This has the potential to be fun. Focus is in bold. From here: "What's the coolest thing you own? And by coolest I mean the object that makes you just a little bit happy every time you think about it, but not because of any sentimental value. Maybe it looks cool, or it works really well. You decide. ... Back to my Dymo LabelWriter: It doesn't need ink cartridges, and a roll of labels lasts me for a year. It set up easy and it worked every time. Well, until I decided to write this post. Now it doesn't work at all. It just sits there with one blank label protruding like an insolent tongue. It mocks me. Yes, I did all of the obvious rebooting and plugging and unplugging. I guess it just died from being too perfect. I was caught off guard by its sudden demise and I have no succession plan. My BlackBerry is broken. My DVR and TV remote are both random. My car is garbage. My thermostats are secretly controlled by poltergeist and nothing else quite qualifies as cool. So I turn to you. Tell me the coolest object you own. Again, you decide what cool means to you."
My car... I never thought how cool and important it really was until I lost it. I haven't driven since 21 Sept 2008. I got a duii and assault 4 when I rolled my car and injured a passenger that was a stranger to me. He asked me for a ride when I was at a coffee shop waiting out my drunkeness. Back to the point. I bought the car when I was 20, it is a 2008 scion tC and back then it was the coolest thing I owned. Now it is sitting in a shop slowly getting fixed. Now the car has a story and I will be able to drive it again in February. 2008 Scion tC Black..
I have one of those at work right now. It is fucking awesome. As for the focus, I would say my laptop. Yea I know, big fucking deal. But this thing does everything I could ever want an object to do. With the internet you can fact check anything instantly; shit my undergrad might as well have been from reading Wikipedia because God knows I didn't buy any textbooks. And the porn... holy shit the porn. I would call my laptop "the sex box" but that would be an insult because it does too many other things. And games -- I could potentially entertain myself for days with counterstrike and team fortress 2. On top of that I can talk to anyone online via MSN and email, use Mapquest to navigate myself, watch all the tv shows I like streaming with no commercials. Is there anything a laptop can't do nowadays?
My race car. It's almost as old as I am, and provides me with so much satisfaction it's not funny. -- paying cash for it -- wrenching on it provides hours of relaxing, cathartic work -- driving/racing it The pure adrenalin I get from racing in it is one of the best rushes I've had, aside from sky diving or flying. It's very close to dogfighting, but in 2 dimensions. And it's fucking cool.
Probably my 12 ga. 870 Wingmaster. I fell in love with this gun when I went hunting for the first time not too long ago. There's something incredibly primal and awesome when you're watching the sun about to rise and you're loading it up so you can use it to put down an animal you want to eat. While it's very much a caveman-sharpening-a-spear kind of moment, there's more to it. It's more than just a tool. You don't respect a hammer like you do a shotgun.
And my IPSC handgun. An STI TruBor in .38 Super. It looks a bit poser-ish, but holy fuck does it perform absolutely flawlessly.
Hmm, 'coolest?' My PS3? Maybe. My 1972 Fender Custom Telecaster Reissue? Maybe. My 2004 Stratocaster, SSH? Maybe. My Fender Deville 2x12 60 watt Amplifier? Maybe. My iPhone? Maybe. At different times of the day, you'll get a different answer, but all of the above are likely to appear as the answer.
I have an antique gshort-handled goosewing broad axe made in Vatican City around approx. the year 1750. It was my grandfather's favourite antique from the vast collection he once owned (then auctioned off). It hangs in my den along with severel other centuries-old tools I've collected over the years.
Hands down my Nokia N95 8GB. I can't help but laugh at people that are just beginning to enjoy what a smartphone is capable of, because I've been enjoying those luxuries for the last 2 years. With the 5M camera I've captured some of my best memories, and with the awesome video recording I've captured some truly awesome drunken moments. Mate that with awesome gaming power, fully functioning GPS, great web capabilities and a well supported 3rd party software community, the N95 is still greater than most phones on the market, and the technology is almost 3 years old.
