If I hear the word balls one more time someone's going to lose a pair. This will run through this weekend and most likely into the next. FOCUS: Post food and drink recipes. Post about the game, what your plans are, whatever you want but, we already have a thread dedicated to what prompted my first sentence so keep that shit in that thread, not this one. Since they beat my team, fuck the Seahawks. I am now forced to either root for the Pats and/or hope it's a good game. Brady’s chin looks like the tiniest of dicks could titty fuck it. I'm going with a good game.
I never want to watch another football game in my life and that's all I have to say about the super bowl.
Geez, light a match There will be more simultaneous toilet flushing around the world during halftime than any other time of the year. How come there hasn't been more commercial talk so far? Has there been some other story dominating the Super Bowl buzz?
As a Texans fan, I cannot stand the Pats or Brady for that matter. Might have something to due with the fact they've kicked our ass at every meeting between the two teams. Deflated balls. Who the hell comes up with the cheat strategy over there?
Dude, considering the one and only game I've ever been to was The Fail Mary Game you'd think I'd have boycotted by now, or killed someone on our way out of that stadium. Football is just that and I love it either way. Depression mode has already kicked in. What I'll miss the most is Sunday night games.
The Super Bowl commercials are already being seeded, some of them are currently focused towards the female demographic. AdAge and AdWeek have a few of them up. There are a few multi-part ones, with the first one being shown now. Also, BuzzFeed has its "Dear Kitten" ad going up, one of the first not created with agency input I believe.
Dear Stupid I had never heard of this Dear Kitten nonsense. I Googled it. I wish I could go back to having never heard of it. Not unlike the reaction from girls that Parker sexes up, that was a terrible 3 1/2 minutes, that I can never get back.
The commercials will all be "leaked" well before kickoff, it's been trending that way for a few years now, I don't give a fuck about the commercials though so what do I care. Commercials are when I get up for more beer/food or take a piss.
They're not even "leaked" anymore. Any emotional / humor ones that can be slightly skewed towards women/moms are already being shown on their networks or daytime television as we speak. While as I said before, the brands that have 2-3 commercials have all the first ones on their YouTube channels and industry sites. These guys are spending 4m on these commercials, they have back-up plans. They're putting the feelers out now to see if they need to switch it up. Also, unrelated to football. I saw this linked off Deadspin and it's pretty damn entertaining. "Feminist Edition: Don't Be an Idiot at the Strip Club - A Strippers Guide"
It's 82 degrees here and sunny. I may get a dairy queen blizzard after work just to celebrate the great weather.