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The Most Embarrassing Thing I've Ever Done is.....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JDTheHero, Apr 10, 2011.

  1. JDTheHero

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    Oct 19, 2009
    So I was on Facebook the other day and I got a friend request from someone I haven't spoken to in probably about 8 years. Now, I didn't go to school with this person, nor did I work with them. In fact, I did not have one social interaction with them outside of the AIM chatrooms that my federation set up on Friday nights.

    That's right, I said my "federation".

    I, like what I can only haphazardly assume should include many of yourselves, loved pro wrestling as a young lad. Stone Cold, The Rock, The Undertaker and Mankind were staples in TheHero household on Monday, Thursdays and the odd Sunday during my childhood. So, one day when I was scouring forums I found my online asylum. It was called e-fedding. Or Ewrestling. And at 13, it was the coolest thing I had come upon since Ballsack's mom's tits. (This may or may not have happened).

    What you did was create a wrestler, then do "roleplays" which were in essence, stories about your character's day to day life leading up to your feds show of the week. I did this for about 3 years, landing in, at the time, one of the internet's best run groups called the PTC, and the fed was Primetime Championship Wrestling.

    At the time, it was awesome. People looked up to your roleplays, you got to read about the awesome moves your characters did on the card and Poser was just coming to light as a great way to create realistic versions of what your character was depicted as in their biography. However, I did not dare let a single fucking sole I knew find out about it. Imagine, being in grade ten, and someone finding out you made a fake character on the internet that you wrote stories about and waited anxiously to find out if your creative writing assignments beat out the other guys creative writing assignments and see how some other pimply teenagers graded it to see if you won the match or not. My brother found out and held it over my head as blackmail for two years threatening to tell my soccer and hockey friends about it every time he wanted me to do something for him.

    Focus: What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? We all know some people had WoW accounts and tried online dating, but I'm talking single most embarrassing moment of your life.
  2. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009

    Attached Files:

  3. guernica

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    FOCUS I posted this is an earlier thread...

  4. Mild Sedative

    Mild Sedative
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    Village Idiot

    Oct 25, 2009
    After my GF tore her pcl, I was rubbing capzacin on her knee. Afterwards, I washed my hands, took a piss, and got in the shower. My GF got in there with me. As the hot water started hitting my junk, i noticed it started to sting. At this point I was freaking out because I thought I had an STD or something. Then my GF started saying that the back of her knee was starting to hurt, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. The tip of my dick was on fire. From what she told me, my face turned bright red and I started whimpering like a puppy. I jumped out of the shower and stuck my dick in the sink under cold water.

    Then, her suitemate rushed into the bathroom to see if someone was hurt. Wonderful. My dick burns like a lit match, and now this girl starts yelling at me because she thinks i'm rubbing one out into the sink.
  5. lhprop1

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I went to a soccer practice once. Granted, I was probably only 5 years old, but I'm still ashamed and embarrassed by my actions to this day.
  6. lust4life

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    I got crabs from a random hook-up in college. When I went to a Walgreen's off-campus to purchase a remedy, I grabbed an assortment of other stuff in the hopes that my primary purchase would be more discreet. I then milled about the front of the store until there were no more customers near checkout. As soon as I got to checkout and placed all my stuff on the counter, a girl that I knew from a few classes came up right behind me, said hello and started to engage me in conversation.

    Instead of just ringing my stuff up and placing it in the bag, checkout guy decides he's going to place each item under scrutiny. I tried my best to block her view, but seeing her eye's shift from the box marked "RID" to my eyes, and then awkwardly to the floor, I knew it was game over.
  7. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    This, too, is a sordid part of my internet past. I was part of a message board that stemmed from this very activity, until it shut down because of a lack of activity, about two years before I joined the RMMB (which I was only a member of for about 6 months before it was shut down). Most of the people who were in the "e-fed" with me were my age, which is to say between 17 and 22 (at the time). Some of them even got together and became good friends in their real lives.

    No one in my real life knew about it (and, for that matter, no one in my real life really knows about this board, either), and I kept that shit hidden. My brothers would have had a field day with that shit.

    I will say that, as incredibly stupid and geeky as "e-fedding" was, it did help me develop writing skills that I still use to this day. That being said, I am still embarrassed by it.
  8. Judas

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    Oct 25, 2009
  9. StayFrosty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 4, 2010
    When I was 14, I spent a few months trying my hand at fanfiction. That's not terribly shameful in and of itself (who am I kidding?) but it was Dragonballz fanfiction.

    When I was 17, my stepmom walked in on me in front of some porn. Full profile view, butt naked, stroking it at full speed. Moving out of there was a fucking blessing.
  10. DaVoN

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I did the same thing, the E-fedding too. I actually created my own site and rules but all the matches were decided by rolling of the dice. Depending on how many "promos" you did that week and how good I deemed them, you could get up to, I think 6-7 die to roll. If your opponent slacked off or wrote horrible shit he'd get less. I did that for about a year and, like you, it improved my writing skills for the future.

    Focus While I did that, I wasn't too embarrassed about it. All my friends were into wrestling so telling them I ran a fake wrestling league wasn't that weird..... for me anyways. They just chalked it up to nerd in me. What I am most embarassed about is when I was about 13 years old I got into Roleplaying in AOL chatrooms off of a book.

    It was based off Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time. You could create your own character or use one from the books. This consumed so much of my time and I spent countless hours up at 2am in the morning, hiding from my parents, just so I could meet up with a few people and talk about the fake attack about to happen or mock battles.

    AOL would let us have I believe up to 5 different account names, so I had it under wraps for a while without anyone knowing what I was up to. Then one of my friends found me online as DrkDashiva, recognized the name from the book and realized what I was doing. He did not let me live that down for a long time. It's a good thing he didn't know about all the cyber sex I was involving myself in all the time. If anyone found out about that..........
  11. scotchcrotch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 21, 2009
    Joining a WWE fantasy federation is not embarrassing.

    Leaning to one side of your chair in class to let out a SBD during class and essentially shitting one's self is embarrassing.
  12. Revengeofthenerds

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    ER Frequent Flyer Platinum Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    I'd say anytime I clog the toilet at work.

    They're are all pretty much the most embarrassing that can happen. And yes it has happened more than once.