Gears up tonight and it looks like they are going after Apple and a Dutch horror movie. The episode is titled HUMANCENTiPAD Advance preview:
If you haven't already seen Daniel Tosh's take on that shitty* centipede movie, you can watch the unedited version here. * - See what I did there?
Maybe it's because I can't handle too much poo related humor, but I really didn't find that episode to be all that funny. Cartman's whole story in the episode could have been a lot better. I laughed the first time he made the "you fucked me" joke but it got old quick. The Mac logo was amazing though.
I thought the "you fucked me" joke was the best part, the whole "what do you mean you didn't actually read the agreement?" joke got stale really quick though. I too thought the poo humor was ehh, though the first centipede shit scene had me laughing out loud. Was it me or did the dialog feel a bit more polished than it normally has been? Something didn't feel right to me. Anyway, solid opener. Taking bets on who else they lampoon this season? My money is that Charlie Sheen makes an appearance.
Good concepts, but kinda spoiled by the repetition. It seemed weird for them to include Dr. Phil and Best Buy and not really satirize either of them...?
Anyone know why they can use Best Buy and Apple, but not the right...colors? Just a random thought. Thought it was pretty good. Probably a 7. I was going over some of the other season's openers, and usually they are the better episodes of the season. Being a former Apple employee... I LOVED the "geniuses" . Spot. On. Sheen will make an appearance. Hopefully the Palin Daughters get the call too.
They've got to include the middle eastern revolutions in some way or another. The writers could have a field day with Gaddafi.
If they don't take a stab at the royal wedding, I'll be disappointed. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if they try and take a shot at all of these antique/auction/pawn shop type of shows. The airwaves seem to be littered with them lately.
That was quite possibly one of the most uncomfortable South Parks I've ever watched. I was...somewhat...curious about the movie, but now that I've seen their spoof...No way. Ick. Thank God they showed the Shake Weight episode afterward...otherwise I wouldn't have been able to go to sleep with that on my mind.
I agree. I watched this episode last night, and I thought that it was hilarious. Probably in my top 15 episodes of the show. I liked this episode because I felt like the humor was less "silly" than in most of the episodes of the last few seasons. I also appreciated it because you didn't have to be familiar with the movie that they were spoofing to laugh at it. And I found it to be less repetitive than the way that they have used gags in a lot of more recent episodes. They hit the nail on the head with the way they satirized Apple.
For some reason, Time Warner didn't broadcast the new South Park episode last night. I'm wondering what the hell is up with that.
Is it just me, or are Matt and Trey being extremely lazy with this new season? Both episodes had like three jokes that were repeated for 21 minutes and that was it. It really feels like they aren't even trying. The only funny part of last night's episode was the initial remarks about a comedy award show, mainly because the one Comedy Central did was fucking horrible and pointless.
So between ripping on the comedy awards, Jimmy having a new catch phrase (and his dad inadvertently saying it), the pissed-off Germans (and Cartman offering up Kyle), dead people with smiles on their faces and a reporter chuckling about it in front of their corpses, Funnybot's jokes and "non sequiturs", the Obama/Osama references, and an epic Adam Sandler burn, you guys honestly found this episode a bit "meh"? Like, are you saying it "sucked" for an early-season episode of South Park? Or that there are actually other shows that compete, and this episode is inferior to them? If it's the former, I guess I'd agree in the sense it's not an all-time great episode, but saying it sucked seems a bit harsh. If it's the latter, please share.