To get things started, I just want to say how much I enjoy Uncharted 2's online multiplayer. It took me until level 8 to realize you have to purchase boosters in the store though, I thought they were just something you unlocked as you leveled up. I usually stay away from multiplayer aspects of games because I always get rocked, but I hold my own pretty well in Uncharted. The only thing that bothers me is the apparent lack of headshots. I would get them all the time in the single player but they seem damn near impossible to pull off in the multiplayer aspect. My favorite mode right now is definitely plunder because it has the biggest rewards (up to $5000 in exp if you get the treasure all 5 times). I like the King of the Hill mode as well. My PSNID is Hawt, so if you want to play feel free to add me. Just make sure you mention the idiot board in the request.
As someone who tends to get games early (read: journalist [though sadly, not a gaming journalist], not pirate), I wanted to throw out a couple recommendations for you gamers out there. 1. Borderlands - Somehow the slick control of Halo, twisted humor and (a little of the) speed of Team Fortress 2 had a bastard love-child with World of Warcraft and Diablo. Enter Borderlands. I'm only a level 18 right now, but this game has been a sick addiction over the last few days. The art style change really helped give it a unique flavor, and the shooting/RPG combination is beautifully done. 2. Forza 3 - I loathed the first two (because I absolutely suck balls at them), but this has enough little tweaks to make me not come in dead last, and good lord is it gorgeous. It's hardcore sim more is hardcore-simmy enough for the... ahem... hardcore simmers, but you can tweak every last little detail to fit it to how functionally retarded you are when it comes to racers (I'm drooling and watching Sponge Bob reruns when cars are put on the receiving end of my 360 controller). My Gamertag is Drop Soma, if any of you former RMMBers want to hook up on Live sometime.
Two game updates that got my attention Starcraft 2: Blizzard is giving the players an incredible amount of control over developing their own levels and even gameplay scenarios. You can do pretty much whatever you want from overhead strategy all the way down to a more or less third person shooter. Blizzard also decided to give cash rewards to those who make the best maps as well as charge other players for using said maps. Bayonetta: This game is a lot more serious that I originally thought. The creator pretty much described it as Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, and any other fast paced action game all wrapped up into one, and then put to shame. There's a wide array of weapons, hoards of emenies, usable environment objects (as more weapons) and a whole plethora of ways to do a cinematic kill on an enemy. Trailer: Gameplay:
Thank God this thread is back. Brutal Legend has been rocking my world lately, but I finally got to the pseudo-RTS elements last night and it was a pretty sudden flip from the hack-and-slash gameplay that had come before that. I have a feeling it is going to take some getting used to. Has anyone tried multiplayer yet? Also, I posted this in the old thread but only got one response. I'm still loving the firefight mode of Halo 3: ODST, but without matchmaking its hard to find people to play with. If anyone around here is interested in getting a game going sometime, PM me.
You have no idea how bad I want to buy that game and subsequently take you up on that offer... but I would instantly fail school. Ask again in December
Finally got Rock Band 1 to import into RB2 as well as downloaded a few songs. I don't game nearly as much as I used to but being able to play NBA 2k10 on my computer for free is all I need aside from Fight Night and RB.
Old news for most, but I just got Fallout: Game of the Year Edition. Couldn't have been better timing as I just borrowed the game from my friend. Amazing game all around and all of the expansions are just as badass. If you haven't played this game and are a fan of Oblivion and the like, get this game NOW. You will lose a ton of hours to this monster.
Any fans of SF4... they're planning on releasing an expansion with 8 additional characters. Amongst the originals are T-Hawk and everyones favorite, "Are you looking for Deeeeee Jayyyyy?!". There's at least one completely new character and supposedly additional story lines to accommodate the newcomers.
