Could anybody that has Rogers Digital TV in Canada tell when and what channel the new episodes air? I've been DYING for this shit.
For those that lack any semblance of patience.. All streaming <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Another all streaming site, pre-searched to The League page for ya. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... &sa=Search</a>
Rafi still brings it, although they released a preview clip on FB where he asks Ruxin whether his furniture was Scotchguarded since he pees in his sleep when he's drunk that didn't make it into the episode. Still great, and now I'll know to be wary if I'm asked to GoldenGate.
Rafi is by far the best part of this show. He steals every scene. The bathroom was ridiculous, but when he met the Au Pair and asked, "Are you a light or heavy sleeper?" After she says, "Heavy" and he goes, "Nice!" I just straight up lost my shit.
When Ruxin asks the rhetorical "What does the man of the house get to do" question I spit my drink I was laughing so hard. And the whole interaction between Taco and Ruxin near the end was priceless. "As my lawyer..." "I'm not your lawyer." "As my attorney." "Or should I TacoMark TacoMark?"
The final scene of the "Yobagoya/Sick? Taco's a douche" episode almost made me choke to death laughing. Who hasn't pictured themselves in that situation?
And again with the final lines. "All your teachers smoke pot" killed me at the end of "carmenjello". Which, by the way, I don't think he was wrong in assuming that was a black dude's name. Black People? Weigh in on this? On the ridiculousness that your fellows have perpetrated... I always fall back on the brothers Orangejello and Lemonjello... (Oh-Range_ello and Le_Mange-ello)
I don't know about all of you people, but Ruxin takes this show to 11. Its good, and all the characters do a very good job, but Ruxin is the frosting. His facial expressions are a delight. And guess who's going to play his father and sister in an upcoming episode? Spoiler Jeff Goldblum and Sarah Silverman
I feel like this show can deliver absolute gold at some points and then just flat out lose me in others. I'd love to know how they go about writing this on account of all of them being comedians.
Ohhhhhh, so I have to eat the people. And apparently use my nose. Also, normally I don't find Sarah Silverman attractive, but I would've railed her six ways to sunday in this episode.
Dude, I completely agree. I normally find her obnoxious and her brand of humor annoying as hell, but she looked surprisingly good. Maybe it was the character. The ending scene at the dinner table was one of the funniest things this show has done in awhile. I watched it by myself and was audibly laughing during the entire thing. "You fed us god damn guinea pig like some Peruvian street urchin?!?!"
My first take from the episode is that the gang didn't talk about watching Thanksgiving Day football at all. Seemed really out of character for that group. Jeff Goldblum was such a fantastic cast to play Ruxin's dad. And let me be the third to say that Sarah Silverman was strangely hot in this episode.
Fourth. Such a weird thing. Maybe it's because she was in the League, and I love things that are in the League, so I wanted to have sex with her? I lost it with the vinegar strokes.
Best episode of the show. Could not stop laughing at Sarah Silverman slapping the sorbet. And Jeff Goldblum's O face was hilarious.
I've always four Sarah Silverman inately hilarious. Jeff Goldblum, not so much. That Thanksgiving scene with the two of them... Creepy/awesome is the only thing I can say.
Fantasizing about the Sarah Silverman/Jenny teaching session has been a big deposit in my spank bank. Also, there is an alternate ending they just put up on their FB page that I thought was even better.