I posted this in the Youtube thread, but I rarely look at that cesspool of a thread, so therefore the same must be true of most of you. So here is contest I have started. Fun fact: I have hooked up with the 3rd cousin (a girl assholes) of one person mentioned in the song and my mom was best childhood friends with another. Guess which two and win a prize* *there is no real prize. But I will acknowledge you in my signature forever. Focus: Guess who those two are. Alt-Focus: In what other ways are your kind of famous? Have you been on TV ever, even as an extra? Do you know Clint Eastwood?
Bump, this should be good. Lyrics here, Wiki here Eisenhower is one of them. I just have a feeling. edit: Ayatolla's in Iran. Your mom was friends with them, all.
Sally Ride is 58 and grew up in LA. I'd think that's a pretty good guess for your mom's best friend. Bernie Goetz is probably the youngest person mentioned in that song, so I wouldn't be surprised if you hooked up with his third cousin. You reach a point where everyone is just too old to be even tangentially related to anyone alive today (especially people in the demographic of this message board).
Your mother's childhood friend was a homeless vet and you hooked up with a space monkey's third cousin. No?
I had a friend in elementary school whose great uncle was Mel Brooks, too bad I didn't know or care who Mel Brooks was at the time.
In 1996, a young golfing prodigy named Tiger Woods played his first professional tournament, at the Greater Milwaukee Open. While this was happening, an 8-year-old BaseballGuyCAA's father took him to the tournament on Saturday. There, a cameraman for the local news interviewed my 8-year-old self, where I proclaimed (despite the fact that he had barely made the cut) in the cute way only a hopeful 8-year-old can, "I think Tiger Woods can win!" Three years later and this particular golfer was a superduperstar. The same father was taping his appearance on Oprah, when that clip from that local news interview was shown to millions of lonely Oprah-worshipping women worldwide. If anyone can find a copy of that show online, let me know. I'll be glad to point myself out.
Anti-Focus I got a headline on Jay Leno's Headlines in the spring of 1995. It actually was more ironic than funny, but it appeared on national TV none the less. It was a picture of parents protesting year-round schooling. The woman in the picture was holding a sign saying "Petition Against Year Round Schooling", except it actualy read (without edit): "PETIONS AGAINST YEARROUND SCHOOLING" Leno commented: "Judging by the way 'petitions' is spelled, maybe she SHOULD be going to school all year!" So, in some way, I made it on the Tonight Show. The other time was just this summer, when I won a Beer Commercial writing contest for Big Rock Breweries and had my commercial (which was about the fun of injuring your friends with illegal Lawn Darts) syndicated on air across Ontario (for only two fucking weeks).
Alt-Focus: Our old house was on the HGTV remodelling show Holmes on Homes - We had a cement (seriously) floor on our main level with footprints in it. They tore it out (and the toilet the former crew had cemented to the floor like idiots) and put in granite flooring.
I was on TV once, it was a kids show and I was selected from all the other kids in my primary school.I was chosen for adding 'and 1 second, 2 seconds' etc to my age. Hilarious! Our family knew Eartha Kitt too.
If your mom was friends with Roy Cohn you have to get her to tell some stories. What that colossal asshole was like as a child has to be entertaining.
Alt Focus: I was on a cult welsh sitcom as an extra when I was little, apparantly under 5 if the episode description is right. All I remember is an old man in sandwich board, and my job along with a bunch of other kids was to beat the shit of this guy, and then attack a woman who came to help him. Fun times. I tried looking for clips but it's too obscure, I'm gutted, if my memory serves me right I was wearing the cutest pair of stripy shorts.
I wish my mom was friends with Davy. But she never put out, so there wouldn't have been as cool a story. Nailed it first. Alt-focus Being from LA and going to Malibu High, I have a shitload of stories. I saw Brooke Shields tittie feeding in church, and then held her hands during a prayer. (This was at Arnold Schwarzenegger's church, saw him a shit load and my mom taught his kids at sunday school. ). I was also nearly hit by Mel Gibson dropping his kids off at school late. I could go on with the celebushit.
I played with Phil Keoghan (the host of the Amazing Race) when I was a kid. He is from New Zealand and worked with my dad. Also, I am related to Jerry Collins. There is no resemblance because he is my cousins cousin (it still counts).
I grew up in the San Fernando Valley, so plenty of experience with this. My parents were friends with Aaron Spelling and my sister was given a lot of expensive hand-me-downs from them. I went to high school with Sinbad's son, Alfonso Ribeiro's (Carlton from Fresh Prince) daughter, the girl from Spy Kids Alexa Vega, and a number of other stars/kids related to stars. I've met Brian McKnight, Tommy Lasorda, and Cal Ripken. Best family story though comes from my uncle who works as a priest at a church in Hollywood (go ahead and get all the pedophile jokes out of the way). One mass he made a negative reference to Tom Cruise. The next day he received a letter from Tom Cruise's mother stating that she was furious that he would make such horrible remarks about a man that he had probably never met and that she would never return or give support to the church again. His only comment: "Well, there's one less person I have to worry about offending."
My mom works with Joe Girardi's cousin. My mom thought that her story about Joe helping the person who got into the car accident the night of them winning the world series was news. I knew that story days before her, and that is my biggest claim to fame. OH, I also have a Chad Hennings signed football card. I am lame.
My sister and her husband were on this past season of 'Here Come the Newlyweds.' They didn't win. My mom works for Garry Maddox of Philadelphia Phillies fame - one of the 1980 World Series Champs. I know, I am like Hollywood royalty.
I am somehow related to the ape conservationist Jane Goodall through my grandma on my father's side. The same side of the family also owned the renowned "Rookwood Pottery" in Cincinnati at some point in the early 1900's. I have never seen any sort of benefits from either fact.