Only number 32? I thought Nashville was nuttier than that! I find it funny they based the "crazy quotient" on the number of shrinks per capita and drinking. I am not surprised Nashville is on the list, nor Memphis. It seems Tennessee is stocked full of crazy and redneck. I was shocked that Cincinnati was number one. Really? When I think of Cincinnati, I don't envision nut bags drooling on themselves in a corner or a plethora of parents who are probably siblings. Focus: Discuss the ranking of the cities on the list and why or why not certain cities belong. Alt Focus: What makes where you live particularly crazy? Alt. Alt. Focus: List, in your own opinion, what the top 3-5 cities should be
HAHAHAHA!!! I grew up in #33! Stupid fucking Troy. That place sucked and was entirely uneventful. But seriously, where the hell do they get their data? There's nothing crazy about it except its fucking grid square road layout. I never noticed any more shrinks than normal. Stress level in Troy? I guess being a burb of Detroit could cause stress, or maybe the chaldeans everywhere. Eccentricity is pretty much non-existent, I knew three gay people and one was flamboyant. Now the drinking is pretty accurate, we started young and got caught a lot by the popo's. One of my buddies sister's was made an example of after her 4th MIP, got locked up in county jail for 30 days...serves her right.
At least he got the stained teeth right. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... rizzly.jpg</a> - Pic is too large to attach
I don't understand the reason Cincy was #1. Really. Maybe it has something to do with having UofC providing a lot of drinking and then having a fuckton of upper crust kids at Xavier providing the Shrinks, drinking and both schools contributing to stress. Who knows though, Louisville also made the list but should be higher. Lots of crazies down there. But it is always a blast to go to L'ville for a weekend.
Guess I'm living in #47 right now. And the craziest law they could find is that there are a million fucking mermaid statues around here? How about the fact that I almost got arrested for punting a seagull? <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> Norfolk -Spitting on a sea gull is not tolerated. -A man may face 60 days in jail for patting a woman’s derriere. -Women must wear a corsette after sundown and be in the company of male chaperone.
I currently live in Louisville which is 14th on the list, but I gotta say.... I don't think its that crazy. I live in the Highlands, and the worst part is that its just jammed packed full of fucking hipster doofus's. But I'd say that it does have a certain crazy storm that is brewed daily. When you go out, you have to deal with fucknut Wildcat fans, Cardinal idiots, Hillbillies that travel up from the southside, the afformentioned hipster cocksuckers reeking everywhere, jesus freaks because its on the north side of the buckle, and then to top it off the general white trashiness of everyone else in Jefferson County. Mix that in a big bowl of retardedness, and I suppose it gets a little weird. But I don't see it, probably because it permeates my life. As for a top 5 of Crazy cities. 5. San Francisco (what is crazier than queens marching in the Castro? Answer. Haight Street.) 4. Any-fucking-where in Florida. Literally pick a city, and its chocked full of nuts. 3. Salt Lake (for obvious religious reasons I'm not allowed to talk about) 2. Reno (jammed packed full of degenerates) 1. Las Vegas (this town is easily the winner of crazy, and not because of the tourists, but because of the people who live there. I can honestly say that after two years of working there, I never met one good person. Not only are they all crazy, but every single one of them are jagholes who have entitlement complexes. Fuck that place)
Just look at the front office decisions of the Bengals. I have lived in #2....I submit it should be rated about six spots higher. Gay marches thru the Castro are some of the most sane things that go on there. Just be unfortunate enough to accidentally wander thru the tenderloin after dark.
Ohio's three most populous cities in the top 20? I knew we were crazy but I didn't think it was that bad. I don't understand Cincy being number one but Columbus makes sense to me because all the Ohio State fans are fucking out of their gourds. Win? Let's start a riot. Lose? Let's start a riot. But Columbus came in last of the three Ohio cities on the list, so that can't be it. (Despite the fact that Buckeye Fever somehow afflicts the entire state, symptoms are most severe in Columbus, not Cincinnati.)
DC needs to be higher for the "crazy homeless people" quotient alone. That, and all those weird people who have display tables around the monuments. Not our fault them fuckers are too poor for psychiatrists.
Milwaukee is definitely crazy, according to the criteria of the list. There was just an article in Milwaukee Magazine about how broken our mental health system is, and it's universally acknowledged we're all a bunch of alcoholics.
