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That? That is my Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrFrylock, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    Another in the series of "stuff Frylock doesn't give two shits about..."

    I have been watching a lot of Auction Hunters lately, and about half the good units they find are good because they contain some old guns in them. In some sense, it's obvious why they find a lot of old guns surviving through the ages: guns are built to be robust, they are often kept in safe places (like safes or lockers) because they're dangerous, and keeping them working requires a regimen of cleaning and maintenance that, say, home appliances do not get.

    They find all kinds - black powder jobs, rifles, shotguns, pistols, revolvers, little tiny derringers, and so on. I believe they've fired nearly all of them, as well (although I wouldn't use many of them for modern defense).

    Anyway, there is a large gun culture out there. I personally am not a member - growing up in the suburbs there was little use for them - but I understand that other people are into them.

    FOCUS: So, ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about guns - your guns, your favorite guns, the best guns of all time, etc.
  2. jordan_paul

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    Oct 26, 2009
    Binbrook, Ontario
    I've been shooting guns since I could pretty much hold them, although I started hunting much later. I first started shooting with my grandfathers Remington Model 87 .22. I would shoot for hours at anything possible, blowing through 500-1000 rounds a day. The shitty thing is, now I get bored after shooting 50 .22 rounds.

    I said it before, Weatherby's are the cats ass of rifle shooting. I wouldnt trade my Thompson Center Encore in .50 for a night with Jessica Biel (because well, shes ugly). Browning shotguns are the way to go, if I could marry my Citori I would in a heartbeat, although both my Auto 5's are MILFs. My Cooey Model 30 rides in my truck where ever I go. It's a single shot, very reliable, I've literally driven nails with the butt of this gun and it still shoots straight. It's amazing for shooting anything from barn Swallows to squirrels and everything in between. My cousin killed a deer with the same model gun, and the best part was that I picked mine up for 15 bucks.

    I don't give a shit what anybody says, Steven's, Noricos and Mossberg Model 535 and Remington Model 710's are fucking garbage, and everyone should avoid them like the clap. I've had the oppurtunity to own all these shitty guns in different calibers and trust me, there is more of a difference between shooting these cheap pieces of shit and one of my $1000 A-Bolt's then shooting one of my A-Bolts and one of my $4000 Mark V's.

    I'm not into handguns though because of all the restrictions we have on them up here in Bantario. If am going to spend anywhere from $500 to $2500 on a gun, I better be able to bring home dinner with it.
  3. JoshP

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jun 7, 2010
    Don't we have a guns and ammo thread? Fuck it I will take any chance to talk about weapons.
    How much time you got buddy!?

    My Current arsenal.....Guess I was ready for the zombie apocalypse of May 21st 2011. Being in the army, most of my weapons are all set up in a tactical format. If you can hunt a man with it you can hunt an animal.

    I have built 3 AR-15s I have sold my first 2 and my current one is a CMMG lower with an ergo grip, 2 stage trigger, and Magpul adjustable stock. It has an LMT 18" gas piston upper with full tac rails, my "cool guy" vertical grip and collapsible bi-pod on the bottom, an Aimpoint CompM4 red dot reflex sight, as well as a flip up back up rear sight mounted up top.

    Remington 870 express magnum 12 gauge shotgun, 18" barrel, with an M4 style buttstock and pistol grip, tactical short pump, magazine tube extension, heat shield, and an Allsman Enterprise PI tac light mounted on the front (shameless plug for buddy's company)

    Springfield XD .45 w/5" tac barrel and night sights with a tac light mounted on the rail

    GSG-5 .22 SD with a reflex red dot sight

    Saiga AK47 7.62 This one is just far

    I would consider pimping myself out for a Saiga 12.

    My dream gun however would be an H&K PSG1 I drool just at the thought of having one. Those things are so bad ass. The GSG9 went to H&K and had it made special just for their sniper teams. It's such a fucking bad ass piece of equipment.

    Now that this is on the intarwebz I will wait patiently for ATF to show up and demand to see all my paperwork.......
  4. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    My arsenal is as follows:

    For the long-range, sniper stuff:

    Robar SR90 .308 w/ 12X Swarovski scope

    For the zombie stuff:

    Colt 6920 (AR-15)

    As a side arm:

    Glock 19


    Steyr 9mm TMP
  5. Revengeofthenerds

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    ER Frequent Flyer Platinum Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    The only one that matters is the .40 cal with tactical light on the rail and hollow points in the clip. It's next to my bed, and from the room I have a clear sight to my front porch. All I need.
  6. sartirious

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    Oct 20, 2009
    TC, MN
    I also didn't grow up in a gun culture, despite growing up in the sticks. I used to go on the trails with the husband of the day-care lady to help him set his bear bait-piles, and routinely watched in the garage as they would hang a deer from the rafters that was still steaming, until it was all nicely packaged and stored in the freezer.

