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The first time I ever got drunk...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bundy Bear, Jan 17, 2010.

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  1. Bundy Bear

    Bundy Bear
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 16, 2009
    Blue Mountains, Australia
    toytoy88 saying in the weekend drunk thread:Ah, now this should be a thread: The first time I ever got drunk

    Due to toytoy being hammered I will put this up here just in case he may end up forgetting.

    First time i got properly maggot I had just turned 18 and was still in New Zealand doing my training to be an Avionics Technician in the RNZAF. Service boozers had ridiculously low alcohol prices and me having absolutely no tolerance for it you can see where this is headed.

    After numerous shots that were bought for me for friends for my birthday(which was the week before and i was away with family) I was barely walking very early in the night. The last thing I remember is that apparently I was going to town with two mates of mine and one fo them ahd gone to pretty herself up before town. The rest of the story was pieced together the next morning after I woke up on a pile of clean clothes sleeping on the floor of my room.

    I had apparently been removed from the boozer and put into the care of a friend who was home that night, I promptly threw up all over his floor and he kicked me out of his room. I was then seen running across the carpark towards the chicks accomodation by my mate I was meant to go to town with and the secpol corporal that had removed me from the boozer. They found me lying half in half out of our other friends door and half on the stairs. Apparently I had tripped while opening the door and knocked myself out on the door handle, I don't recall anything except thinking town and pool games.

    My mates told me all of this the next morning and a few weeks later I got charged, what for I can't remember but I got a weeks restriction of previledges.

    Focus: What was it like and what did you get up to the first time you got proper fucked on alcohol?
  2. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    At a house party in 1994, doing Sauza white tequilla poppers with Wink soda. I remember butting a cigarette out on the back of my hand (the scar is still there) and yelling at myself in the mirror for 10 minutes for no reason whatsoever. Then my buddy threw up in the front garden, so I buried it in the topsoil to kill the evidence. It would have worked if 1 million flies didn't show up the next day to find the lurid scent of stale vomit. It was a weird experience to feel that way, but I liked it. I liked it long time. I've never really been a moggot drunk, and most of the night I just walked around and kissed all the attractive girl's hands and said "Charmed" afterwards.
  3. redbullgreygoose

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I had just turned sixteen years old. One of my friends had just moved back after being in New Jersey for the past year and a half, so me and three other good friends ended up spending the night at his house. His dad had a bottle of captain laying around that we all started drinking on. My friend fed me six shots over the course of about five minutes. I sat down and felt nothing. But then I stood up and all the alcohol hit me like a ton of bricks. I remember various details from the night, but I can't remember the chronological order they took place in.

    -Two of my friends ended up boxing each other, but neither one could hit the other because they couldn't stand up straight and kept stumbling.
    -I broke my phone after fighting with my friend
    -The cops showed up on a noise complaint, thankfully I didn't have to talk to them
    -My jersey friend's aunt and fiance got engaged that same night and when they got home with his dad, they announced their engagement to the whole house
    -My friend's dad came home with some cum dumpster who showed us her tits
    -I fell down an entire flight of stairs

    The next day I woke up with a headache and the same two who boxed each other ended up getting tattoos. The one of them just got one on a whim because the other was. Unsurprisingly, he regrets it today.
  4. Doormat

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 19, 2009
    I was late to the alcohol game. My first time getting fucked up out of my mind was the first weekend living in the dorms at UCLA. I was caught up in the rush of not being at home and under parental supervision, so I was ready to explore the full length of my freedom.....except I was an idiot and decided to consume a metric fuckton of vodka, bourbon, and tequila all together. It's the only time I've blacked out in my life, and I ended up puking ALL over the fucking place.

    I was also told that I did a little pole dance on a light outside the dorms, but that it looked more like I was hanging on for dear life but couldn't quite keep still; hence, round and round I went.

    Since then, I've pretty much restricted myself to bourbons or straight whiskeys.
  5. Durbanite

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    Oct 30, 2009
    Weymouth, U.K. (formerly Durban, South Africa)
    I've never blacked out from booze*. However, the first time I got very drunk was on my 18th birthday (that's legal age here - I never drank until then). I'd been on antibiotics for the whole day, because of impacted wisdom teeth making a fun infection in my mouth - I was due to have them pulled out in a few days. I had three fucking bottles of cider and fell off the back of a bar stool in my dad's friend's restaurant's bar. I went from sitting on the stool watching a Champions League soccer match** to flat on my back in about half a second, wondering what the fuck just happened. This was in front of my parents, my dad's friend, 2 of his employees and 2 of my oldest friends.