I don't know about top 3-5, but Eugene, Oregon should be up there at some point, despite not being nearly as big most of the cities on that list. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> from wiki... Then there's this <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> In my personal experience this place is fucking nuts. That's just all the stuff I could think of that is documented online, but it's only the tip of the iceberg. -hundreds of aging hippies living all around the city in communes raising children who don't even know what shoes look like? check. -hundreds if not thousands of drug addled homeless people pimpin' around the city causing all kinds of mischief? check. I will regularly pass groups of up to 15 homeless people throwing parties in back alleys on my way to school, at 8am. I also spent the first two years I lived here throwing all my empty beer cans out the window or off the front porch, because someone will have already scooped 'em up by the time I will walk out there again, sometimes before they hit the ground. ....and that doesn't even include all the religious fanatics, politically motivated crazies and protest nuts drawn by the school itself. The city really is a whose/who of mental instability.
Nashville earns its spot. You get this awesome confluence of ultra conservative bible beaters and bleeding heart dream chasers trying to make it in the music scene out here. That, and we have the best bums around. We have this bum preacher near West End. He's up at 6AM every morning going crazier than a rabid baboon on a banana plantation.
There is NO way Troy is crazier than Flint, Ypsi (Ypsilanti, also known as Ypsi-tucky) or De-troit. Those three cities have a whole lot of crazy right there. It's just undiagnosed, un-treated crazy. But trust me, the whole South-East of Michigan is one big stew of crazy.
You know growing up in Northern Michigan (Traverse City) I had to endure a lot of flak from you city people in the southeast during college. I was the country bumpkin, gun-totin', racist, sheltered, uncultured simpleton who knew little other than how to gut a deer. Fuck all you people, you're not so stable now that your entire region is a sinking ship of failed auto workers, huh? Additionally, there is a reason I no longer reside in the northwestern part of Michigan. I was up there for my sister's wedding last summer, we really are a bunch of stir crazy whackos. I love them, the place is gorgeous, but it's no place for a kid in his 20s.
I used to live in Nashville, now I am about an hour north and the crazy travels up the interstate to Clarksville, TN too. But Nashville? My attorney had to defend a security guard for pepper spraying Batman. Yes, he dressed like Batman and THOUGHT he was Batman. I've been pissed on walking downtown going to work by Harry the Homeless who slept outside my office. I've been chased by a drunk midget at 1am for five blocks who wanted a "fo-tay". (Those little bastards are fast.) You can not date in Nashville because every douchebag with a guitar thinks he is going to be a country singer. And the traffic....I lived ten miles from work and it took an hour and a half to get to and from work. Also, if they can't think of a name for a road or street, they call it Old Hickory Blvd. I set out on a quest one day to find the end of Old Hickory. It changes names, then back to Old Hickory, then to something else on and off the whole way...and guess what? THERE IS NO END. And then if you are trying to find something on Old Hickory, the idiots in Nashville say "Oh it's off Old Hickory". Really asshole? Which Old Hickory? Not to mention the traffic when there is a shitty Titans game or Country Music Fan Fare. If you are one of the assholes that attends Fan Fare, I hate you. Go home. There are a bazillion mother fucking stoplights that believe in a 1 second timer for yellow before turning red. We have a ton of pregnant Hooter's waitresses. They tore down Opryland, which was a decent theme park and built a giant fucking mall. It has become a gangatorium and makes me want to kill people during the holiday season. And may God help you if you drove to the mall and parked, because you WILL spend an hour at least looking for your car. Our biggest university is Vanderbilt, so most of the west side of town is filled with rich idiot snobs that have an overinflated sense of entitlement. I really hate those assholes. They are the ones that come into the bars with their popped collars and over-moussed hair that drink martinis with their pinkies out. Girls whose fathers could not get them into Vanderbilt go to Belmont and become confused lesbians. Thus, ruining the gay scene for everyone. Nashville art is best described in terms of body piercing. One of the best jobs in town is working at Dell in the sales department. You are trapped in a cubicle that size wise rivals a pet crate or postage stamp talking to complete morons for ten hours a day. Oh and the conservative whackos dress nude statues. The art around town? Sucks. We have statues of nothing that can possibly be explained in random places. The rent is outrageous in Nashville as well. It's the same as in me I have been looking. OK, I am done with my Nashville rant for the day.
I guess from a vistior/tourist's opinion, I would say Chicago. We went there for St. Patrick's Day and it's just FILLED with crazy motherfuckers wherever we went. Not "Amsterdam Crazy", but just very, very happy, high-strung, tempermental or flat out shit-nuts. It was a great time, but I haven't been to a more tighter-wound city in America yet (I have NOT been to New York yet, though). Montreal is Canada's craziest city. Toronto is the business-mined Worldly centrefuge and Vancouver is the ever-richening cool-as-ice-West city, but Montreal is insane. It has all the vices, the bars, the parties, the history. If you want an out-of-body experience, this is the place to go in the North.