<a class="postlink" href="http://www.valetmag.com/living/features/2010/the-female-perspective.php" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.valetmag.com/living/features ... ective.php</a> "The Female Perspective". We haven't made fun of whore logic in a while, and stupid Cosmo-esque surveys are cannon fodder. FOCUS: pick apart this "advice" or just make fun of the individual quotes. My personal favorite: "I like to think of myself as somewhere between stalker and just plain curious."
Only 2% will admit to the fact that looks are important. Come on, I like to laugh as much as the next gal, but a certain amount of physical attraction is key. I guess that makes me shallow to The Female Perspective.
I saw this on Digg a few days ago. I guess "sense of humor" is a new euphemism for good looks. Also, I'm going to say this once and for all: I don't believe in Facebook stalking. If you have a profile on the site and you don't want people you don't know looking at it, lock that shit down. If you choose to friend someone anything and everything that you choose to list there is public domain. Don't look at me funny if you mention something and I respond with "Yeah, I saw that you said that on Facebook." It's called using the site correctly, you can do it too!
That one really surprised me. I don't get sloppy drunk when I drink beer, I pace myself because the nature of beer is that it bloats you when you have 4 or so drinks in a short amount of time. Is it the beer smell or something?
"[Google] Of course. That, and the national sex offenders registry. Just to be safe." Think about this from a guys perspective. Now think if we found out a girl was on there. And was one of those hot teachers.
Word. Although probably the very first thing is confidence. If you, however unlikely this may be, are George Clooney lookswise yet shy into the corner or don't talk to anyone, the only girls who will talk to you are the ones who pity you. Without confidence your status goes from "holy shit I'm wet" to "awww he's so cute! I wonder why he's like that!" But, that's just me.
Well. It turns out a collection of "opinionated" women really means a collection of extremely manipulative women who have clearly been dating the wrong men. That, and I don't understand the 61% of women think a guy should drink liquor, and only 6% shots. Maybe the question is inherently flawed. I don't particularly like shots, but I'll drink liquor, beer or wine interchangeably and as I feel like it. Scotch is excellent, beer is excellent, and red wine is best drunk when it doesn't matter that your mouth turns purple. And for that matter, people seem most surprised when I'm drinking hard liquor. Maybe Scotch has a certain cache, but people tend to do a bit of a double take when when I'm drinking Scotch, but otherwise won't bat an eyebrow if I'm drinking beer or wine. Hm.
Jesus, does this happen that often? "Damn! He was really sweet and cute, but his name pinged on the Sex Offenders Registry. That's three guys in the last two weeks!" Who the hell are these women dating? And what idiot thought 150 of them would be a reasonable sample size to reflect what women think?
I think the scotch simply looks more sophisticated. Older, more mature etc. I could psycho-analyse it, but the fact is that women, I mean all here probably have had more often girlfriends that are younger than yourself rather than older, consistently date slightly older men and scotch drinkers are on average older or appear older due to assocation with the scotch drinking group.
Alternative explanations I`ve thought up: -Scotch is the pinnacle of manful drinks; they are surprised at the dichotomy between a scrawny, nerdy motherfucker like me drinking it and the esteemed gentlemen and badasses of history who have partaken of it -Scotch is the pinnacle of manful drinks, and their "surprise" is simply behaviour that reflects being very distracted by how eminently sexy a scrawny, nerdy motherfucker like me looks while drinking it -Their experience with hard liquor has been taking shots of pine-sol and rubbing alcohol, so the idea of sipping and enjoying it is foreign -They think Scotch is icky Your idea about age starts off right, but I don't know many women who have been (or admitted to) dating guys significantly (i.e. 10 years) older than them. I can barely think of friends/relatives under 30 who'll drink and enjoy unmixed hard liquor, not counting shots. But when I think of guys I know who are >40, from acquaintances to relatives, nearly all of them will drink straight liquor at least on occasion, and many of them regularly. Between that, and most people's exposure to drinking around people much older than them is probably family functions, the association is probably between Scotch and your father / uncles / grandfathers / parents' friends, rather than Scotch and your sugar daddy / older boyfriend. So, to bring that back on topic, when 61% of women think men should be drinking liquor, look who they associate it with. Freudian.
If you accepted a date via text message, you are one of two things- A) Too young for this survey. B) Willing to fuck anything with a penis, vagina, or mutated combination of both.
My, what nosy, prudish, lying whores they've surveyed. Christ almighty, seriously? I don't even know what to say to that.
Ignorance is bliss is my standpoint on this. I have zero interest in knowing how many schlongs a chick has sucked, as long as neither of us has an STD or kids who gives a shit?
Boxer briefs at 67%, come on now. Functionality there is no real argument, they fucking suck, they ride up and can turn your crotch into the everglades in five minutes. As far as look? Unless you're cut up like Marky Mark you're just going to look like a slob. I learned my lesson when a girl I was seeing just off handedly mentioned that she had gone to Planned Parenthood twice for the morning after pill after black out drunk one night stands. To much information.
So, 13% of women would have sex in complete fucking public!? -Hey babe, how was desert? -It was pretty good. Want to have sex while the chauffeur gets the car? I love me a good serious study of the female cognition.
From a lady standpoint, I have to say I'm surprised that's not higher. I feel they're a man's best choice as they're not weird like tighty-whities and I can at least see what's there, as opposed to boxers. Never have I been disappointed to see a guy wearing boxer briefs. Also, fuck yes to stubble. As long as it's not patchy, it is one of the hottest things on a guy ever.
I actually think most of the answers are spot-on with what women actually think, minus A) The underwear question B) The Sexual Past part. This is impressive, considering the shitty sample size of the women polled. I truly think most women prefer boxers, and most women don't want to know about the number of notches on your bedpost at all....unless you fucked their mortal enemy or a close friend. Then ALL details must be spilled. As for the liquor thing, it makes perfect sense to me. Beer breath is nasty. I think morning-after beer breath smells like a yeast infection and it makes me want to puke. Sorry, it's true. But when a man blows a whiff of Johnnie Walker your way it smells like horses and cigars and sweat. It reeks of confidence, rough sex, and sophistication. When you kiss him, it tastes sweet yet simumtaneously overpowering. Smooth, but with just a little bit of a bite and it's very intriguing. The morning after, when it's oozing out of his pores...it's just fantastic. Beer is for sporting events and high school parties, but dark liquor is Serious Business.