    I tried to get up and brush it off, but that failed.

    Thankfully, there's no video evidence of this. Awesome!

    *no, really, I'm not lying. I like having a semblance of control of my arms and legs...
    ** I think the match was Real Madrid vs. Manchester United, 2nd leg of the semi-final. Manchester United lost, which made me extremely happy.
  6. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    1x 60oz bottle of gin
    1x 2L bottle of sprite

    Mix, drink, repeat until half the bottle is gone in the body of someone who had never drank more than three beers in his life.

    I still don't like gin.

    For a little backstory, it was the first weekend after frosh week at university. I think we started drinking at 6-7pm, and by 10:00 I was passed out after having five puking sessions. I was fucked. A guy came into my room to "make sure I was okay" (translation: write on me with permanent marker) but I thankfully woke up. I woke up at 6am the next day without a hint of a hangover. Which is odd - I didn't used to get hangovers at first. Now I do. I wonder if I'm getting older or my body has worked out a way to punish me for the abuse.
  7. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    Don't lay the blame on me for this upcoming train wreck. Guy Fawkes is the one that started it. I think his story involved a homo erotic fantasy about Tim Wakefield, the frozen head of Ted Williams as the Wizard of Oz, Derek Jeter spinning in a blender, a bloody sock, and Doug Flutie singing "It's Raining Men."

    If not, oh well...that's what I imagine every Bostonian thinking on their first drunk.
  8. swagger

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    Village Idiot

    Jan 15, 2010
    When I was 15 I had a good friend whose mom owned a bakery. I always spent New Years at his place - and that year was no exception: for some reason we hadn't been drinking the other years. Bakery equals free booze. I got hammered, I discovered that white wine tasted very good and I discovered that sometimes booze wants to get out of your body, and it doesn't taste well. Nothing funny happened besides from when my friend had gone to bed I went down stairs, and no one was home. On the table there was a good looking wine which i couldn't stay away from. Then puke, a lot of it. Then sleep. Then embarrassment facing my parents next day. When I look back at it I showed a lot of alcoholic potential!
  9. Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Nor'east USA
    Anything involving Tim Wakefield is automatically the furthest thing from homo erotic. I mean check out his facial hair.

    Anyways, my first time getting drunk was the summer between 7th and 8th grade. I had been allowed to have a beer or two before with my dad and had snatched shots of just about everything at family holiday parties with my cousins when the bar was left unattended but I had not yet drank with intent.

    The neighbor up the street was in high school (sophomore or so) and was having a party when his parents were away. He gave me the invite in the morning as I was skateboarding outside my house. Party, high school girls, bikinis, kegs, whoa.

    The party consisted of a keg of some shitty beer as well as 30-packs of equally shitty beer and since I had only ever tasted good beer I walked around with the same cup of a Keystone Light equivalent for about an hour. My neighbor saw that I wasn't enjoying the beer and told me to follow him into his parent's bar room. He dug around under the bar and came out with a bottle of Dr McGillicuddy.

    "No one ever drinks this stuff but you'll probably like it."

    Like it I did. I drank that whole damn bottle doing shots with different people who were intent on getting the young Fawkes fucked up.

    I woke up the next morning with a puke covered bed and a horrible rotten mint taste in my mouth like I had brushed my teeth with dogshit mint toothpaste. Ever since I can't stand the smell or taste of the original Doctors. Last night I made two new friends in the cherry and lemon flavor though. Yum.
  10. Mexicutioner

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Las Vegas
    The first time I ever got drunk I drank four shots of Bacardi 151 in my friend's garage when I was a freshman in high school.

    There were four of us hanging out and that's all there was. I remember it tasting fucking horrible and I remember going to the bathroom to take a piss. I also remember seeing this bright orange camo hunting hat after I was done and I walked into the garage wearing it. After that it's a blur but I was told that I was making everyone laugh until I was so drunk that I had to be carried to my house which was two houses away. They took me through my garage and I fell and hit my head on the cement step right before the door inside. I puked all over my bed and just fell asleep next to it and had to clean it with the worst hangover I have ever endured.
  11. Bob Trousers

    Bob Trousers
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    Oct 19, 2009
    The UK-a'ight, cunt?
    I think I was 14/15 years old.

