Yall may hear from me Sunday. Abstaining from alcohol is one thing, but the Saints in the NFC championship game is something that my liver just can't avoid. But yeah, if you mix all of that shit together, that will probably be gross. Coors Light needs to be enjoyed a la carte. You can do whatever you want with the Icelandic Sake' (or whatever the hell that is) and the Cap'n later.
As much as I love a Friday night of pounding Coors Light, I think I'm gonna pass on that tonight. I did that last Saturday when we got a 24 pack of Texas Coors Light. That's right, Oklahoma sucks so bad that we get excited about getting the slightly higher in alcohol content stuff from another state. Fucking 3.2 beer. I think I'm gonna pick up a nice Single Malt on the way home from work, probably a Glenfiddich. One of my favorite bands (Umphrey's McGee) is playing in Aspen tonight and they are doing a live broadcast of the show on satellite radio. My plan is to hole up in my room alone with some scotch and jam the fuck out. Expect frequent updates.
Thank you chater! I was looking for somewhere to post my inane drunken crap and now finally at 3am I have it. Go Farvwa and in Aus it is Australia day long weekend. I ahve 5 days to get the drinking out of my system before i start properly getting fit again for the first time in a while. I lost my motivation at the bottom of a glass a month or so ago and beens earching for it ever since. This weekend i shall find it. Ps... I love my Local. 800m away from my house. I left work at 1:30pm this afternoon and went straight to the tavern, got my housemate to drop rent money off and got a ride home from one of the girls. Its great having a local and knowing all the owners and staff.
I'm going to a co-workers wedding with some other co-workers. Two of those co-workers are extremely attractive! I plan on shamelessly hitting on them both. As to what I'll drink tonight i'm not sure. I think i'm gonna stay away from the beer though.
I did not sleep last night. I'm not sure why, but it was awful and freezing, even though I turned the heat up to 72. I'm counting on the rum to warm me up. No sleep + B12 vitamins to keep me going + rum = Me being passed out around 11 or so. I can't wait.
Oh shut up. You're just jealous you didn't get to dedicate Pants On The Ground to Percy. My husband says to tell you hi. I'll be doing two things this weekend drinking and watching football. Actually three because inbetween I'll be crying because it's almost over and then I'm stuck with boring snoresville baseball or basketball, which is better but it's no football.
First the rye, and now this. Lest we forget that all this Superbowl hoopla is just an appetizer as we wait for the One True Event: the Daytona 500. Once that begins, life takes on its normal flow again.
I keep telling you we aren't a good couple. That's it. It's over. I'm taking my toys and going home. Car racing? Seriously? Compared to football? Wha?
No no no. We can make this work. You just need to try a little bit harder! I enjoy football. No reason you can't enjoy Jeff Gordon. When was the last time anything ever blew up and rained debris all over the football field? Most backs don't run 200mph, either.
This thread is late. I woke up this morning with a lovely hangover. I'm not being sarcastic, I actually kind of enjoyed it. Hangovers always put me in the best mood. Looking forward to the same tomorrow morning.
Now, now girls, please play nice. I think it's time to kiss and make up, and be sure to post some pictures (just so we have proof that it happened, no other reason). I would bet that Harvin comes somewhere close to that, though.
When was the last time both football teams did nothing but run counterclockwise around the field for 3 hours?
Stop interfering in our relationship, sir. And whatever photos shegirl and I have taken are for our own personal use - not the board's. Methinks someone is delusional. Ah, yes...I'm getting my sports confused. Football is the one where they run two yards, stop, move around, talk for awhile, then run three more yards - right? At least the race takes 3 hours...not 3 hours of broadcast for 1 hour of sport. Zing!
I'm actually drinking this weekend; my friend's girlfriend (she's been around for long enough to be considered a part of the group) is having an early birthday party because her birthday is next month when a lot of people will be away at school. We're going to be going to some karaoke bar in Manhattan. I'm going to get plastered and sing Kids! I hear she's inviting some friends from school, I hope they're hot.
...If I don't see a pillow fight soon, I'm gonna freak out here. Look. No offense to NASCAR, but Football wins hands down. The only time I find it fun is when a car is travelling 180 mph..... upside down. Watching cars drive around a track is only entertaining for me when one of them goes into low-earth orbit: Also, my buddy used to live three block aweay from the Daytona Speedway, and says the racing fans are the "dumbest, drunkest, most cluelessly vulgar degenerates" he has ever encountered. Every time they had the race, he would fill five large garbage bags with beer cans these assholes threw on just his front lawn alone.
I love football (And think watching car racing is really boring) but there was a study released a little bit ago that in an average NFL game there is a little less than 11 minutes of actual football.
You're treading on dangerous ground here my darling. The only reason the race takes three hours is because of cautions. Now there's exciting sports to watch, cars staying in the same positions for who knows how long weaving from side to side to keep their tires sticky. Woo! We'll never work.
All this may be very true, indeed, but it doesn't change the fact that Britfar invented the Fanny Pack. Oh, and he looks like this:
I can see where you might get confused, since you don't even have real football up in America Jr. You consider lumberjacking a sport, for God's sake. You guys got hockey right, but beyond that, you play sports about as well as French people shower.
That's when he was like 19-20 years old. He's wearing jorts for fuck sake. And you shut your dirty little mouth!