One thing I have never actually participated in is a real-life drinking game. Do these things really occur, or are they just hypothetical ways of eliciting observational humor? More importantly, WHO CARES?!? FOCUS: Develop some drinking game rules for your favorite topic/event. Tell us what the topic/event is and what the rules are. You may add on to a previous poster's rules. For example, in a TiB drinking game, we might have: When Chater and Vin Diesel are mentioned within one post of one another, sip. When Nettdata posts twice consecutively in the same thread, sip. When Nettdata posts thrice consecutively in the same thread, drink. When Nettdata posts four times consecutively in the same thread, drink twice. When shegirl teases that she is going to post her boobs, but doesn't, drink. When shegirl teases that she is going to post her boobs and does, drink every drop of alcohol in the current building. Feel free to add your own or expand the topics.
Wake up, check Drudge Report. If there is a headline that is grossly misleading about the content of the article, that days starts with a beer. Today, Drudge is reporting that the Egyptian military has issued some sort of ultimatum, but the article they link to says only that they are encouraging people to get back to work and start rebuilding the economy. No timeline, no 'or else,' no ultimatum. I'll be starting today with a delicious Sweet Water Blue. Bit off focus since it deals with a past event, but for the state of the union I had a list of words to drink on, ranging from small drinks to common things, to chugs for really unlikely stuff. I listed Sputnik under chug. FML.
When any of the predictable sets of TiB members start taking bitchy pot-shots at each other for the fifty-billionth time without any semblance of humor whatsoever, ban them all, pat yourself on the back for being such an intelligent site administrator, and drink a beer. edit: sniped by Frank!
Quit your fucking bickering at each other. Take it to PM, or don't post shit at all. The next time I see crap like that I start carpet-banning.
My best friend and I made a drinking game out of her husband's favorite TV show... Cops. Crack Cops: Drink if you see a crack rock. Drink if a cop says crack. Drink twice if a cop says crack cocaine. Drink if you see an ass crack. Drink twice if the ass crack is female. Some episodes can be kinda slow, so we added taser too. Drink if they say it, drink twice if they taser someone.
Anytime you wanted to post on the WDT, but it wasn't up yet, do a shot. Anytime you went to post on the WDT but it was already locked, do two shots.
We don't have any company policies here, but I'm pretty sure taking shots of alcohol on Wednesday morning would be frowned upon.
1. Watch Top Gun 2. Any time Maverick mentions taking a shower, take a shot. (Not as gay as it sounds) or: Play monopoly and take a shot if you land on Free Parking
I currently live with three girls, so I have to find ways to make things like The Bachelor bearable. I tried this last night and had to stop after the third commercial break because I feared for my life. Every time Brad (The Bachelor) speaks in a cliche, take a drink. It's horrific how fucking stupid and bland he is. This can be applied to almost any (preferably bad) TV show. The best two I've done are The OC and Jersey Shore. If it's a show you frequently want to roll your eyes and laugh at, it's a good candidate for a drinking game. My favorite drinking game ever, however, I played during my sophomore year of college. It was in the early afternoon. The NCAA tournament had just started, and I was watching the Gators play in an early-round bout. I figured the average college team makes, what, 8ish three-pointers over the course of a two-hour game? I'd do a shot of Southern Comfort for each one. Well, the Gators made it rain that day. I blacked out after like No. 12. Fuck you, Lee Humphrey, Taurean Green and Corey Brewer.
Any time Ballsack get's a 3-day ban for being a dick and not getting the fact that this isn't the place to be technical, but rather go for the spirit of the thread, take a drink. Begin now.
I always loved drinking to the movie Commando, namely because the rules we came up with are somewhat vague. Anytime the rules of logic, reason, or physics are broken, take a drink. Every time you see the movie, you find something new to drink to.
The opposite of that would be watching a Steven Seagal movie and taking a drink everytime you see him reload his gun. By the end of the movie your beer would be warm and unopened.
I've always wanted to do one with Jersey Shore. There could be tons of obvious rules, but I'd start with these two: -Every time you hear the phrase "in this house," take a drink -Every time you hear someone say "right now," take a drink If you hadn't noticed the incredible frequency in which these two things are said before, I'm so sorry to have pointed out. It'll drive you crazy.
Watch Kanye West on TV. Do a shot every time you feel like killing him with your bare hands. Die of alcohol poisoning in 60 seconds. Watch Army of Darkness and drink whenever Ash is struck in the head or something awful happens to him. Again, this game may kill you. The Commando game in my version: One shot of beer every time John Matrix kills somebody. To enlighten you, Arnie kills 94 people by his own hand in this film, so it's pretty much a Century club, except more than 60 of those killings are in the last 20 minutes. I was going to save this game for last. I LIED. The TiB Game: Drink every time somebody tries to change somebody else's opinion on something in pop culture via insults. Good night, Irene.
Take a drink every time KIMaster begins a post with the word 'Except' Take a drink every time Frank makes a 'bulletproof' MMA prediction that is based on terrible logic and is subsequently dis proven. Take a drink every time Frank refers to himself in the third person.
Each time balsack is butt hurt and gets offended for a half assed potshot in his direction drink half your drink .. ...bring lots to drink