posts . . .

    Every new Boobie thread post is my favorite.
  4. Crazy Wolf

    Crazy Wolf
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    A little over a year ago in the Christmas Drunk Thread, there was an exchange between Dcc001 and $100T2. I feel it captured the spirit of this place perfectly.
  5. dixiebandit69

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The asshole of Texas
    Dcc001 can always be depended on for intelligent, well thought out posts, same as PIMPTRESS. Also, they posted in the bikini thread, which is a huge plus.
    (Side note: Why was that thread allowed to drop off the page? Can one of you Tibettes revive it?)

    SUAPYG was a total asshole on the old board, but now that he's not a mod he seems alright.
    Whenever I see that he's posted something new, I make it a point to read it.
    Ditto with Aetius.

    Crown Royal's posts always make me laugh, and he's got good taste in music.

    And I'll second Ballsack's nomination.

    Sorry I don't have any actual quotes to go with this, I've never bothered saving any.
  6. Trakiel

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    Call me Caitlyn. Got any cake?

    Nov 3, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    Am I doing it right?