I read this book a couple weeks ago and for whatever reason I remembered this line from it today: “There was no way I was going to keep my pants on with a man who’d seen Michelle Shocked three times.” And then I remembered a time where a girl hit on me by stroking and cooing about my arm hair. I just felt like an unfunny Robin Williams at that point, so I can't say it worked for her. Focus: What is the oddest reason you have been attracted to someone? Alt Focus: What is the oddest reason someone has been attracted to you?
It isn't THE weirdest, but a generally weird reason I have attraction is...weirdness. Add confidence, intelligence, humor, in shape...all that regular stuff, and I'm attracted to "that guy". (Brian Wilson, SF Giants. Very weird)
My freshman year of high school, I had a crush on a kid because he has braces. For some reason I thought braces were sexy when I was 14.
A 50+ year old black woman who was shamelessly flirting with me said, "You've got arms that look like they could really work a woman over." Apparently I must have reminded her of a white Ike Turner.
One woman said she thought my eyebrows were sexy. Considering how long they can get if left unchecked, I found that strange. The woman I'm trying to get with right now really likes the way I say her name, and how I pronounce words in general. I've always liked glasses on women. And I've always liked big, round, tight asses on women, and perky tits... Wait, that's not unusual, is it? Sorry to stray off topic. EDIT: Nicole, could you spoiler that shit please? It's creeping me out, and that's not easy to do.
Alt. Focus: At a Halloween party in college, I passed out sitting on the floor up against my buddy's kitchen cabinets in my Tigger costume. Shortly thereafter, I woke up to two girls rubbing all over me saying how soft I was and how Tigger was always their favorite. After a couple minutes of discussing the costume and how I came to own it, one of them leaned in to kiss me. Furries...
And big bushes... and bail money... I like glasses on a man (or a woman) and have, on several occasions, discovered that I didn't find the person under the glasses all that hot, but with them on, it was like they oozed sex appeal. I also like salt and pepper hair. And beard scruff. And chest hair.
I love hairy dudes and gingers. Nothing gets me hotter than a ginger dude with a nice beard and chest hair. I'm also very attracted to women with short hair. Not a lot of girls can pull it off and even fewer have the guts to try it, but when the stars align, it's a fucking killer. Edit: I forgot, I love guys who have rough, beat up hands.
Sorry dude, I don't think I can. Are you why half the photos here are spoilered? A little more on focus with my post: his pitch? the little hop at the end? That's it, the hop...the hop is what gets me.
I have gotten about 6 compliments from complete strangers on my cankles and thick legs. I guess most people with tree stump legs hide them away.
I once went out with a guy just because he sounded like Matthew McConaughey. We had absolutely nothing in common, but the voice was hot.
Shaving one's chest is the gayest thing a man could ever do (short of taking it up the ass or sucking cock). You know the old saying: "That'll put hair on your chest!" No one ever says: "That'll grow boobs on your chest." Chest hair is a manly attribute, and any "man" who wants to remove it probably has secret issues with his sexuality. If women didn't like chest hair, I wouldn't be here. My mom told me that one of the things that she really liked about my dad was that he was really hairy, but he didn't have a hairy back or a hairy ass. (I follow in his genetic footsteps.) EDIT: I've never had a woman complain about my chest hair, and if one ever did, I'd kick her to the curb, because she's obviously not for me.
Alt-focus: "I just needed to talk to you because you look like the high priestess of some ancient Pagan village."
Focus: I love cute bellybuttons. If I see his bellybutton and it's a shallow innie with a minimal amount of wrinkles...it's on. I don't know why I feel this way, but seeing a cute bellybutton just makes me want to stick my tongue in there and continue downward to the goodies.
Alt-Focus: A few guys have told me that I remind them of Robin from HIMYM. Wow, thanks. She's terrible at relationships and has a bad haircut. Thanks?
Alt focus: "You're completely the opposite of my ex wife". or: "I've never dated an Asian chick with big tits before". Awesome.
Oh hell yeah! I love it when a woman has a tight slit of a belly button. The more open it is, the less I like it. Kind of like this one: Spoiler