China is implementing a "social credit score," which can be affected negatively by things like smoking in a non-smoking zone, spreading "fake news," spending too much time online, not stopping at crosswalks, not paying bills on time, etc. The more negative a credit score, the less likely you are to get promotions, it can ban your or your kids from the best schools, affect your ability to travel inside and outside the country, and even impact whether or not you can take vacations. Of course, those who have a social credit score below a certain number get placed on a publicly-available list, which people are encouraged to check when hiring, vetting tenants, etc. But their is an upside!! Those with a positive social credit score get more matches on dating websites, better interest rates, discounts on bills, etc. Focus: If this was implemented where you live, what kinds of things do you think should negatively affect someone's social credit score? What about behaviors that should increase it? Alt. Focus: Debate the usefulness of having such a social credit score system implemented.
The Orville (episode 7, "Majority Rule") did something similar, but with more of a "mob rules in social media" bent. I thought it was pretty well done, especially for a show nobody really gave a shot at being anything half-decent. (Spoiler alert... it's fucking awesome).
Is it cancelled or something? I see it is not. Mainly directed by Brannon Braga, a long time Star Trek producer who ended up running the Next Gen timeline into the ground
Nope, renewed for a second season... it was just hilarious that everyone was shitting on it before it ever came out because it was "that Family Guy guy" doing it.
I think it’s a terrible fucking idea and will only breed mistrust between people. Kind of like how everyone in North Korea is afraid that someone they know or like could be spying on them. The issue will be who gets to rate you and if there is an appeals process. If you get negative social credit for driving like a dick, but you really had to get home to take a shit, what happens then? It will end up being like people having Yelp reviews on their personality and that’s bullshit.
Years ago some comedian had a bit that went along the lines of everyone with a car should be given a suction cup dart gun. If someone cuts you off, shoot a dart at their car that has a flag that says "I'm an asshole" If you accumulate 3 darts on your car the cops have to pull you over and give you a ticket. For being an asshole. It's not a bad idea.
Validating belongs on the internet and not in real life. Human beings don’t need to be “rated”. Just one more thing to hold people back with.
In to post this, beaten to the punch. In that case, the planet used public opinion as the sole basis of law. I certainly don't China going in that direction, but I don't see it going anywhere good in an already authoritarian system.