This might be a bit spoilerish, as it's about legitimately fast tracking your characters progress in getting high end gear right off the bat, like how you could get power armor in fallout 2 incredibly fast. if you don't want to know, please don't read. Sorry about the obnoxious spoiler font. It might be good if this forum were able to get some proper spoiler tags to hide things, especially in the pop culture section. Spoiler I recently got it too on PC, as I used to have it on ps3. The very first thing I did was answer the call to anchorage and I did the entire quest on the promise of really neat gear, when I finished I was pleasantly surprised to receive power armor (pre great-war), and a host of really, really awesome weapons that no starting character should really have access too. After that, I was a level 3-4 running around with a stealth suit and power armor and some awesome 'fuck you' weaponry. This was a pretty great reward for so early in the game, and I don't know if I'll take advantage of it next character, but I probably will.
Agreed. I rarely contributed in the RMMB except for the pop-culture and idiot board sections, so this should do nicely. So. Brutal Legend multiplayer. I'm getting rocked in more ways than one. I've never had a problem defeating the AI in stage battles, even on Brutal difficulty, but I have yet to win a battle against a real person. Comparing achievements against my opponents though, all of them have had at least the one to win 10 ranked stage battles, so clearly it's an issue of experience. I haven't had a ton of time to devote to MP yet because I've been busy with single player. (Got the "Metal God" achievement for 100% completion last night.)
Since it's long past the edit deadline for my previous post, I have to double post. But, I sat down to play Brutal Legend again last night with two things in mind: 1. Definitely use double teams wherever possible. Razor Girls are my go-to double team when playing Ironheade; I'm assuming the Punishing Party and the Bride are similarly effective for the Tainted Coil and Drowning Doom respectively. 2. Don't send off smaller groups on special missions. I used to split up my army at first, letting me capture two or three geysers right off the bat, but my army would then be too spread out and the first offensive by the other guy would crush me. Bingo. Won 10 games in a row. Interesting how following Tim Schafer's advice actually works.
I'm in the same boat. I was really disappointed when RMMB dropped just because of the Pop Culture and Sports boards.
I actually ordered this off of and I made sure to get it shipped under the free shipping, so I wouldn't get it before all my exams this week (3 fucking exams in one week? I need the rant and rave thread). Now, it isn't here yet, and my last exam is tomorrow. I've read so much about this game, and I can't wait for it to get here. I'm ready to get my ass handed to me a hundred times just to get through one level.
I've read about Demons Souls, and it makes me disappointed I don't have a PS3. However, a game that I'm really looking forward to is Final Fantasy XIII and Versus XIII. I hope I'm not the only one looking forward to that game, although I am a little hesitant of it seeing as how XII worked out.
I never would have picked it up if I didn't read about it in this thread, but Brutal Legend is pretty awesome so far. I've only gotten a couple hours in, but I think this is the only game I've played that has actually made me laugh out loud to myself. It sucks I only rented it so I probably won't have time to go through everything, but good call on this one guys.
I played through the Brutal Legend single player at a friend's house, and wow, it's an excellent game. I'm excited about the promised DLCs, as this game, varied, expansive, and entertaining as it was, was rushed out for the fourth quarter, and could have been even more amazing. Multiplayer seems a bit simplistic, but decent fun nonetheless.
Multiplayer is pretty simple overall, but it results in some really quick and hectic games. It's an RTS, sure, but it's much faster than most RTS games I've played. There's also a fair bit of depth in using the double-team abilities, which is where I think the real strength of the multiplayer game lies. I'm also eager to hear more about the DLC. I'd love to see alternate avatars for each faction. Lionwhyte as an alternate avatar for Ironheade seems pretty obvious.
Actually, I think it's the lack of RTS features that make this game's multiplayer fun, but nowhere near the depth that something like Starcraft or DOTA has. That's an unfair comparison, since those are two of the most strategic, exciting, and best RTS games ever, whereas Brutal Legend wasn't meant to be a strict RTS, but it's not the type of game where one can get months and months of enjoyment playing multi, and improving and learning new skills. That's not a negative, as the last sentence is true of few games, but should be taken into account before buying. As for the DLC, I would assume it would add a decent amount to the single player. (only one battle against the Coil, completed bridge leading to nowhere on the map) Having alternate avatars with unique attacks and powers would be a solid addition, but I'm hoping they think of some exciting new multiplayer elements to increase the level of strategy.