A friend of mine absolutely hate's William H. Macy. When I asked him why he disliked such an odd actor he told me that he always plays a nerdy kind of wormy type guy. He said his best film was "Boogie Nights" and the one he hates the most is by far "The Cooler." Anyway his hatred of him allows us to constantly e-mail him "Wild Hogs" trailers as well as an assortment of other William H Macy clips. The best one was of Macy playing the ukulele on Oprah. I REALLY hate Justin Long but he's not a credible enough actor for this thread. So while I know it will cost me a couple Red Dot's I truly can not stand Samuel L Jackson anymore. It seems like all he does is scream in his films anymore. Lakeview Terrace had plenty of screaming and that was supposedly one his better new films. FOCUS: What actor do you personally despise so much that he/she will prevent you from seeing a movie. EXAMPLE: We almost rented /watched " Bart's got a room" (who knows why) but my buddy saw that Macy was in it and threatened to leave if we put it on. **** Don't red dot people because you like the actor they post, they are posting their opinion************ **** Also putting guys like Hayden Christensen and Keanu (sp??) Reeves is pointless everyone knows they are horrible*********
I am a big fan of Star Trek and pored over any articles speculating who would star as Kirk, Spock, et al, in the reboot. Probably one of my deepest periods of depression occurred while rumors persisted that Adrian Brody would be cast as Spock. My favorite Star Trek character ever played by an actor that has filled me with an inexplicable revulsion ever since his first movie and Oscar propelled him into the limelight. I wept with relief when the actual cast was announced. I've only seen bits and pieces of King Kong, and any time Adrian Brody appeared on the screen I would hold up my hand to block him from my view. I can't think of any other entertainer that I've had such an aversion to for no apparent reason.
Macy is not too bad when compared to Justin Long. Yeah I know he's not credible enough for this thread, but fuck that guy sucks so much. I will not see a movie with him in it. Hey, what was the name of that movie where Michael Cera plays an awkward teenager?
Woody Allen movies cause me to die a little on the inside. I do not understand how people find him enjoyable.
I know that it is hard to expect much from child actors but I HATE that little fucker Jaden Smith. I have only seen him in one movie, but my god did he suck! All I could think of the entire movie was "This little bastard is making Keanu "Woh" Reeves look like Morgan Freemann!" That and "I hope to god he dies soon!" Unless he winds up in a movie where Megan Fox, Agelina Jolie, and Lauren Graham have a threesome on a wet car, I will never watch anything with him in it. The fact that he is in the new Karate Kid movie makes me undescribably sad. Alternate Focus: Back during the juggernaut of fuckery that was the Titanic era I, like pretty much every other guy I know, was well prepared to hate Leonardo DiCaprio for the rest of his (hopefully short) career. I am to this day kind of pissed that the guy can act, because it would be so much easier to despise him for foisting that shit on the world. Unfortunately since Titanic, I have not seen one movie that he has not done well in. Even if the movie around him isn't the best quality, he usually turns in a pretty solid preformance. And he is now one of the actors that can get me to go see a movie, based souly on his pressence in it.
Ryan Phillipe "Good scowl, Ryan. Repeat that for the rest of your mysteriously extended career. Julia Roberts Th anti-movie star. She's always been ugly, won an Oscar for giving a medicore performance, and has an ego you need to house in the NASA rocket assembly building. I don't understand how you can be so huge being so charisma-free. Chris Tucker I never liked him, and I never will. He's like a fucking car alarm with a broken remote.
Old school I've never liked Warren Beatty, and Bullworth just cemented it for me. His dramatic range consists entirely of looking off into the middle distance with a pensive look on his face. An absolutely horrible actor. Current actors people actually care about Like Beatty before him, Brad Pitt's acting range is severely limited. In every movie he plays the part of a handsome but sad and vulnerable protagonist. "Oh look at me, I'm banging Jen/Angelina/whoever the fuck I want, but I'm sad. So sad. And vulnerable." And you can take "Fight Club" and shove it up your ass. Ed Norton carried that movie, Pitt's part could have been played by half a dozen other guys. Tom Cruise - A weasely little fuck from my neck of the woods, he could actually act until the Mission Impossible series. At that point he A) developed his inner Thetan and B) actually believed he was the characters he was portraying.
Go see 12 Monkeys and then tell me he can't act. There's a difference between acting abilities and the movies one gets cast in.
There's no actor I hate more than Tom Cruise, but since he's been covered I'm going to go with Adam Sandler. Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison were hilarious. They were two of my favorite comedies growing up. However, it seems like he's since played the same role ten times. The last movie I saw with him in it was Funny People. He finally tries to finally show some range as an actor and fails miserably. I can't remember laughing once during the course of that movie, nor feeling a shred of compassion, despite Sandler's best efforts.
