Seriously, no BBT thread? For shame. I've watched all of season 1 plus various other episodes, and I really like it so far. The "nerd" humor really appeals to me (though they tend to overdo the really stereotypical nerd stuff-star trek etc. which I'm not into), and my favorite character so far is Howard. He and Raj are so gay for each other it's not funny. Sheldon is occasionally really grating, though, with his insane OCD and overexplanations. I don't like him that much.
My boss is obsessed with this show. I ended up watching it so we would have something to talk about the next day at work. I agree that it's a little heavy on the stereotypical nerd humor. That's usually more grating to me than Sheldon. I've only really gotten into it this last season.
TBS plays a lot of episodes on a weekly two hours a night, 3 nights a week. I sat and watched it a few times and got hooked on it. Pretty hilarious stuff. It's clear though that Sheldon has become the centerpiece of the whole thing. I couldn't imagine having to deal with someone like that on a daily basis, he would drive me crazy.
It's amazing to me that the same guy is behind this show, which is often smartly funny and touching, and 2 and a Half Men, which is one of the worst things I've ever seen in my life.
Not if you've seen this season and the one before it. It's pretty much a generic sit-com anymore. Watch an episode from the first season and one from the current season back-to-back, they're like two different shows.
Personally I love it, mainly for Sheldon, thought I do find it funny they managed to get almost half of the Roseanne cast involved in one way or another. Doesn't look like it's going anywhere for a while either, since it's actually stomping American Idol in the ratings this season.
Bowing to immense girlfriend-pressure I've caught up on this. I'm nerdy to the point I get angry when Sheldon or Leonard get something wrong, but I am enjoying a lot of it. I honestly think Bernadette and Amy Farah Fowler are the funniest characters.