Ok. I love basketball. It is an amazing sport that I have grown up watching sitting on my grandfather's knee. Los Angeles Lakers fan until my death takes. I have loved them during the lean years, during the great years and during the epic selfishness that is defined by championship droughts and the lack of a conceivable 2nd coming of the Los Angeles dynasty known simply as the Kobe Bryant era. The one rule I cannot stand is that a foul will be 100% called if the person who has possession head fakes, gets the defender in the air and then jumps into them. This rule MUST DIE. Focus What has to go in [insert your game of choice here] to make it a better game?
For me it would be any rule put in to protect the quarterback, such as the in the grasp rule, letting them slide at the end of a run or the no intentional grounding rule outside the box. Treat them as you would any other position player. I totally agree with getting rid of the faking your defender into the air and then drawing contact in basketball.
I always thought intentional grounding in the NFL was far too lenient. I don't care if he's in the pocket or not. If he throws out of bounds without a receiver in sight, a flag should be thrown
The judging system in boxing needs to be fixed, it is really the only thing holding the sport back anymore.
Well eh yeah, that, and the fact that they haven't had an entertaining heavyweight division in a decade, the top fighters of today would rather compete in MMA, young fans don't care about it, and its biggest story of the last 3 years is a fight that will probably never happen. I'll swoop that statement and apply it to MMA, though. I was actually talking about this with a buddy yesterday; I feel like 2/3rds of the scoring should be based upon round by round scoring, while 1/3rd should be a score at the end of the bout that takes everything into account. IE, if given 10 more seconds, was one of them going to be knocked out or forced to tap? This should be given heavier weight than simply a point in one round. The Machida/Shogun fight comes to mind, where Machida was probably given the first two rounds on account that he was the current champ (although they both should have gone to Shogun), then he wins the third slightly, only to be PUMMELED in the final two rounds. Taking everything into account, there is absolutely no way Machida wins the fight, but the way the scoring currently is set up they almost had no choice but to award it to him. Also, I'm completely on board with the OP's comment on head faking only in an attempt to jump INTO a player, most of the time sideways, in order to draw a foul. How the hell is that still allowed!? Worst abuse of a rule in sports right now, grinds my gears.
Kicking the ball in basketball. I never understood why this is called. Are they afraid the game is going to turn into a hardwood soccer game? If I am defending the lane and I can prevent a pass with my foot why should I not be allowed to?
this is just a smart offensive play. Good coaches teach defenders to close out to the shooter and NOT to leave their feet, even to attempt to block a shot. It's just being called as a foul on the defense, because that's what it is ... A foul.
Yeah. And why don't we allow everyone to use their hands in soccer? If I can stop a pass with my hand, why shouldn't I be allowed to? I have a feeling this thread is going to fail. Quickly.
Three NHL rules 1: Fight instigator Has turned fighting in hockey from emotional acts defending teammates to stupid showcase events after goals, right off the faceoff, the hired goons just do it with no real investment. 2: Delay of game for lifting the puck in your own end Stupid. but not as dumb as the players who constantly point at the exiting puck 3: Trapezoid behind the net This is probably the only rule I can think of off the top of my head that exists solely to punish players who are good at their position. And lets face it, there's nothing cooler than seeing an arrogant yet incompetent goalie misplay the puck.
Football's overtime system needs an overhaul of some kind. First team to score points shouldn't win. It puts too much on the coin toss. A team can win the toss, take the ball to the 30 on the kickoff then 35 yards of offense and they can kick a game winning field goal. It just isn't fair. I think the best fix would e to make it so that the first team to score 6 points in OT wins. That way a team has to score a touchdown and at least mount a complete drive. Either that or get in field goal range range twice and stop the other team once. I think it would make OT a lot more exciting and more fair.
I'll agree with you that it should be changed, but you're making it seem much easier than it really is. 30 yard kick returns do not occur that often, realistically you're looking between 18-25 yards. Then you need to move the ball to the team's ~25 yard line to make it a 42 yard field goal, which is not exactly a chip shot. With your logic, every NFL team has a kicker capable of hitting a 52 yard field goal in the clutch, not even including the weather, and after watching this weekend's NFL games is just not true. Why not just use the college system? What makes your idea any better? There's still a huge advantage to the team that wins the coin toss.
Not a rule that needs to go as much as be introduced, but MLB needs to get with the program on instant replay. Certain situations only of course.
The "hands in the back" rule in AFL can go and get fucked. I completely agree that a defender should not be able to blatanly shove someone under the ball while going for a mark but giving a free kick for placing a hand on a players back is just stupid. Also, why do they insist on trying to kill the hip and shoulder? Again I agree that a players head should be protected but shoulder to shoulder contact is good to watch and is legal in the rules as far as I know. Why are free kicks being paid and in extreme cases players being suspended? Get your shit together.
I would love to see the running into the kicker and roughing the passer penalties changed in the nfl. There's no consistency to imposing it, and I've seen players get flagged at least 3 dozen times where they had no opportunity to change their momentum. The defender is doing everything right, but he's been cornered into a situation where he either has to slow down his approach, or risk giving up a huge, potentially game changing penalty. In soccer I would get rid of the offsides rule. It's the defender's own damn fault if he lets the guy get by him. I don't care how much you Europeans claim it improves the game. And let's face it, more scoring in soccer wouldn't be a bad thing.
The NFL's no celebrating rule after a player scores a touchdown. The enforcement of this is bullshit. I agree that taunting has no place in professional sports, but there is nothing wrong with a player and his team mates showing some enthusiasm and having some fun after scoring a touchdown. I think it's pretty easy to tell the difference between exuberance after a big play, and somebody being an asshole. If players get up in the face of the opposing team, fair enough call unsportsmanlike conduct, but if they're just dancing around, or something more elaborate, just let it go.
Well if you got rid of the offside rule what would stop all the teams from having one huge bloke standing in front of the keeper for the entire game? Imagine how much more "hail Mary football" we would see. Now the main reason why should exist is that it makes soccer impossible to understand for women. All you need is for them to see one offside situation and then ask them if they understood what just happened and then try and explain and they will go back to the kitchen where they belong.
I agree. I saw this game and the call was freakin ridiculous. Purdue Pete was standing right there when the kid hit the end zone. It was fun and rather endearing to watch, until the call. I think the stunts, TO style or even Chad O (who should now be back to Chad J but strangely enough it hasn't happened yet, welcher) deserve the call but beyond that, unless they are being an asshole to the other team somehow, let them have their moment. Fuck that's why we love the game so much. It's exciting and fun, until the league/officials suck all the fun out.
You're right, I did exaggerate to emphasize my point. But it seems you don't disagree the the fundamentals of my complaint. The college system is good too. However, there are reasons I support my system over that one. Sudden death does have a certain degree of excitement to it. The game could end on any given play. This is a great advantage for the NFL system because it makes every play worthy of intense focus. By retaining the sudden death aspect, that degree of excitement is maintained. There is an advantage to the team who wins the coin toss but it is much smaller. In my opinion, my system is the best compromise between the two systems which preserves the excitement to the highest degree, and that is really the point of watching.
I may be mistaken (females, correct me if I'm wrong), but I think college cheerleading teams have rules that state the girls have to wear something under their skirts. Not cool.