binary edit: Reputation is currently disabled. We're working on it. Report any technical issues here while I update the software and finalize the server transfer. I'll keep this thread updated with things as they happen. Please stay strictly on topic.
I've just updated the mail server settings on the board, so please let me know if you have any problems receiving/getting email. Email is sent in two main cases; either a new registration verification email, or as an email notification for a watched topic or incoming private message. I don't use that feature, personally, so if you do, and there are problems, please let me know. I'll assume that those emails are working unless I hear otherwise (as is evidenced by the never-ending fight against spambots).
Nope, known issue that is being looked into. Binary and I are, as we speak, trying to figure it out. Basically, it seems that the old version of code this site is written in was working under an old version of php, while the new server is using new php, and there are a few things that the old forum code tries to do that doesn't work with the new version of PHP as a result.
Okay, session bug is fixed and board software is upgrade. Reputation is currently disabled - the old mod is no longer supported. Nett and I will be investigating a new reputation mod and hopefully migrating the old data over. Please report any other issues.
Re: Technical Issues Thread - REP IS CURRENTLY DISABLED Search isn't working, such as View Active Topics
Re: Technical Issues Thread - REP IS CURRENTLY DISABLED FYI, Binary did this last update, not me... great job! Send your reps to him! Oh... wait...
Re: Technical Issues Thread - REP IS CURRENTLY DISABLED FYI, everyone, this change that was just done is HUGE. We jumped from version 5 to version 12 of the forum software, which represents over 2 years of improvements/development. Some things we were using (like reps) were abandoned by their developers a long time ago, which is why they're no longer in the current site. The plan is to implement a new rep system, and then migrate the rep history across to it. Again, major props to Binary for doing some great work.
Re: Technical Issues Thread - REP IS CURRENTLY DISABLED Appreciate the offer... if it looks like a headache to port the data to a new rep mod I'll see if I can package up the old files. Unfortunately the old mod can't even be downloaded anymore. It'll probably be pretty simple to just install a new mod and port the data, though, since any rep mod basically just constitutes who, how much, and a comment.
Just FYI At the moment, is not working (404). It was either redirecting or giving a redirect message. is not working either, but is.
Re: Just FYI I cannot duplicate the issue with It works on all of my browsers. I have re-added the /messageboard/index.php page so that it tells the user to redirect to /index.php
Re: Just FYI Odd. Well, it's working for me now. I tried it on my computer on IE and Firefox and on my phone. I even waited a bit before I posted in case it was temporary. Oh well. I'll just crawl back in my hole . . .
Re: Technical Issues Thread - REP IS CURRENTLY DISABLED At some point I'll put in a proper Apache redirect for anything looking for /messageboard files as that's an artifact from the old server and isn't valid any more.
Juiced i am concerned that tib may be on steroids, this is so fast. is there any risk you'll get busted for ped's and be suspended? also, the new graphic for the attachment reminds me of the cartoon helper paper clip from ms office.
Re: Juiced the site really is absurdly fast now. the new server was pretty quick by itself but the version upgrade sent it over the top. i hate the new paperclip attachment. i plan on replacing it at some point.
Re: Juiced the new server lets us actually run jobs for longer than a minute, which the search indexing is. (more like 20 mins at this point). the old one would just arbitrarily kill the index process after a minute, so it never worked.
Let me axe you a question so, we can attach other files now? like video? how do you keep it from playing the video player as soon as somebody opens the thread (or the spoiler tag)? i know on page 7 of the boobie thread, for instance, the page with video automatically starts playing the video as soon as i visit that page. makes for some quick scrambling for the mute button when i'm around other people and a page like that opens on my phone.
Re: Technical Issues Thread - REP IS CURRENTLY DISABLED if you post a video/application that requires quicktime or java, please attempt to juggle chainsaws. thanks.