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That ain't no way to live

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Heeze, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. Heeze

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    Village Idiot

    Dec 17, 2009
    As I'm sure virtually everyone on this here board does, I read alot. And recently I read something that has become very much entrenched in my day to day thinking.

    "..Find someone to love, find something to do, an always have something to look forward to."

    This in many ways has been a very important theme on this board and the Tucker Max message boards, that it is important to have some semblance of passion in your life.

    I love to surf, snowboard and golf. I feel fulfilled if I have invested some time in one of these three activities in any given week and could ramble on all day about what they personally do for me.


    Focus: Who/what is it that you love, do and look forward to?

    Sub-focus: Do you agree with the statement in question? Or wholeheartedly diasgree?
  2. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    I love all of you, and I look forward to bumping threads every single day.
  3. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    I love drinking, I look forward to drinking, and I look forward to drinking.

    Obvious out of the way...

    I don't have anyone to love, and I've been looking for years. Still waiting. I guess this part of the question is pretty depressing for me.

    I do very very well at my job, and I take a decent amount of pride at being better at it than anyone else I work with. I'm the one new guys come to for training.

    I look forward to the payoff of the investment company I helped found. We're up 18% over the market in the last year, and we're worth over $100,000. In 20 years, it will be my retirement.

    The question seems a bit farcical, though. I love any pussy, I look forward to easy chicks, and I look forward to going out.

    Maybe specify.
  4. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    I love masturbation. I do it atleast once a day and still manage to find time for my girlfriend.

    Sex is great, but its just not the real thing.
  5. silway

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I love my wife, she makes my life so much better in so many ways.

    I have a real passion for LARPing as the medium through which I can really craft a compelling story and provide a satisfying and emotional journey for people. Compelling storytelling is why I love TV shows like Babylon 5, West Wing, etc and I like to do the same thing through LARPing. I run them, I play them, I teach others how to improve theirs. It's a fascinating and engrossing passion for me.

    The thing not quite there yet for me is my actual job. Document review is no one's passion (one would hope), but for now it pays the bills and is relatively easy and lets me work on my hobbies without much interference.

    Sub-focus: I do think it's important to be passionate about something and to be looking forward to the next thing. Human beings get used to their current circumstances and that breeds ennui and they need "the next thing" to make for an exciting and happy life. I also know that I learn through working on a project vs. just reading a how-to book in a vacuum. So I recently started podcasting and that has project has been my vehicle to learn about all sorts of internet social networking and website design and the like. Without projects like this, life becomes tedious.
  6. lostalldoubt86

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe
    I love hiking. Or, I love the feeling I get after going for a hike. That completely exhausted, totally relaxed, can't move parts of my body feeling. I can honestly say I love that. The hike itself is pretty great too, but the feeling I get afterwards is amazing.
  7. Cadders

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 26, 2009
    Well, I guess I love my (now ex) girlfriend, but considering I ended things with her last weekend ('cos of my year abroad, see below), maybe I just thought i did. Jury's out on that one.

    I love boxing, powerlifting and learning languages, so I guess that ticks both the 'things to love' and 'things to do' boxes.

    As for somethin to look forward to, I completely agree with the original quote on that part. I'd go crazy if I didn't always have something to look forward to. Couple of years ago it was just going to uni, but now I'm looking forward to going off and doing a 12-month internship in Argentina in August - can't wait.

    I'd say that original quote is pretty spot on to be honest.
  8. Pinkcup

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    Focus: Who/what is it that you love, do and look forward to?

    Oh, this will be entertaining.

    -I love my cats. Everyone else can go fuck themselves. Those little bastards make me smile all the time, and I think they're the sole reason I'm not already taking medication to lower my blood pressure.

    -I love to sit down with a big ass glass of merlot and read pretentious literature and/or feministy things.

    -I look forward to any/all occasions that culminate in me having an orgasm. Masturbation, sex, oral sex...whatever. If I'm going to cum, I'm looking forward to that shit.

    I am not at all fulfilling certain stereotypes about twenty-something feminists. Nope, not at all.

