Been there done that, saves on mess. Back in my lonelier, pre-pocket pussy days I'd use some cheap latex gloves (the kind you see medical personnel wear) for much the same reason.
...Is this a joke? There isn't a single guy I know who doesn't hate the feeling of a condom while he's actually fucking... and you guys jerk off wearing them voluntarily? ... da fuq?
The easy and unfair double standard is that while woman can use toys and be celebrated for exploring their sexuality. Men who use toys are fucking basement dwelling LOSERS who couldn't talk a women into bed for a million bucks. The only thing Ive ever seen is a fleshlight and I feel like cleaning out all the crevices of it would be a pain and gross as shit. I honestly have no beef with wearing condoms fucking. Maybe it's the hypochondriac fear of STDs and knocking a girl up but shit feels just fine with me. Ive tried cranking it with a condom on and it is a bit easier to clean up but not worth the cash when paper towels are probably less than a penny per sheet. A single role could last months. Plus I mean I feel odd as fuck buying condoms when I have a girl to use them on to begin with. It would just be extra sad buying the mega-lo mart sized box just to masturbate with.
I only used a condom once or twice tops to masturbate with; I'll admit it wasn't the best thing in the world, it just saved on the mess. I cannot express with words how bad I hate cleaning up my cum, I don't dig any of bodily fluids for that matter, but cum in particular just irritates me. Hence why I prefer the pocket pussy, which isn't bad at all to clean. I just stick it under some hot running water, give it a good rinse inside and out, and then just put it back until next time; it probably takes a grand total of two minutes tops.
I'm a man of simple needs. I'll get completely naked, either lay down on my bed or sit in my chair and beat my dick like it owes me money, finish into a paper towel and flush it. I don't know if I'm gripping it too hard or just jerking it too much, but I haven't been able finish during sex, condom or not. I haven't beat it in a week so hopefully I find a release soon because the girl I was kind of seeing seems to have gotten tired of marathon fucking and is fading out.
Ever? Meaning you have never had an orgasm with a woman? A week isn't long enough. I'd avoid touching myself for a year if that was the only way I could come during sex.
It's even a while but I never had an issue with condoms, not in the least. I think they were a small sacrifice considering what you got out of the deal for using them. Any guy getting laid and still feeling the need to complain about it needs professional help.
On the uptown bus, rapidly enough to finish between the 7th street and Elm Street stops, where I can get off the bus before the other passengers start wondering what it is that's running down the aisle.
Jacking it into a condom, hey? Can't say that's ever crossed my mind, or that I'll ever do it. Do you guys have it fully on, like you would during sex, or just cover the tip when you're gonna pop? I just spend the extra dollar fiddy on super-soft/lotioned Kleenex. Makes clean up feel kinda nice (besides the soul-crushing shame, obviously). Also: IS IT?! Please explain in detail.
Plebe. Cranking it on the highway next to the girls field hockey team bus before someone calls the cops is where it is really at.
On my bed with some lotion and a paper towel to shoot my load into. I like to be comfortable when I beat it.
Snork? On the computer chair. Bam. I actually switched to lefty a couple years ago. I was having a LOT of phone sex with this chick, and it was just easier. Now, if I wanna just bang one out real quick, like, not even take any pleasure in it, I'll do it righty. But if I have the time, lefty, lube or lotion, paper towel cum catcher, LET'S ROCK.
I have friends who prefer to watch porn on their mobile, even if the laptop/computer is available. I find this intensely weird.