I thought yall might appreciate this: La Esposa gave me my Fathers Day gift early. It was a neat little storybook that she made herself. The story is sweet and everything, but its the pictures that really make it: Spoiler There are more, but these are my favorite. I think it might be the shirts that do it for me. My family likes them too- when I made this one my cover photo on Facebook, my hippy aunt from up north asked me if I was on drugs. Awesome. Best Fathers Day ever. Imma take La Esposa somewhere nice tonight, like Chili's or something, to show my appreciation.
I'm having my dad along with my wife's dad and stepdad over for a barbecue on sunday. Finally a chance to put my cavernous patio area to actual use. Thank Christ for the weekend. It's beer and weed day as soon as I leave work at 4pm.
Last Sunday about 5:30 in the evening Mrs. Noland bolted upright with an "Oh, crap, it's Father's Day. We forgot." I told her that it wasn't until next Sunday, but she was free to put in as much effort for the actual Father's Day that she did when she forgot it. Hopefully Sunday will pass by without acknowledging this ridiculous day. On the plus side, I talked to a tranny truck driver yesterday.
Clearly you're not in the news business. How you didn't lead with the bolded, and expand upon it, is beyond belief.
Just a dude named Jennifer with tits, dangly earrings, pink sandals and facial whiskers. Nothing really all that out of the ordinary for this town.
BlueDog, that book needs to be placed in the Library of Congress so it can be enjoyed by generations to come. Also, I like that your dishes are rocks. Must make cleaning them in your waterfall a breeze.
Breaking in my new lobster pot this weekend. Lobsters will be out of the ocean less than 15 minutes before taking a dip in the hot tub.
I think my favorites, for entirely different reasons, are the ones with the "Sensitive" and "Your Mom Will Love Me" shirts. Did the implications latter one just get lost in translation or something? Because that's hilarious.
I bought some replacement signal bulbs at the Auto parts store last week from a "woman" with huge hands and arms (and a bicep tattoo), a flat chest, a square jaw, and a very deep voice. I considered posting it in last weeks drunk thread, but those kinds of things happen enough around here that it is barely worth commenting on.
I'm sorry to see you still haven't recovered from the head injury you suffered in the balcony debacle.
Every brainless idiot who thinks "good writing" means "take four paragaphs to say something that can be said in one because at cursory glance four paragraphs looks more impressive than one" and has the nerve to express that to me needs to be shot in the head. As much as horrible grammar irritates me this is just on a whole other level of stupid. I really should stash some beer in the server room; I could use one right now. Hell it's already nice and cool in here I probably wouldn't even need a refrigerator.
If THAT'S what I saw through my mind's injury-induced vision on a day-to-day basis, I don't know if I would be sorry at all. I'd be fun at parties, if nothing else.
Is that your real face? If so, you don't look anything like I imagined. Also, you seem to have two right feet in that picture. Is your wife going to publish that book?
Blue Dog, your wife is awesome. Went to see Rob Schneider last night at a local comedy club. He was alright, but the two warm up acts were better. I guess he should just stick to the stuff that Sandler writes for him.
You fucking stay away from her. I called dibs on her back when she was doing shitty Miller Lite man-up commercials. Her attitude in that show is beyond sexy. But hold the fuck up...what has that show done with her chest?