Episode One premiered yesterday on D+ and I'm surprised at the mixed reviews from friends. What's more, I'm really surprised by the hatred from some Star Wars "fans" on the internet ( although by now I shouldn't be). I wasn't expecting complete badassery right out of the gate, so maybe my expectations were easier to meet. I think part of the problem is Boba Fett has long been this assumed badass of a character despite having so little screen time and what, maybe four lines of dialogue in the original movies? Or perhaps he really was a badass, but is older and wiser now, and playing more of a long game. Did you watch it? And if so, what are your thoughts on it?
Same. I thought they did a great job setting up the series. The only complaint I had was that some of the fight scenes looked a little too cartoonish, but otherwise, I’m fully on board and looking forward to the next one.
I liked it okay.. I'm willing to give it more episodes. I thought it was a little slow, but necessarily so, to set up the rest to come. I didn't think it quite matched the gritty tone that Mandalorian has, but there may be some intentionality in that so it's not a clone (ha) of it. I'm all on board with more shows with these characters in these worlds. The music was excellent. I was pleasantly surprised to see a new creature, with the 6-legged thing. We shall see.
I also thought it was interesting to see a more complicated side to the Sand People. That final scene of "you made my kid look good... respect" spoke volumes of things to come, I think.
This was about my take on it. I watched it and liked it. I'm not super invested in the story... yet. Could be the slow build. I think something about Mando not removing his helmet gave some intrigue, but I can't recall at what point I was hooked. Probably his mystique + baby yoda and a mission to save the baby. I'll tune in to see where this goes.
I greatly enjoyed this second episode. I can’t post about something that happened because I can’t find the spoiler button on mobile. I’ll get to it later.
Even my buddy who was a skeptic last week texted me to say he enjoyed it. But you're right, the flashbacks are gonna have to give way to the present. I'm betting they will with the next episode. I love the story that Filoni and Favarau are doing around seemingly mundane characters and other things. Spoiler: Wait til you've seen it I mean, adding in Tosche Station was cool. Then having Camie and Fixer from the deleted scene of ANH? Fucking brilliant!
This week’s episode was okay. A buddy of mine thinks that for as badass as Boba is supposed to be, he seems to take a bit of a beating on a regular basis. And while ya have to take into consideration Boba Fett is over 40, I’m starting to see his point.
Oh hell yeah. Watched it last night, and had no idea of the relative time lines. I'm giggling with excitement over here.
I don't even get into all those details about "what was the symbol on the toolbox?!" and all that. I just really enjoyed it. Bryce Dallas Howard seems to have good feel for the SW feel. I also thought seeing the Spoiler N-1(?) Starfighter get brought back to life was really cool. But, I kept thinking, where's he gonna put anything?
Spoiler I don't really love this idea that somehow Jedi are supposed to distance themselves from everything and yet they still have friends and loyalties. Also why are we watching an entire Mandalorian plot line in the middle of a TV show about Boba Fett? Just seemed like randomly shoehorning other shows' plots into this show. The ship is awesome, though.
There is 0 chance that they didn’t shoot those episodes for season 3 of the mandelorian and then decide to scrap them for whatever reason. It didn’t fit in at all.