    EDIT: WTF, how did I miss the subfocus? But yes, I agree with that statement. I think a large part of happiness is being able to fully immerse yourself in something engaging- and the above quote fits that criteria nicely. Being in love, finding something worthwhile to do, and anticipating something awesome? If you could maintain that over a lifetime, I'd say that sounds like pretty much the best way to spend your life EVER.
  9. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I love blowjobs. Or, I love the feeling I get after getting a blowjob. That completely exhausted, totally relaxed, can't move parts of my body feeling. I can honestly say I love that. The blowjob itself is pretty great too, but the feeling I get afterwards is amazing.

    Onwards, ho:

    "Find someone to love, find something to do, and always have something to look forward to."

    To that end, I'd say I love my ex. I'm going to assume that the quote means, "love someone other than family," but I suppose that could go either way. When I say that I love my ex, I don't mean in a pathetic, longing-for-what-we-used-to-have type nonsense, but a genuine sense of connection with her, because of how much she's meant to me over the years. She's challenged me to be a better person in many ways, more so than anyone else has in my life. We're still civil and we still talk regularly, and it's great to have at least one person in your life who knows you better than anyone, and isn't afraid to call you on your bullshit because of it.

    As for finding something to do, I've been heavily investing my time lately towards a major personal project, which I hope to eventually turn into a legitimate, shipped video game title. Video games are, for better and for worse, one of my favorite pastimes, and I've taken it to new heights as of late in the form of trying to create my own work, rather than paying upwards of $60 to be at the mercy of someone else's. For as long as I've been fervently playing video games, I feel like I know enough about them now to know what design features work and which ones do not, and more importantly, why those features succeed or fail. I've had many academic and personal interests over the years, and none have captivated me as much as game design. I'm still very inexperienced in the whole ordeal, but knowing what to expect from myself and from my work is very rewarding, and is what continually drives me forward.

    I absolutely agree with the principle behind "find something to do." Human beings are, among many other things, innovative creatures. We naturally seek to create, explore, analyze, infer, and deconstruct. It's what betters us as a species. Think about how many times you've said to yourself, or to a friend, "I'm sitting at home on a Thursday with nothing to do?" As someone who's been clinically diagnosed with depression for nearly a decade, I'd say there are few emotions out there that are as unfulfilling as boredom. Being bored is one of the most troublesome things for me, personally, and numerous studies have linked boredom to depression in the past. When I get bored, I become unproductive. When I become unproductive long enough, I'll begin to feel a lack of purpose. When that happens, my depression is sure to resurface. More than anything, I hate when I don't have something to strive for that I can be proud of. Those are the days I feel the most unsure of myself, when I feel like I didn't offer myself to the world to the best of my abilities, or didn't at least take something from it that I can use to better myself and turn into productivity at a later time.

    What I look forward to, more than most other things, is time spent with friends. Everything that isn't masturbation is better spent shared. Being around people of similar interests and passions as yourself, with whom you can share experiences and knowledge of your hobbies, is sorely underrated. This becomes increasingly true when it involves your favorite activities. One of my favorite things to do for fun, since I was 8 years old, is go bowling. Maybe it's the math geek in me, maybe it'd because every white person gets a membership card for it when they're born, but I fucking love to bowl. And while some people here have likened it to luring kids with candy into your windowless van, it's actually quite popular, and it has the added benefit of meeting people, even if you play only casually, and not as competitively as Kevin Garnett would (like I tend to do with almost anything I enjoy). It's my one night each week where I can let all responsibility and stress fall by the wayside, relax with a Blue Moon, and fuck up some pins. Everyone needs to have that "one day" to relax, if at all possible.

    At the end of the day, it always feels good to have at least one thing that nobody - fucking nobody - can take from you. Even minor achievements you did that day were important, if you remember to acknowledge them. They can come in the form of reading a book, going for a 3-mile run, teaching a kid to read, building a chair, building a house, making a woman come (thrice), or literally any one of the thousands upon thousands of different activities out there among various disciplines. I've found that as long as I can always point to one thing I did during the course of my day as being significant, and having added value to my life (or someone else's), I consider that to have been a very good day.