How the hell am I supposed to compete with fancy vroom vrooom race cars and big shiny bang bang guns? This is how:
A framed book jacket from the first edition run of The Stand, signed to me by name from Stephen King, I have no idea how the ex got it done, but I nearly shit when I got it for our anniversary. She also got me the shooting scripts from the miniseries, signed by Gary Sinise, Molly Ringwald, and Rob Lowe. Coming in a close second would be the autographed pictures of a scene from Dr. No, signed by Sean Connery, and a still from Friday The 13th Part 7, signed by Kane Hodder, in my opinion the finest actor to portray Jason Voorhees.
an '87 Tudal Cabernet (blue ribbon winner) signed by Arnold Tudal, the founder of the winery. I have two bottles, one for each of my daughters for their weddings.
The coolest thing I own are probably these... Martin Logan Summits Even though I mostly work seven days a week, (owning a bar will do that to you), there are the few times when I'm able to come home, pop in some Steely Dan or Pink Floyd and just sit back and relax with a nice glass of Pinot Noir , or cold Miller Lite. (See TiB beer thread...that's right Ballsack, Miller Lite.) The sound that these baby's produce is phenomenal. I have yet to hear a better sounding speaker...and they just look cool. They're not for everybody, but they're a guilty pleasure of mine.
My 1970 Ford Torino Everyone always hears me talking about my Trans Am (and it is cool), but the Torino has been my dream car since I was about 13 years old. I finally found one with no rust that I could fix up a couple of years ago, and brought it down on a car trailer from Waco. I haven't driven it since, because I am in the process of slowly restoring/modifying it into the ultimate street machine of my fantasies. I know it will take years, but I'm patient. This isn't mine (mine has the interior gutted out and has primer all over it), but just so y'all can see what one looks like:
My big ass alligator pot: This thing is awesome, and it makes me sad that because it is so large, it is impractical for me to use all the time (I have a 10qt that sees most of the work). But Goddamn, I love cooking a gigantic pot of food for a big group of people in this thing. The only knock is how unbelievably heavy this thing is- even when its empty. I cooked a giant pot of chili for a tailgate to one of my little brother's games this year, and I had to get help to carry it from the truck. But heavy is also a blessing with this kind of pot, as well, because it goes a long way when it comes to even distribution of heat. Plus, in order to season it, I had to cook like 10lbs of bacon. EDIT: Oh, and I own a house. Thanks shegirl! You're right, it IS almost as cool as my pot!
My bike. My pushbike. It's a Mountain Cycle Battery, I waited nearly two years for it to go on sale after seeing spy shots of it, then bam! I got a job working for the company and got one a couple of months ahead of the release anywhere in the world. It's the shit, you can buy one, but I had mine first.
My boat and mud motor are the coolest things that I own. The boat is pretty plain, except for a custom full-length lockable gunbox and duck blind. The motor is where it's at. It's a long tail mud motor, designed to run in extremely shallow water, weeds, stumps, and logs. It goes where no other motor can go. It's not as fast as the newer motors, but it still gets me there.
This might be lame, but one of my more favorite possessions is my hutch. It sorta looks like the one in the picture but is fixed up and doesn't have doors up top. It was my great grandmother's and I rescued it from an estate sale (along with a Hoosier cabinet that I also love to death) from my grandmother's house about a year after she died and my idiot, alcoholic uncle lost the house. A house that HAD been paid off long ago. Anyway, it's huge, and we fixed it up, stuck it in the dining room and I just love seeing it there. We get lots of compliments on it and I love that it wasn't just something we picked up at a furniture store - it's got some family history behind it.
I was going to say my massive powerful overclocked gaming PC but realized cool things rarely stop you from getting laid. I like my iPhone, but I think my coolest thing would have to be my parrots. Theyre entertaining, they talk, and you can clean up their biggest in-house accidents with paper towel.