Voting for the Time Top 100 influential people of the year is up here. Fucking Lady Gaga is at number 1 so far. Focus: Who should be where on the list? Who's missing? Who's actually irrelevant? Rain is on the list again, and near the top. The description is damn near word for word from his appearance on the list last year. "Rain has long been a phenomenon in his native South Korea, but his popularity in the U.S. is growing". Problem is, the only other time I've ever heard of him was on this list last year, which is confusing, cause I'm usually pretty dialed in to pop culture. There's also the usual garbage of ranking people like Ashton Kutcher above, say, the Pope.
How Snooki is only at 66 is dumbfounding. Seriously, can so many athletes and entertainers be considered influential? It's one thing if they support a particular cause in a very public fashion but I highly doubt that is the case. I wonder who really votes in this damn thing.
The fact that Warren Buffet hasn't cracked the top 100 completely negates any credibility this list could hope to have.
So forgive the avatar and all. But How in the hell is Lil Wayne not on that list? Like I realize rap is an acquired taste to some. But that dude is listened to by millions. I can understand the argument of "Oh he is just some dumb fucking ego centric rapper, fuck him." But seriously the very fact that he is not on that list is the reason he is one of the most successful rappers out there. He has built an entire business for getting the people who don't like rap to hate him, and all it does is feed his reputation for being "the best rapper alive". Whatever. But HOORAY the dumb guidette Snooki made the list. Seriously? What the fuck, this just solidifies the reason I don't read Time.
Lady Gaga number one for most influential is like nominating Hitler as the greatest humanitarian of the 20th century. Ever single thing about her is a ripoff, aside from the fact unlike other pop stars she has no sex appeal whatsoever. THERE lies the originality. It just goes to show you how MTV hypnotized the lowest common denominator into being even more stupid than it already is. Beggorah!
You say Lady Ga Ga isn't influential now, but wait 15-20 years until all the children conceived during one night stands under the influence of her music are born and are not only a key demographic of the entertainment industry but fiercely loyal to their mysterious, cult-like leader. The days of Bad Romance and Telephone will seem but a distant utopia.
If you have 5 minutes to kill. And I tend to agree with my friend's coworker at Hooters on Lady Gaga: "She's part reptile."
I can only assume Time's definition of "influential" is exposure to the public. I can see where Lady Ga Ga gets more time on your TV than Obama. Whether you like it or not, if Ga Ga reaches more people than Obama, overall, she's going to influence more people. Simple as that.
Is this also measuring depth of influence? I have the sneaking suspicion that the actions of world leaders might have more overall long-term influence than those of pop stars.
And they'll be born with flippers for arms and clap them like walruses as her songs are beamed directly into their brains a million times a second. Luckily the same technology will be able to stream porno in a similar fashion thus eliminating all normal social interactions, but it will only be featuring Lady Gaga. This future of yours sounds like a good Philip K Dick novel.
It just seems that people embrace stupidity nowadays. This list is PACKED with people that are simply rejects of society. Jimmy Fallon? Glen Beck? Sarah Palin? SNOOKI is number 68 right now? These fucktards can't even tie their own shoe without drooling on it, yet people consider them heroes. It's nice to see people that actually deserve to be on there like Seth MacFarlane and Dana White, but where's Gore Vidal, Cory Booker and Evo Morales? Instead, you get Pop stars that don't write their own songs and talk show hosts that aren't EVER funny (excluding Conan). Weeeee!
Since Lady Gaga is, on her best day, a poor man's version of David Bowie, shouldn't David Bowie, by extension, be number 1?