  10. TeslaCoil

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    Village Idiot

    Feb 7, 2011
    I love my downtime. I am at my happiest when I have a day that I don't HAVE to do anything, so I can do what I want. Whether it's going out with friends half the night, taking a long walk, reading in a coffee shop, or just watching TV on the couch, it seems everything I think of that "I love" falls into this category. These are also things I "do". Is it weird I'm not thinking of people or things but actions and experiences? Again I am thinking after the obvious, friends and family.

    I do...I think of this as my work. I work as a therapist, I run a therapy group for people wth bipolar disorder. I also love my work, though it is stressful and is probably why I equally love anything that remotely qualifies as "time off."

    I look forward to traveling and vacations. Even little short weekends away. I find myself getting out of town every few months whether it is driving home to Buffalo, from Pittsburgh, for the weekend or planning a week-long vacation at the beach.
  11. Devils Advocate

    Devils Advocate
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    Feb 18, 2010
    Ooooh, this seems like a happy thread.

    -I love most members of my family.

    - I love my horses.

    -I love every single one of my hobbies.

    - I probably love awesome, drunk, sex more than anything.

    - I love kissing.

    - I love alcohol.

    - I love sleeping in.

    - I love the smell of warm, home made, chocolate chip cookies.

    - I love Ice cream, chocolate, and Mountain Dew. Seperately.

    One a different note. I refuse to let myself fall in love with anyone. If I even sense myself getting attatched, I will walk away, and never look back. I have gotten hurt too many times in my life, and have had my trust been broken more times than I can count. It is not worth it to me. I am always up front about it. I don't lead anyone on. Yes, I have issues, I know this.
  12. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Okay, I'll bite.

    I love my wife, who is way smarter than me, and is also way hotter and better than me. I highly recommend marrying up, its quite nice if you can pull it off. I also love my family, including my brothers, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, parents, and yes, even my crazy-ass in-laws. Love all things geek (video games, movies, tv, gadgets, comic books, regular books, etc). Also look forward to summer when I can watch baseball and hang out with my family, or winter when I can watch football and curl up on the couch with the wife. Finally, I look forward to my monthly poker games with my brothers and my friends, when I can bullshit, listen to music, and play some cards. I don't think I've won any money in the last year, but its still always fun.
  13. Captain Apathy

    Captain Apathy
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    Average Idiot

    Nov 1, 2009
    I love my friends. One of my great successes in the last decade has been going from a friendless high schooler to a college graduate with several groups of really close friends. I have a regular Tuesday night bar trivia game with one group of friends, and a Wednesday night dinner with several others. On the weekend, we all go out and drink and have a good time.

    I love collecting and reading books. I can't walk past a book without wondering what stories and insights are to be found in its pages. Lately, I've been thinking the same way about documentaries and classic movies on Netflix.

    On a slightly related note, I love trying to figure out this crazy world. I love Wikipedia for helping me with that.

    I love the brief moments of perfection, like when I'm at the Butler*-Pitt and Butler wins in one of the craziest endings in March Madness history, and I'm jumping and cheering with my friend in the middle of a huge group of Pitt fans. Or when I'm sitting in the Schonbrunn gardens with some friends on a beautiful April day and I can't imagine anywhere else I'd rather be.

    I don't have a girlfriend or fuck buddy, but I'm working on that.

    *- I didn't go to Butler, but my parents teach there, and I grew up less than a mile from campus. I've got the cred to be a Bulldogs fan.
  14. redbullgreygoose

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I love that sore, tired feeling you get after doing something strenuous and you're laying down at the end of the day with your muscles sore and aching.

    I also love sex. I've never been in love but sex with someone you care about is better than random sex. That random casual sex can get old. When you're fucking someone you care about the others just seem to fade into the background. FOOTBALL, MONSTER TRUCKS, TITS AND ASS! There, now I sound like less of a pussy.

    For the most part I'm pretty content with my life.
  15. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    I love my dogs. I love them such a ridiculous amount that when the time comes, years from now (knock on wood) that they pass, I will be utterly destroyed and may not get over it. Ever. They truly light up my life and they're the one thing that brings me pure joy.

