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That fucking bitch

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Juice, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    I went a wedding over the holidays. The bride's step-mother showed up in a white dress, got drunk during the reception, and tried to make out with the groom's father, who's wife was right there. The bride was in the bathroom crying and the groom was too drunk to react to anything. I had a good time though.

    Focus: Who is that fucking bitch/asshole in your life?
  2. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    I have an acquaintance who was friends with one of my friends. Fucking asshole. He'd constantly turn into a raging asshole when drunk. Broke my friend's shit on purpose, got my friend busted for under age drinking when tried to steal a glass pitcher from a bar and flipped shit on the bar staff when caught, even his dad would treat another one of our mutual friends like an asshole (apparently the apple didnt fall for from the tree). Eventually my friend ended up telling us not to tell him we were going out just to avoid the mess. Wasn't too tough since I never talked with the kid outside of seeing him with my friend. He's a lawyer now and I think specializes in divorce law.

    The owner of the last place I worked was a cunt above the rest. I felt bad for her brother who helped her buy into the business. He was a decent guy. I think she is still averaging a turn over in management (the people closest to her) every 3 months or so. To the outside world she projects this angelic persona of caring by a lot of non profit work, supposedly on the board of an anti bullying group which is a fucking laugh, and big money donations.
  3. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    One of my friend's girlfriends was an insufferable cunt beyond anything I've ever met. He was my roommate and she was there all the fucking time. She had her own place, but as far as I could tell she only went there occasionally to pick up clothes or something. She bitched about ANYTHING. Cooking while they were watching a movie in the living room? "What the fuck are you cooking while we're watching a movie for? Show some respect to people. God, you're such an idiot." Have my laptop plugged in? "Why do you have it plugged in? Do you think at all?" Like music she doesn't like? Oh, she will fucking tell you about it. Break the spaghetti in half instead of putting it all in whole? Don't even get her started. The woman was annoying in ways I didn't even know were possible. I dealt with that bullshit for about a month as best I could and finally laid it out to my friend that while she was his girlfriend, I paid rent there, she didn't, and I wasn't listening to that shit every day. Eventually me and anyone who came over tried our best to pretend she didn't exist. She was so fucking bad it got to the point we didn't want to invite him places because she would likely show up. It's not like she had anyone else to distract her. The poor fuck married her.

    At work it's my current co-manager. The department ran like shit the previous year when she was in charge(with someone who left the company). Instead of acknowledging there is room for improvement she has only blamed me for everything that goes wrong and calls me delusional when I don't go along with her stupid shit. She also acts as if everything ran so much better before I showed up, but the numbers are the numbers... you can't really lie about that shit. The last couple months she hasn't worked at all and I pretty much do everything. It's good in a way, because she can't fuck much up, but she still sends e-mails to our boss accusing me of being lazy and acting as if she does all the work. It's the most shameless load of horse shit I've ever seen. How the fuck do you do nothing all day and then write that crap? In any case the department has gotten way better (no thanks to thunder cunt) and she's transferring to another department soon. Thank fucking God.
  4. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    My old roommate could have applied. The worst aggressive kind of drunk, super selfish, and delusional as fuck, but I haven't talked to him in over a year.

    It absolutely is my Aunt Kathy. My dad's oldest sister. Just an absolute domineering wench of a woman. Attempts to be manipulative and controlling but doesn't have the political savvy to do so, so she just acts like a bitch and hides behinds tears and hurt feelings when things dont go her way. She's looked down on my Mom for the entirety of the time my parents have been married because of some faux superiority because my mom came from the other side of the tracks. She once blamed my mom for "ruining Santa" for her daughter because my family had a Christmas Morning tradition and then Christmas Day with my Mom's side of the family so we'd leave my grandparents on the night of Christmas Eve, while most others stayed overnight. As a result my Aunt Kathy had to "move" Santa up a week. And that was somehow my Mom's fault..Fuck off bitch.

    Now my Grandparents have moved into a senior apartment complex without room for 20+ people for christmas. We had Christmas Eve in a party room in the building for 2 years, but it was terrible and impersonal. A few years ago, my Dad proposed hosting it as we had the biggest house most centrally located. People loved the idea, took all the burden and pressure off my Grandparents, its been a great success...and now my fucking Aunt cries every year and bemoans our family "lacking proper traditions". We convinced everyone to do a Qdoba taco bar for midday dinner this year. We'd been trying for 2-3 years. The cousins LOVED it, my grandparents thought it was great, everyone was Aunt cried before going through the line and "didn't have much of an appetite". She never even used to cook, she's just a fucking child who can't get her age 60+.

    Oh, and my Dad who is a successful entrepreneur who built a company from nothing and who gave minor stakes in it to all his siblings was told by her, about 5 years in, "when are you going to quit this silly endeavor and get a real job". This coming from a faux intellectual who talks about how hard it is to be a professor and the rigors of college teaching...she's adjunct faculty at a small university and does no research. That's fine, but don't fucking turn down your nose at people.
    #4 JWags, Jan 3, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016