    ..up until two years ago. I decided I wanted to start hunting so that I would get to spend a bit more time with my dad, and it's grown on me. I use a Tikka T3 Lite in .30-06 with a Nikon Buckmasters scope. I'm glad I live in a shall-issue CCW state, but I haven't yet carried my SA XDm (.40) because I'm either a) at work, or b) drinking.

    I wish that suppressors were legal in MN.
  7. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Got handed down around 40 guns when my dad died. Got one for most every occasion and sometime two or three.

    Home protection: Mossberg 590, M1 carbine.

    Deer Hunting: .44 mag Ruger Super Red Hawk, Thompson Contender

    Pheasant hunting: .12 gauge pump (not sure off the top of my head), .410 barrel for Contender.

    Target shooting: Marlin 795 bull barrel, .223 Savage, various 7.62s and such, Ruger Mark II

    Colt AR15, and a few to be completed ar 15s.

    Various pistols.

    It's hard to keep track really. There are a bunch Ive never used like some air rifles and training guns I had when I was little. We love guns in my family.
  8. lhprop1

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I'm not going to divulge my arsenal because that's no one's business but my own.

    I will say, however, that I met a competitor at a strongman contest this past weekend who lives relatively close (within 4 hours) who owns, among other things, a Barrett 82A1 .50 BMG. He invited me to his farm for a weekend of blowing shit up in exchange for a weekend of ice fishing this winter. Plans are in the works.
  9. kuhjäger

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    My sister-in-law and husband and kids are visiting from Sweden, so pretty much zero gun culture. They thought that the way Americans and guns are portrayed is an overstatement, and a parody. I told them that it wasn't an exaggeration. Americans love their guns.

    They are on an RV trip through the west, and I told them to be ready, because at some point someone in the RV park would whip out their pistol to show them.

    So they were chatting with the couple in the RV space next to them and the subject of bears came up. So the guy whips out his huge .44 magnum revolver. My SIL nearly shit herself.

    Anyway, I used to have quite a collection of guns, but I stopped shooting them, as I didn't have the desire, and I really didn't see the need to have a bunch of guns sitting around the house not being used, so I sold them all for a nice price.

    I really did like my mini-14 though.
  10. The Dread Pirate

    The Dread Pirate
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    Oct 20, 2009
    My Secret Evil Lair
    I'm slowly building my arsenal. I'm a big proponent of "quality over quantity" and taking the classes that go with the weapon so it's a slow process. Currently I own the following:

    Glock 23 - lives in my car and is my go-to if I conceal carry

    S&W M&P .45 - it's fun to shoot, but it really doesn't leave the drawer in my nightstand these days.

    AR-15 - BCM lower, LMT upper, KAC furniture, Magpul AFG, Aimpoint Comp 2, and Magpul BUIS.

    As soon as I get some more money I'm either buying a Nighthawk GRP or getting tax stamps and turning my AR into an SBR with a 10.5" upper.
  11. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
    Expand Collapse
    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    For the trouble I'd rather just get a silencer.
  12. cdite

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    Oct 29, 2009
    My current collection is pretty basic but it has all of my needs covered for now.

    Shotgun: Rem 870 Super Mag and a Stoeger side by side coach gun.

    Handgun: Sig P229, don't shoot it much I just got a good deal on it from a friend.

    Rifles: Ruger M77 tang safety in 25-06 and a 700 SPS in .308

    Next rifle for the collection: This will be a .416 Rigby, I don't know why but after shooting one I want one.
  13. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    I've done some basic target shooting on .22 rifles, pistols, and a "C7" as we call it here, and I rather enjoyed it. I'd probably own a pistol and rifle or two for target shooting fun. Maybe a 9 mm pistol, a .22 rifle for plinking, and a .308 for long range shooting (and lord knows I'd want multiples of those - a Lee Enfield, an FN FAL, a Remington 700...). That is, I would if there were a range nearby where I could actually use them (there's maybe two or three ranges in the entire city, and I doubt any of them will let you use centrefire rifles), and if the paperwork weren't such a hassle.
  14. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Can I ask a question of you gun enthusiasts?

