This article, on how more and more chefs are smoking bud, is a great read. But this thread could be better. Focus: What's the most awesome/disgusting food concoction you have made while stoned? Alt. Focus: What is your take on the "haute stoner cuisine" mentioned in the article? Do you encourage chefs to toke up on the clock, or do you wish there was some kind of "warning: chef may be stoned" at the top of the menu? Alt. Alt. Focus: When you are stoned, is there somewhere you ALWAYS revert to to eat you otherwise wouldn't?
one of the reasons i've stopped smoking as much was pulling an "all of the above" on the mcdonalds menu That said the Bacon Chedder Angus (or three) are just mindblowing when baked
Grilled cheese using Tillamook Pepperjack cheese. My go to snack. That and peanut butter and strawberry jelly. Not with the grilled cheese though, that's wack.
Focus: What's the most awesome concoction you have made while stoned? Cut up hot-dogs, sliced potatos, carrots, onions, pineapple, peanuts simmered in either water/beer inside a sealed foil pouch either in the oven or the bbq. Cook it for an hour and then add your favourite sauce and some shredded cheese. Waiting an hour for food while stoned is a pain in the ass, but well worth it. I am honestly salivating while typing this. Alt. Focus: What is your take on the "haute stoner cuisine" mentioned in the article? Do you encourage chefs to toke up on the clock, or do you wish there was some kind of "warning: chef may be stoned" at the top of the menu? I couldn't really care less if a chef/cook is stoned while cooking my food. Rarely will a day go by when I don't run into someone who is functioning while stoned doing something else. People show up stoned for work all the time, it doesn't matter if they're a radio announcer, a clerk at Wal-Mart or a chef for that matter. As long as the food is good, and I get what I pay for, than I don't give a rat's ass what you're on. Alt. Alt. Focus: When you are stoned, is there somewhere you ALWAYS revert to to eat you otherwise wouldn't? When foiled dinners are not an option, my dining options while stoned are rather predictable and boring. Pizza, McDonalds, or some form of takeout. Though lately since I've started running and watching my diet, I've stuck more so to fruit trays, healthier chips and lots of water.
It took a couple of bowls for me to discover that Graham Crackers and Ricotta cheese go really well together.
1 can lentils 1 jar Indian korma sauce (available at Extra Foods) 4 cups rice 1 small red onion Get the rice started and dice the onion while rinsing and draining the lentils. Fry the diced onion and once browned, fry the lentils in the same pan. After a few minutes, add the jar of korma sauce and put it on low heat. Once the rice is done, enjoy. Add salt as necessary.
Chunky Peanut butter on Ritz crackers. There is NOTHING better than that. As for the Haute Stoner cuisine, I never realized it had a name before, but you do see a lot of these types of restaurants with the small plates and easy to devour food around NYC. The only place I've been to that they mentioned is The Spotted Pig, and that place is fucking fantastic. My girl has been to the Momfuku Milk Bar, she had cinnamon milk ice cream or whatever and said it was fantastic.
After reading "Kitchen Confidential", I'd be surprised to have a meal at a nice restaurant that was not prepared by a coked-out maniac. As far as I'm concerned, it all goes back to the sanitation issue: as long as what they are doing isn't affecting the taste or quality of the meal, I say whatever. It makes for interesting reading material if nothing else.
The three best chefs I know are also the three biggest stoners. So, I don't really care what they do in the kitchen as long as my food is tasty. Between the three of them, they run the two best places to eat in town. Its all local grown hippie food, grass feed beef. Its seriously delicious. Being good friends with a lot of people that went to culinary school, I'm sure every plate of food you've eaten out, has been touched by some one on some sort of illegal drug.
Focus The best stoner cuisine comes from a lack of available ingredients, your overwhelming need to eat something--ANYTHING--and a little bit of ingenuity. It's also good if you're feeling so silly that you'll put the two most unlikely things together. That's where the best combinations are invented. Here's a good example: I commend you, brave explorer. And here's a shitty example: Oh my god, ham, cheese, and a more delicious form of bread?!?!?! How risque of you! How daring! OF COURSE THAT'S FUCKING GOOD RETARD! I'm not really one to talk though, I usually just end up slathering everything in peanut butter, chocolate syrup, or cheese. I do remember on one desperate occasion mixing easy mac with ramen noodles, which wasn't bad at all. The best thing I've ever made, which I continue to do now even when sober, is to dip a bagel with cream cheese in Cap'n Crunch.
Very simple - get a bunch of Chicken McNuggets, wrap them up in plain lasagna noodles, and bone appetite. For desert, make a sandwich using chocolate chip cookies as bread, and raw cookie dough as the filling. Or if you are a cannibal, use women as the bread and fetuses as the filling. Same basic idea, but the cookie version is more sugary while the human version is more salty.
Friend's fridge had NOTHING but condiments and toppings in it... and we ended up eating green olives and tabasco sauce. They were pitted olives (no pimento) and at the suggestion of my friend we literally filled the olives up with hot sauce before eating them. It was terrible. WAY too much hot sauce to olive ratio. We both agreed on how bad it was, but we still kept eating them because we thought it was hilarious how terrible they were, plus the alternative was not eating them. Probably would've been better to try eating just the olives sans hot sauce, but by that point we weren't thinking very clearly.
I went to a pretty well known "edgy" restarunt in Chicago about 2 months ago. Its well known around Chicago and the country (written up in GQ and other publications) for its daring food and interesting attitude (chef answers the phone and takes reservations but good luck getting someone to answer, chef and sous chefs are also servers, etc...). Anyways, it was one of the best meals I've ever had, but the best part was going to the bathroom took you right past the kitchen and the chefs were blasting old school rap and it looked like a hot box. And from the aromas, it was some quality product. It explained alot about the menu, but I'll be damned if it wasn't brilliantly delicious.
I love to make toasted bacon and egg sandwiches when I get lit (which is every single day). I don't get pregnant woman-weirdo cravings with pot. I like the simple stuff: Popcorn, McDonald's cheeseburgers, Kettle chips, peanut butter sandwiches, etc. It's quick, and no sense wasting your buzz preparing a feast.
Bagel bites and pizza rolls, with a generous helping of hot sauce and ranch mixture (buffranch). I never ever eat this shit sober, and think it generally tastes awful. When I'm stoned though...oh boy, I'll grind the fuck out of some bagel bites.
When stoned: take any cookie/pastry/baked good. Heat it up. Add peanut butter. Add nutella. Get fat, sure, but God it is so satisfying. I had a tiny crockpot, that I would put instant chocolate chip muffin mix in. Cook for about 45 minutes, and you get semi-solid cookie dough that's piping hot. Stoned when I did it, stoned when I created it, sober I'm like...fuckin, really? But, it made for one happy stoner.
Eggs are possibly the best thing to happen to marijuana users since vaporizers. My brother, our roommate and me would get high and commence to splitting a dozen eggs between the 3 of us. One night my brother dreamed up a bowl of rice, 4 over easy eggs, ketchup, spam, Tabasco, and cheese. I used hot dogs instead of spam and passed on the Tabasco. I'll be goddamned if it wasn't the most delicious thing I've ever eaten. I generally don't get lit up anymore, mostly because my munchies go fucking crazy. I got high as shit one night and commenced to eating two large Papa John's chicken alfredo spinach tomato pizzas and nearly had a stroke from all the garlic butter I used for the crust. I had to drink half a bottle of stool softener so I could have a fecal miscarriage the next day.
My dessert go-to: Tortilla heated up in the microwave in damp paper towel, slather it in butter, then sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on it, and roll it up. Amazing.