    A bunch of us went camping, and we each had a 2 litre bottle of cider, which we imbibed from until we had enough room to pour in a pint can of Tennants Super (hideously strong wino beer).

    It was fun at first-we camped by a decrepit old barn and had fun exploring-fear was not an issue in spite of the Blair Witch style creepiness of the place, and a good time was had by all...and then I became convinced that I could see the glowing red eyes of an army of Terminators up on the hill. And then I decided to tearfully and vocally declare my love for one of the females of the group, despite not having any interest in her, and being fully aware of that fact as the words were pouring from my mouth like the very definition of verbal diarrhea. I believe I then tried to make a break for it, and was wrestled to the ground and put to bed, where I managed to lead the entire tent in a rousing singalong of 2 Live Crews greatest hits.

    The next morning was the one and only time I've had to wear sunglasses to deal with a hangover.
  12. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The first time I got wasted wasted was in between Junior and Senior year. My friend's older brother Mark, the cool older brother who always bought us booze and supplied us with weed, was going to have a yearly blow out party at his apartment. It was going to be a group of 17 year olds partying with a bunch of 30 somethings.

    It was a disaster, we started light with Corona's but then his older sister made the strongest margarits I have ever had (had to be 95/5 split alcohol to mix). I think shots might have been involved. At some point Im told I was yelling out of his 2nd floor room for the people outside to play The Strokes new awesome hit song "Last Night." Then one of the guest sparked a blunt and started passing it around. Being fucked up I was bogarting and getting really loud. I was given the nickname "bluntman" by the party goers. I must have mixed every alcoholic beverage imaginable, even stealing a Mikes Hard from a girl. I was in and out of blacking out.

    I came too in the backyard being unable to move and having some crazy hippy friend of Mark's gibbering something at me. My friends came out to check on me and one of them suggested they take me inside, I being paralyzed with alcohol, could not could not tell them that I felt better in the cool air outside. They took me inside and placed me in one of those bird's nest bowl chairs and I almost immediately puked my guts out into one of those old timey cast iron air vents. I was taken to the next room and placed on the floor where I spent the next few hours spinning and feeling like absolute shit while the other guest continued to party and fuck with me.

    The next morning I woke up on the floor in an upstairs bedroom. I walked down to get a drink of water and Mark and a buddy of his where still up drinking and he starts in with the, "Rise from your GRAVE!!" stuff. I got my deserved shit but he was cool about everything because he had and was still a big party animal.
  13. JGold

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 27, 2009
    Denver, CO
    I popped my drunk cherry on -- how cliche is this -- prom night junior year of high school. I ended up getting into a fistfight with a tree.

    After the dance a bunch of us went to camp out on an island on Lake Norman, and with me I brought a handle of Aristocrat vodka. Not knowing the first thing about alcohol, I took a couple shots (out of the bottle cap), and when I didn't immediately feel anything, I took more shots. I probably had 15-20 bottlecap shots in 15 minutes. I was laying on my back near the fire, chatting with a girl, when I finally realized I was drunk, because the stars were spinning. This was the most hilarious thing ever. I took more shots.

    About an hour into the night I puked. Violently. Multiple times. I passed out near the fire in the middle of a pretty solid party, surrounded by 20-30 people. I woke up sometime in the middle of the night, after most everyone had fallen asleep, and I saw a solitary light in the distance. I don't know why, but I jumped to my feet and sprinted as fast as I could toward the light in the woods.

    Then I got clotheslined by a tree branch. Seriously. It decleated me and I landed on my back. My reaction? I jumped right back up and started swinging at the tree. For a solid minute or so. I only stopped when the bearer of the light, who'd been pissing, asked me what the fuck I was doing. I still have scars on my knuckles.
  14. falconjets

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    My first time blacking out was a disaster of epic proportions.

    I had just gotten back from a soccer thing in VA and we had traveled with a girls team there so we decided to go to the coaches house and partake. And partake we did. The persons house we were at had parents on vacation for a few days so we bought a few bottles and some beers. (there were 3 fifths and 60 beers for like 10 kids in 9th and 10th grade.)

    About an hour and a half after I started drinking I lost most memories, and I would have been thrilled if I lost all of them.
    HIghlights include:
    -- swimming, which although incredibly fun is kinda scary when you don't remember most of it

    -- going up to this girl, pointing at her and saying "you're going to give me head", I then attempted ot carry her into the house but I dropped her and hit her head on the door as we were walking. thankfully we only hu, not exactly a dime piece.