    I'll preface this by saying that I am the opposite of a gun enthusiast. I do not own a weapon, and neither do my parents. Never had them growing up. I live in the capital city of this province, so a fairly large population. Per capita, I believe, it is also the murder capital of Canada. I cannot conceive of needing a gun. Not in my car, not on my person, certainly not in the house. In fact, I can't remember the last time I locked my doors.

    I'm curious as to why other people feel the need to carry them. Probably America is the odd country out, given its astronomical violent crime rate compared to other nations, but still. Some of you hunt. Some of you are members of a military service (including police). Some have inherited collections. For the other people, why do you have guns? Particularly handguns?
  15. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    You mean besides the fact that they act as surrogate penises?
  16. Harry Coolahan

    Harry Coolahan
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    Apr 22, 2010
    I don't own a handgun gun myself because I live in DC, but I would if I could. I'll let others speak for themselves, but my interest in owning one for a sense of safety (especially in a city like DC, where people can get robbed at gunpoint in virtually any part of the city).

    The chances of needing to use a gun are infinitesimal—but the consequences of needing one and not having it can be lethal. The likelihood of getting in a car accident is low, but I still wear my seatbelt.

    Also: They're fun to shoot at targets.

    Anyway, I don't have a ton of experience with guns, but I have shot a dozen or so various handguns, shotguns, and rifles. My favorite gun was the Colt .45.. Felt the most comfortable in my hand, and I shot much more accurately with it.

    I'm sure I'll get red-dotted for saying this, but Glock is a piece of shit.
  17. RCGT

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    As a hopefully-someday-gun-owner, I find guns exceedingly cool. Always have since I was a kid, reading C.B. Colby's "Fighting Gear of World War II" and then running outside and re-enacting it on the playground. You can customize guns, they look cool, they work cool, and they make loud noises and destroy things. What's not to like?

    This site is great leisure reading for you gun geeks out there. This one too.


  18. LatinGroove

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jun 28, 2010
    I carry a gun because the world is not a place full of sunshine, rainbows and kittens. I've already gone over this with you on Gchat and described this in another thread we had a while back, but for those of you who do not know, I will tell you.

    Several years ago I was involved in an attempt of two men to rob me. They didn't get anything out of me because they ran off. When the one guy started reaching for the inside of his jacket pocket and the other one called out to him saying it wasn't worth it and to leave. Whether he really had anything in his pocket or not I'll never know, but I do know this, if I would've had a gun that day I would be a vastly different person than I am today because I would've used it in self defense.

    Then again within this last year the college that I go to there was a man who shot part of the school and at the police building on the other side of the school.

    Then again within the last few days in the same city Shimmered lives in (which is about 15/20 minutes from where I live) , there was a crazy person who shot 6 others at a fucking ROLLER SKATING RINK.

    Anyone who doesn't carry a gun after situations like this is a fool in my opinion.

    I've got too many things to accomplish in my life time to leave them in the hands of someone who may or may not let me live. If I die, I've failed my son. If I've failed my son I've failed myself and I've failed the world. Make no mistake, I don't want to carry a gun because it's "cool" or because I think I'm some cowboy itching to get into a fight. I carry it because its a life insurance policy for me. It's the same reason I have dental insurance, auto insurance, and health insurance. Most times you don't really need it, but the one time you wished you had it, by then it will be too late.

    Edit: spelling
  19. $100T2

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Great, now I have gun envy, too.

    I have a Savage Arms .22LR with a scope. Mostly it's used for the occasional fox or coyote that goes after my wife's chickens. It's also good for putting holes in soda cans.

    I'm thinking about getting a 30-06 with a scope as well, and a pistol that can fire the .22LR ammo I bought, since I have 500 rounds of it, and barely shoot.

    I also need to get a shotgun.

    For now, the rifle has a lock on it, but if I decide to move up in the gun world, I will get a gun safe. The guns are all going to be used basically for predators that might come on the property. The odds of having to use them for home defense are roughly the same as winning the powerball: One of the nicer things about living in a small rural town in RI, population 9k.
  20. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    For me, same as Latin Groove.

    I carry a gun in case I absolutely need to kill someone to save my own or a family members life. Plain and simple. I've posted before how I was mugged when I had a gun on me and didnt use it as the thief didn't get away with more than a few bucks and it wasnt worth his life. If the situation was any different, I would have killed him.

    This happened 20 minutes from where I live. Whether or not a gun would have made a difference is undeterminable, but it could have made a difference.

    That shit will not happen to me.