    I love going for long walks. Solitary or with friends, but a good, three hour-ish walk/hike with the dogs off leash and nothing to do before or after on a beautiful day is my version of perfection.

    Career-wise, I enjoy renovating houses. I'm good at it, and ultimately it's what I'd like to move on to. I think I'd be good at it full time, but for now I hedge my bets with a regular 9-5 job that pays the bills.

    Obviously I love my family. Immediate and extended.

    I'm not religious or even spiritual but the only word I can think of to describe my life is "blessed." I've been so fortunate, I know so many good people, and life is good.
  16. walt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I love writing. Sure it aint the greatest stuff on Earth, but I enjoy it and it's often a way for me to clear my head, just put it on paper.

    I love playing music. By myself or with a group of friends, there is nothing more relaxing than just hanging out playing some tunes and having a couple beers.

    I love going to the pub. If I could spend everyday in a good pub I would. The conversation, the beer, the atmosphere - it all feels very natural. Many days off from work have been spent whiling away an afternoon at the bar with some friends not giving a shit about the things we should be doing.

    I love being out in my yard, mowing the grass or doing some other menial stuff. It's relaxing and beats a day at the office. A couple of cold ones in the shade when done top it off perfectly.

    Oh yeah, I love my wife, kids and all that other shit as well.
  17. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Without getting too off-topic, I have an honest question for you and anyone else who feels similarly, because it's quite prevalent around here: when you experience similar fortune in life, do you ever feel "lacking" in some fashion, because of the supposed lack of a source (be it real or imaginary) outside of yourself that you regularly put stock in and give thanks to for your gains in life?

    It doesn't have to be religious or spiritual, but something even as simple as chalking up the good things you've experience in life to something like karma, or "what goes around, comes around." Speaking strictly from experience, I feel a whole hell of a lot better when I can regularly give some form of appreciation to some entity or maxim outside of myself for all the good I experience. Failing that, I try to always put things in perspective: yeah, I may not be making $100k a year, but at least an earthquake and tsunami didn't just fuck my world in half. If nothing else, that mindset keeps me in check and I never, ever take things I have for granted as a result.

    Again, this doesn't have to be about "God" or anything of that sort; any central source will do. I'm curious about the various ways in which you Idiots tend to receive positive things that occur in your lives. It's always great to say, "Yeah, I did a good job with that. I'm proud of myself," but does it ever extend beyond that? Religious people are fond of saying, "If God wants you to have it, he'll grant it to you," but that can also be reduced to some variation of, "If I'm meant to have it or achieve it, I will with hard work and persistence."
  18. Dcc001

    Expand Collapse
    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Both of my parents are fond of saying something to the effect of, "Everything happens for a reason." Which is particularly odd for my father who is not in any way even remotely close to religious/spiritual.

    I find, in my life at least, that it is mostly true. Everything just always seems to work out in the end. I hear about so many other people who are depressed or who have tragedy or just in general do not succeed at what they want, and I wonder, "Why am I different?" Like Rob, I don't make an insane wage nor have I found the love of my life yet, and certainly there has been tragedy in my life. Yet I'm a raging optimist, and I always see the good in any situation and in any person (except for people who name their children "Lyric," or "Ivy"). I think it's ultimately about outlook.

    As I get older, I feel the need to be grateful for all that I have. To give thanks. Is this some kind of latent spirituality, bursting out of my atheist shell? I don't know. But the feeling persists, all the same.
  19. E. Tuffmen

    E. Tuffmen
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Negative space
    I love myself, I love spending time by myself doing yard work, playing video games, reading, and taking a really good satisfying crap in the morning, and I look forward to everyone leaving the house so I can be completely by myself in peace and fucking quiet. Sometimes I don't know why I ever got married and had kids.
  20. Mantis Toboggan M.D.

    Mantis Toboggan M.D.
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    Dec 6, 2009
    I love playing two-hand touch, eating way too much, watching my team win, and twins

    I love quarterbacks eating dirt, pom poms and short skirts, fans that won't quit, and twins

    And I love you too

    (I have no idea why I remember this commercial 10 years later)