My work in progress. Im bringing more swirls and stars into my back and stomach, then sooner or later adding color. Just have to do it bit by bit though...because well...I'm a pussy and that shit hurts.
I got this, this weekend at Uptown Tattoo in New Orleans next to Cooter Browns. I have been wanting to get a fluerdelys for a while. My wife also got one while we there (her first, a red high heel). Don't intend on getting another for a while unless I see something that speaks to me. The gross looking sores are mosquito bites, I hate those fuckers.
Does anyone know an artist in the New York City/ New Jersey area who does good work with Japanese style tattoos? I'm in the market for a half sleeve.
I so desperately need to get this finished, but every time I intend to go we either have no money, or i'm pregnant. BS! I wonder if my tattoo artist would even remember me at this point
I have a spider tatted on my right foot above my toes. I got it at a biker party and laughed when 10 large Outlaws stood around asking me how much it hurt...seriously, like I was feeling a thing. Can't post a pic til I can get on the laptop (genius son is still doing homework on it) but its kinda neat. I have arachnophobia so I thought it was like a talisman. 'Cept now I just try squashing my foot every other day thinking there's a spider on my foot. Just kidding, I'm buzzed so I made that up. About the squashing thing. I totally am spelling "squashing" wrong, aren't I?
The Latest one done by my buddy here in Iraq, sometimes we have too much free time... I don't give a fuck what people say this one hurt like a bitch.
5 tattoo's here at the moment, leaving in about 10min to get my 6th. Will post pic's once I get back. Nice art on all parts on the previous posts here. My Grandfather's Squadron patch, slightly altered by the artist.
Pictures of my recent work, all color done of shoulder to elbow - only have a few touch-ups to do on it. Also have chest piece to finish and the fore-arm as well.
I have my hand on the rose on my ribs. I also just noticed I wrote 4 hours more work, its really like 8. Yeah, I'm of the pale variety. Edit: she is a zombie, thus the decay. She will be quite dead when we are done filling her in.
Got this a week ago today. It is derived from a John Stewart Mill quote. Some of you might recognize it, the beginning of the quote is "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things." It hurt like a bitch, but somehow I believe that a tattoo about the strong protecting the weak should hurt. I am really pleased with it and just wish I could get passed the itchy healing phase right now.
still a lot of work to go. want to fill in the left side with something very post apocalyptic and the right with something saccharin sweet as background