Some of my friends have just discovered bro tips and in particular, the one pictured about your third thing. There's currently an ongoing discussion of the third thing rule. With things like 'Short, Blonde, Always going on about dinosaurs' or 'Tall, Hippy chick, obsessed with guys with beards' or 'short, glasses, king of random stories' doing the rounds, the rule pretty much holds true. Apparently the general description of me is 'Big Bald Pervert', which is probably fair enough. Focus: What's your third thing?
What I'd like to think my third thing is: Smart, funny, decent looking What my friends would probably say: Funny, a little crass, there's an album called "57 photos of [effinshenanigans] eating pork chops" on Facebook
My three things are either Funny, Asshole, Loves analogies / overuses them way too much. or Asshole, Funny, Loves ranting advice at people who didn't ask for it.
Redhead and tattooed are almost always my first two descriptors. If you can't figure it out from there, the third descriptor is generally something about me being a frightening queen bitch. I have a short temper, I get scary angry a lot. And I never got that warm, fuzzy personality thing down. Oh well.
My #3 words are either "Feisty" or "Opinionated", often joined with hand-gesture air-quotes meant to imply that the real word they're looking for is "bitchy". Or "nerdy". I get nerdy a lot.
The first two are usually tall and/or thin. Depending on who you're talking to my third thing is usually arrogant, or dickhead. Those are the people I don't talk to... But I am a busy man so I'm going to go find a campfire to drink alone at.
Lately it's hot, smart, and quirky. I'm thinking I'm probably mostly the latter and not so much the first two.
That rule is so true and I'm glad that it exists. I felt weird nominating one for myself but then I became genuinely curious as to what mine is, so I asked my two best friends. One responded: "You know [Audreymonroe]: The Hair*, kinda quiet, but then she's surprisingly funny and witty?" And then a minute later she texted again, saying "That, or '...who always ends up either being awkward or getting herself into an awkward situation?" *I have a lot of curly hair. The other (male) friend didn't offer up the first two, but responded only with the third: "DSL."
"You know, ghetto, tall, blond, always finds ways to not-so-subtly compliment himself in conversation?"
Is that where it came from? I thought people were talking to me about a few of the dwarves when they said, "grumpy, sleepy and dopey."
I asked two people. 1. Sweet, funny, amazon woman. 2. Mischievous, ornery, goddess I think they may be biased. Or drunk.
I just got "awesome, pretty, and intelligent". As a male, I'm not quite sure how to take the second one. Then I look in a mirror and remember. Spoiler