<a class="postlink" href="http://www.buzzfeed.com/babymantis/18-ways-to-make-sure-tomorrow-is-better-than-today-1opu" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.buzzfeed.com/babymantis/18-w ... today-1opu</a> Some of these are cool, some of these would make me think you are off your meds. Focus: How do you brighten your day? What do you do to make life more tolerable? Do you do weird shit that makes you happy?
I think I may have heard this tip on the board, but whenever my girlfriend and I are pissed at each other, we both sit across from each other and just start sayin "Bubbles" to each other over and over again until we just break out laughing. Its a good tension reliever.
Was #9 one that fell into the "off your meds" category? I see three problems here. 1) Its just a weird thing to do; 2) I could totally see myself grabbing an apple and choking on an eye; 3) Little plastic eyeballs probably sting a little going through the poop chute. Now here's something to brighten your day. Warning: It is cute and it will make you smile NSFTiB ps: turn your sound on.
Focus: When the weather is good I spend my lunch break at a lake near the office, especially if I've had a shitty morning. I usually fish or like today I bring my waterfowl calls and make a little noise. Either way having some peaceful alone time on the water is very relaxing and calming for me. I also set my desktop background to photos I took on hunting and fishing trips and rotate them every week or so. If I need a quick break I just go to the desktop and can feel like I am back in a deer stand or in a canoe for a few minutes. Alt-focus: If my girlfriend is having a crappy day I google "cute puppies" and text a photo of a random cute puppy or two to her phone, or get my roommate's dog to do something funny and send her a photo of that.
I would think this would be obvious, but it usually involves cracking a beer or three. Otherwise I have recently (in the past 5 or 6 years) retreated to a technique I was prone to when I was bored in school. You would call it daydreaming - i call it going to my happy place. I'll visualize myself on a beach, playing in my yard as a kid, playing golf, swinging in a hammock - whatever relaxing scenario that I currently can't achieve for whatever reason, and that takes me far from the stresses currently plaguing me. Either one of these might suggest I could sue some professional help.
Sometimes I add sound effects, jazz hands, spirit fingers and generally act like a goofball with family and friends. Why? Because it makes everyday life a little more fun. Working out or drinking usually makes things better, but if that's not enough I like to dance in my apartment or car.
I like listening to 90s/early 00s pop music to cheer me up. This usually involves dancing. Or, going all out with playing with my cat. Sure, it's fun when it's just the toys on strings or throwing ice cubes for him to chase after, but we sometimes have an all-out war that involves running around the apartment, hiding behind corners, and diving behind things to hide. It's entertaining to watch him get so into it. He's started doing this action movie move where he'll charge and then do a somersault right before he attacks for no damn reason. Plus it's just something silly and stupid and it feels good to run around rather than sit all day. I also really like bringing a blanket, magazines, books, and a snack up to my roof or the park and lounge in the sun while reading and drinking. Or, I'll go to the farmers' market and the library or a bookstore.
I have a hard bound copy of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare in my library at home. I'll grab it off the shelf every now and then, and randomly turn to a page. If it's a play, I'll read a whole page aloud (the print is quite small!), changing voice intonation for different characters, and using the most over-dramatic British accent I can muster. If it's a sonnet, I'll intentionally read it in a drunken Arthur / scratchy Monty Python-esque voice to be deliberately anti-romantic. Since I usually sound like a Georgia redneck, it's comedy gold. Always cheers me up.
Every now and then I make up a giant lie on the spot. It won't be about anything heavy like cancer or baby AIDS, just something absurdly unbelievable, like my love of wreath making. Long story short, I ran into some coworkers at a Hobby Lobby on lunch break and we all seemed surprised to see each other and one of the ladies asked what I was doing there. I said I was really into wreath making and I was working on my latest project- a motorized Easter wreath where a rock would move out of the way of a tomb and Jesus would ascend into heaven. It was going well, but I had to find the right kind of lichen for olive trees and it was hard trying to put it together in a way that kept Jesus from looking like he was being sucked back into the grave when the whole thing traveled around. I don't think either lady has really spoken to me since but I still get a chuckle out of the stupidity of the whole thing.
Yeah...dated a girl who loved doing that shit to me. It was weird. Then my skin cleared up and she dumped me...
Gay There was something hollow to it's laugh, as if the ripping paper didn't actually amuse it, it just didn't know how else to react. Also it was an ugly, ugly baby. In such a situation you should cover it's face up with something cool: Spoiler Was there a focus? Drinking, and ordering books from the Book Depository. PS: My Aunt didn't see the obvious MSPaint hallmarks and thought I actually strapped something to his face PPS: My kid is awesomely cute. This is just for illustrative purposes.
This has got to be a woman thing. I think the females of the species retained certain simian DNA the males rejected. I have a large pore on my shoulder that clogs regularly and my wife has made it a routine to squeeze and clear it. I told her that I would consider this an act of foreplay on her part and thus, the initiation of sex. As for me, I don't think this is necessarily weird (but maybe it would look that way to the outside observer) but I like to put on my headphones, crank up some classic rock, and start cooking to the music, dancing around the kitchen. If I'm making something that has a lot of stuff going on all at once and is done at a fast pace, the music matches it. And I sing along. I have noise canceling headphones, but I'm sure I sound awesome. And I love to wake up early on the weekends, get my coffee and paper, and sit on the back patio, watch the sun come up and listen to the birds. The quiet solitude of first light can really set the tone for the day. And I have always found vacuuming and polishing shoes to be very therapeutic. I don't know why. Maybe because I become so focused on the task.
I would just like to say that there are some women who not only don't do this, but react to even the idea of it by puking all over their computer after reading about it.
This is both equally ridiculous and awesome. Double kudos for not only doing it, but admitting it. FOCUS: I have a couple go-to albums that always make me feel alot better. I crank them and bounce around my room like high school pop-punk emo kid JWags. Unfortunately, I don't have a dog at the moment, but dogs are always good for this purpose as well. Unless you have some asshole dog, sources of canine boundless love make it hard to stay angry. Even my friend's stupid little furry yorkie/something else tiny mix makes me smile when I'm pissy. People always say "go on a run to clear your head" or to go workout. Sometimes working out is great to burn through frustration, but usually, being alone with my thoughts is the last thing I want. I just overthink everything more and get even more stressed.
I like diffusing tension and anger at work by pretending I have a tourettes tick. I'll jerk my head to the side real quick a few times and sometimes make a 3 stooges like sound effect. One of my bosses asked me seriously if I had tourettes but my supervisor jumped in and told her I just liked acting like an idiot before I could reply. I also have a low grumble voice I do when I have some fucked up (normal for here) thought I want to say out loud but don't want to be taken seriously. Kind of like Jim Gaffigans high pitched inner monologue voice.