Hot white girl accused of killing daughter so she can go out and party- <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> I'm amazed at the amount of press coverage this trial is getting. Granted Nancy Grace smeared her minge all over this case, but still. I haven't seen any trials this obsessed over since OJ. FOCUS: Casey Anthony trial. Not to judge someone before they're found guilty, but she's got a shitload of explaining to do if she's innocent (also like OJ).
Aren't post-birth abortions still legal in three states? Also, ALT FOCUS: Is Casey Anthony really that hot?
She's not outrageously hot but I'd definitely hit it. Plus, you know if you knock her up, you've got less than three years of child support payments. What, too soon?
Also, could you sue her for your pain and suffering, even if you were a deadbeat dad? Can you imagine the headlines? Deadbeat dad sues deadbeat mom over beat dead kid?
One of the cable crime channels is airing the trial live in it's entirety. It's a lot more tedious than Law & Order. And somebody needs to deposit Nancy Grace and Regis Philbin on an island somewhere. We could call it The Tenth Circle of Hell.
Exactly. Anyone can feel better about their own particular brand of shitty parenting after hearing this case which, I believe, makes it particularly interesting to many people on some fucked up level. I remember when I was a little kid a lady who lived down the street was high as a kite on PCP killed her three young children, sliced and diced them, then stuffed their dismembered bodies in the washer and dryer to "save them from the aliens" It got no media attention and neither do most of these types of cases. Every now and again the media latches onto a case like stink on shit and makes it sound as this kind of thing doesn't happen regularly in our society.
I had a long winded, unfunny rant about this slor, but fuck it. Her looks are typical party skank, desperately in need of bad lighting and concealer. Let's just say they should still draw and quarter people. I'd be front row for this one. On that note here's another feel good story about the lady that had a fight with her boyfriend so she microwaved their baby. Happy Thursday, people.
Here's another story to make you lose faith in humanity. story here Remus and Romulus may have been onto something with that whole wolf thing
I don't know what speaks worse about humanity, the fact that it happened, or that it took the legal system over half a decade to lay down the hammer.
First of all, consider how many of these stories we hear about every year. Two? Three? Four? Then, go look up filicide rates in industrialized nations. The actual number doesn't matter, because you'll notice that one overriding thing is true: there are several more incidents of parents killing their children than you will ever hear about on the news in a given year. Humans kill their kids, for several reasons. Always have, always will. The news media shop for these incidents very carefully. They're bargain hunters. Of all the dead baby stories they might publish, they know that if they keep their ears to the ground, they will eventually stumble upon someone like Casey Anthony: a young, white, pretty mother of a cute, white, dead baby. Stories like this don't exist to raise awareness of child murder, and they certainly don't do anything to stop it. They're for the benefit of all the bored white people sitting at home who haven't murdered their children. They turn on Nancy Grace, watch the feature, think "Oh, my god, how horrible. How repugnant. I would never do that." And then they go to bed reeking of moral vindication because at least they aren't baby killers. It's all bullshit.
I will say this, reading stories like these makes me feel a lot less irresponsible when I forget to turn the lights off before I leave for work.
Didn't stop feminists when the Duke Lacrosse story broke. First of all, wow. Second of all, That's some pretty circumstantial evidence.
As I understand it, pretty much all of the evidence is circumstantial. There's also a hell of a lot of it. If she isn't guilty (and repeatedly lying to police/changing her story doesn't really help her case) then someone went to a hell of a lot of trouble to frame her. That would have to be some Prison Break shit.
There are many reasons to suspect her, but this is one of the shakiest. I am amazed that the so-called expert for the state relies heavily on the presence of chloroform as by-product of decomposition. Unfortunately, chloroform is used in the production of many products, including particle board (therefore most of us have it in some concentration in our homes) and carpeting. Unless Ms. Anthony drives a '72 Duster, chances are she has cheap carpeting in her trunk, and the resulting chloroform off-gassing.
It is circumstantial only because she wasn't caught red handed. But having her kid's corpse in her trunk for over a day doesn't help. I like due process. I like our system. Justice is, ideally, fair. Despite a lot of misgivings for our system, it does work most of the time. In an instance like this that is saturating media and creating bias, I do think justice will still be impartial. Hell, OJ got off. When Ms. Anthony's guilty verdict is read, and justice rightfully served in this case, I will do a jig when they strap her to the table and put her down more humanely than she allowed for her own child. She either killed the kid herself, allowed someone else to do it, or the girl died through mommy's calculated negligence. None of these options are better than the other. Each treats that perfectly fine little girl like a kept mongrel. We do not need people like this in society. Some people just don't deserve to suck air. I keep coming back to this thread. And to that kid. She was a perfectly healthy, beautiful little thing. What chance does a 4 year old have? How horrible could a 4 year old really be to have around? Momma could have given her to the grandparents, put her up for adoption. There are people that would have given anything to raise a girl like that. Shit, raise that girl in particular. My uncle was almost in tears muttering how he would have taken her. Shit like this gets under my skin. I'm very tired of how ugly the world is. Even in my own little bubble. Anthony is a sociopath. That is rare, but there are still so many useless, mean, ugly little fucks that are just malignant; infectious to anything good. So, like I said before, one less is one less. I'll toast her when she's gone. We should toast when any of them leave. It's a good reason to drink.