Beatty and Cruise (ratboy) are terrific calls, but I couldn't disagree more about Brad Pitt. Compare his performances in "12 Monkeys" to "Burn after Reading" to "Fight Club" to "True Romance". Yes, he's played in some shitty films, and yes, there are much better actors out there, but his range is good, and the majority of his roles are different than what you describe above. Focus- Will Ferrel- Never, ever found this guy funny except when he played GW Bush on SNL. Incredibly irritating and obnoxious in all his roles. Michael Cera- Watching him is annoying and physically uncomfortable. Ellen Page- Always has a childishly arrogant, smug attitude in every role she plays. Not only is it fake and laughable, it's also extremely irritating. Makes me hate her character, which is problematic considering she usually plays the protagonist. Makes every film she is in substantially worse.
Matthew McConaughey I can't even describe how much he pisses me off. Dude even uses the same half-ass southern accent in every movie (See: Dazed and Confused, & We Are Marshall). James McAvoy My undying hate for James McAvoy started when I was forced to go see the Atonement by a girl I was dating. She was so sad from the movie she decided it would be best for me to "just take her home". Fucking James McAvoy...
Its been about 10 years since I saw 12 Monkeys but I remember thinking that Brad Pitt's nut job role was not as amazing as people have made it out to be. focus: Shia LaBeouf Even after reading a Playboy article where he freely admitted he wasn't a good actor in any real sense I still fucking hate seeing his face appear on screen. He plays the same teenage loser with zero self confidence that stutters through every line. Even in movies where he's a switch blade wielding biker he's still playing a teenage loser with zero self confidence that stutters through every line. Even Megan Fox's intergalactic hotness could not bring me to see Transformer 2 after his pain inducing role in the first one.
Don't forget about Adventureland, where Jesse Eisenberg plays Michael Cera playing himself. Also, all of your opinions are wrong, because there was not one mention of this hideous, awful bitch of a woman: I hate Tilda Swinton. She ruins every fucking movie for me. When she randomly appeared in Benjamin Button I threw up. Every scene with her in Burn After Reading was revolting. The fact that she won an Oscar makes me emotionally unstable. The only role she's ever performed successfully was the Queen in Narnia, because she's an icy, icy bitch.
Seth Rogen - I don't find him funny, but it's not just that, I hate him. I don't know why but there's something about him, that makes me want to punch him in the face.
Sarah J Parker, Queen Latifah, Joan Cusack in anything but the lamest comedy....... This gold plated fucktard You are not 'intense' you just have beetle brows and piss hole eyes. Ditto the revolting Robson Green. Women in movies have to be nice looking to get laid, I want pretty men in sex scenes too (unless they have huge charisma, in which case bring it on)
I legitimately think Johnny Depp has only been in one decent movie, and that was Nightmare on Elm Street. Other than that he plays a limp wristed fairy of man, prancing around doing something really awkward and weird. He is best suited for being a side kick in a comedy that makes you feel uncomfortable (like Rob Schneider in Judge Dread). I know what your responses to this are- "But he played Hunter S. Thompson in a movie about drugs, and drugs are the coolest thing ever!" Or if you are a female - "He was the dreamiest effeminate pirate ever! He had eye shadow on!" It makes me want to gouge my eyes out.
Kirsten Dunst Exhibit A: NSFW OK, so she's not THAT hideous looking when the snaggletooth is hidden. But on the scale of actresses, she is really not very attractive. Which would be fine, if she could act. However, she has the emotional range of a heavily sedated Keanu Reeves. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Good script, direction, everything... except for every goddamn scene she's in. If you can't keep up with Kate Winslet or Tom Wilkinson, well, that's one thing. But there is a problem when Elijah Wood is acting circles around you. Spiderman, Virgin Suicides, etc. I would say her best role was as the little girl in Bonfire of the Vanities. I'm only going to watch the next Spiderman movie so I can root for her to die the entire time.
Jennifer Aniston. Her acting consists of looking petulant or out of breath "cuteness." Her character on Friends was tedious and she is still Rachel, in every fucking flick.
This brings to mind another irritating actress who is kind of a grown up version of her - Andie McDowell. I always thought she was unusually beautiful, but every single movie she is in (even when she is attempting to portray a nice person) she looks like a raging bitch. If I like a movie with her in it, it is despite her - Groundhog Day, Green Card. Four Weddings and a Funeral was chock full of wonderful British humor, but Andie's arrogant, smug acting combined with the awfulness of her character just ruined it. And we were supposed to root for Hugh Grant's character to end up with her? It was like walking into a bakery with wonderful sights and smells, then coming across a pile of shit lying on the floor. Then the baker scoops up the shit, places it on top of a cake, and presents it to you with a smile.