    -- SUPPOSEDLY, confessing my love to this girl who I had been trying to get with for a while, major failure on that note

    --one kid woke up naked in the middle of the room because in the middle of the night he was walking around in a Speedo and decided that it was a little constricting

    -- Out of the 12 people there I believe 8 threw up

    I spent the entire next day laying down because walking around or sitting up made me want death to come and couldn't go near any alcohol for a while. Worth it though.
  15. carpenter

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Sixteen years old, two liter of strawberry California Coolers.
    The mere thought of wine coolers make me gag. Nothing remarkable happened, I puked and hated it.
    I didn't drink beer until I graduated.
  16. oswald999

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I don't remember the first time I got drunk, but I remember the first time I got drunk enough to vomit.

    I was 15 years old and one of my friends (who ended up in AA the year after) had just stolen some beer from a grocery store. He would just walk out with a shopping cart full of beer.. it was awesome! But anyway, we started by seeing who could chug a 40 the fastest. I ended up winning, and then we ate pizza and drank more beer. My friend left me unattended for about 10 minutes, and I continued to drink more beer.

    When he came back, I was spinning around in his chair, almost falling out of it. He picked me up and dragged me to the bathroom, where I puked up a bunch of partially digested pizza. Then he brought me out to the driveway, where I puked more. He instructed me to eat a bunch of raw ramen noodles because it would "soak up the alcohol" (dumbass), and I did. I ended up puking ramen paste all over his driveway. Luckily it rained later that night, so his dad didn't get pissed off about my vomit. From this point on, I started drinking a lot, but it wasn't another year until I had my first hangover.
  17. jennitalia

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 5, 2010
    I was sixteen - summer between grade 10 and grade 11, camping with my friend and her family. We drank vodka and Fresca, which we christened "The Real Woman's Drink," because of Fresca's zero-calorie count. No puking, no crazy shenanigans, except tripping over a lawn chair in front of her mom and grandparents. Classy.
  18. Pussy Galore

    Pussy Galore
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    Dec 28, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    I was fifteen, and some of the boys my girlfriends and I hung out with in high school liked to rent hotel rooms for parties on the weekends. The boys abandoned us there when it was time for us to go home and I insisted on leaving. So while my two friends trashed the room, I chugged the 12-pack of beer we had brought with us and called my ex boyfriend, crying and begging him to pick us up. I arrived home around three AM, drunk and making out with the ex's best friend.

    The second time I got drunk was St. Patrick's Day of my sophomore year of high school. I skipped school to hang out with a friend that was home from college for Spring Break. We started drinking Everclear and Coke at 8. I was wasted by 10. I don't remember much except running around the house half naked and puking up my Chick-Fil-A biscuit. I like to keep it classy when drinking.
  19. Sam N

    Sam N
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I was 14, over at a buddies house. His parents were both working all night, so we decided to get into the liquor cabinet. There were about 15 various bottles in there and we sampled each one. All in all it was probably one of the funnest times I've ever had. We were jamming Beastie Boys as loud as possible screaming that shit. "You gotta FIGHT for your RIGHT to PARRTTTAAYYY." We rode the laundry baskets down the stairs, eventually breaking 3 of them. Later in the night when things started getting reallll hazy we got more destructive. My friend opened the door to the basement and peed down the stairs. I believe I did the same after realizing what a good idea that was, though I can't really remember. I punched out my friend for getting toothpaste on me. We were physically unable to pour shots so we got liquor everywhere until we made my friend's little brother pour them for us. There was a lot of other shit that went on too, but I can't really remember too well now.

    The night ended when his mom got home at 2 in the morning. My friend laid down pretending to sleep, and I was hiding out in the bathroom puking. I'm pretty sure the whole house reaked like booze and she knew right away, though she didn't say anything until the next day.
  20. KIMaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I was seventeen at a party, and got drunk on a combination of both red wine and vodka. I became very demure and quiet, and while it didn't show in terms of my speech, I had to concentrate very hard on walking. When some idiot bumped into me from behind, possibly on purpose, (we didn't like one another very much) I threw him to the ground, and threatened to bash his head in unless he left.

    My friends were surprised because they had "never seen KIMaster angry". I took that as an indication to never get overly drunk in the future.
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