I don't have a dog in the fight but my hatred for the Niners runs deep so Go Chiefs I guess. What are your plans? What's on the menu? Will you watch the commercials more than the game? Or the halftime show? I'm watching for the game and commercials. I hope to be surprised by the halftime show, like I was last year. We're making some wings, drinking something vodka related and OH, for once I took Monday off as a personal day. Hell yeah. Anyway, boobs, butts and stuff too.
We have some friends moving in a couple weeks, so we're having them over for the night. Haven't used my Green Egg in a while, so will probably smoke some ribs. There's also a deli near us that does they amazing calzones so we ordered one of those to cook and chop up. I am not really in the mood lately to host anyone or do anything whatsoever, but my wife is looking forward to it so whatever. Also I'm hoping Taylor Swift spontaneously combusts before the game so I don't have to hear about her every 5 minutes.
That's why I'm watching, too. Actually, I'm going to be watching with a group of friends and family, and there probably won't be much of that. I dunno. Depends on how much they drink, I guess.
I'm just excited for everyone getting triggered from T-Swizzle being on tv for all of 14 combined seconds. Also I really wanna see what mahomes bitches about this time. Don't care who wins, good guys on either team. I'd like to see both mahomes and shanahan lose though, so dub for me no matter what.
I don't give two shits about sports, but I ALWAYS root against San Francisco. I've never been there, but I've never heard anything about the place that I would consider "good," other than "It's a beautiful city!" What I HAVE heard, is that it's 1) OVERPRICED, 2) DIRTY, 3) crowded, 4) It's a part of California's oppressive government, and of course 5) "It's full of faggots and hippies!" (I heard that last one from my parents a lot growing up) Bottom line: San Francisco sounds like California's Austin, or Austin is a wannabe San Francisco. At least I can say I legitimately don't like Austin, because I've actually been there many times. Who knows, maybe if I went to San Francisco, I'd like it?* *Probably not.
Fun fact.... I was drinking the Fresca secret flavor that came out a couple months ago. It was like a grape lemon something or other. Legit thought I was dying because my shit started to turn green. Couldn't figure it out until i googled "What turns your poop green?" and realized purple food dyes can do it.
I am in it for the Deadpool 3 trailer. Air fryer ribs (40 minutes, 400 degrees,) are the plan, and I'll do some wings slathered in curry sauce on the smoker. I cannot emphasize how lovely these ribs are...easy as fuck, and I'll use a skewer to hold them "standing up" (ie, bones vertical) in the shape of my gf's initials. They come out like meat candy....baby back, not the thicker style. I got my first haircut in 4 years yesterday, and the guy doing it asked me if I'd like some "layering"....I said ok, and later Googled it. The Rachel. The motherfucker gave me The Rachel. Me, a 6 ft. 230 lb. bearded white dude and Jennifer Anniston HAPPEN to have the same hair color, and he thought...well, close enough! My gf was cackling, since she recommended the guy.
I think Nett should bestow the title of "The Rachel"on downndirty now. Also, ribs in an air fryer? You would have to turn in your man card for that here in the south.
How long was it? I can go from a buzz cut to past the middle of my back in under 3 years. Spoiler I cut it to donate summer 2020
Many of my friends as well as our sons have never seen me with anything than a buzz cut. The last time I decided to let it grow out, I made it two months without a haircut and couldn’t stand it anymore. But in that time, people seemed amazed to see me with hair. I still think about growing it out, but my hair is thick and it would be a bushy pain in my ass.
I’m still recovering from this week’s garage night on Thursday - beer, bourbon, edibles, a couple of different kinds of weed, and cigars were drank, eaten and smoked. Tonight We’ve got a Mardi Gras party. Our neighbor is a Louisiana native and they throw a great one every year, so I’m looking forward to it. They’re making hurricanes, gumbo, crawfish and a king cake and everyone coming will bring another side dish. Then we’re having folks at our house for the Super Bowl tomorrow, like we do every year. I’ll make a couple of different kinds of chili and some cornbread. The friends on our annual invite list always bring some interesting smoked meat, dips and homemade bread. I’m not sure how much longer I can keep this up, but for now I’m keeping myself entertained.
Whoop whoop! Mardi Gras, yes! I'm back in my hometown enjoying it now. We paraded Thursday night, last night, and are going downtown again tonight. My kid has never experienced so much culture. Bright lights, funnel cake air, loud music, dancing in the streets, bands blasting. It's just the best. And bastardized Eggs Benedict every morning. Can you tell I'm having fun? Spoiler
Try before you deny. I use a Ninja Foodi, so more of a toaster oven than air fryer, but...you can't grill or smoke them in less than an hour and have them turn out that good. The fuck is a man card? I am fucking too much to stand outside for hours.
I've kept my hair pretty short for years since I'm lazy and it took me about 20 secs to "do" my hair but since I don't need to wake up and look presentable everyday anymore I grew it out a little bit. After a few glasses of wine the other night, the wifey wanted to see if she could give me a French braid.