Well, so far the general consensus is that the two newest episodes were awesome, will episode 3 be great as well? Looking at the preview, I think it may.
That was hilarious, the way they made "wrestling" as theater was fucking genius, the Craft Services table, the citizens drinking wine, Vince McMahon with the binoculars in the booth, all of it. Kenny as the Luchidore was an especially nice touch.
Yeah, I thought it was good too. I love when they bring back the they-took-out-jobs-rednecks. That joke will never get old, and the rooster topped it all off. And whenever Cartman talks about abortions I can't help but crack up. Although not funny, I liked that the wrestling instructor called it "wrastling". It's the little things.
If you know what my location means, then you will understand why I loved the "wrastling" episode tonight. I just wish they'd had some old-school wrestling cameos, but you can't always get what you want. And of course, "they took our jobs!" always adds to any episode. I can only speculate as to what next weeks episode will be. I'm so ready.
"¡El Pollo Loco!" Best wrestling name ever. I love how they simultaneously lampooned real and fake wrestling. Another great episode from a great season.
They took our jobs! You always know its gonna be a good one when you're laughing hysterically a minute and a half into it. Still preferred the Butter's Bottom Bitch episode, but this one was alot better than most of Season 13. Currently ranking The butter's episode and the Mickey Mouse one as my top 2.
It was a decent episode with a few funny parts, but does anyone else feel like this should have aired 5+ years ago, when MTV was on that wrestling reality show kick and everyone was still smelling what the Rock was cooking? Does anyone care about wrestling anymore besides requisite 14-year-olds and people from Alabama? They usually make a point of lampooning relevant people and fads, so this kind of surprised me. That said, the Foxworthy-looking hillbilly needs more airtime. If only to begin rousing hillbilly choruses protesting employment theft.
Did anyone else notice the newspaper the coach held up had a headline that read 'Boy Lost in Balloon?'
I agree wholeheartedly with this observation. However, I suppose I am the only one on the board who finds the whole "they took our jobs" thing played out and unfunny.
Yeah it could have been timelier but really the show us just able to lampoon adolescence so damn well. I never got into the pro-wrestling fad that hits a lot of middle schoolers, I had multiple friends who had WWF sleep over parties that did. This episode and the Butters pimp episode didn't strike me as great. Great concepts for each and both had a couple of great lines but I felt over all they were middle of the road.
The first half of tonight's episode had me almost in tears laughing. Cartman singing Lady Gaga is one of the funniest things I think I've ever seen on South Park. Other than generally being a douchebag, did the Whale Wars guy do something to personally offend Matt and Trey? It seems like they went after him harder than most of the personalities they lampoon. Also, the end was kind of retarded. But the first half... funny funny shit.
No, but to quote Tobias Funke "I shall get the video camera. This is ripe for parody. This is ripe!" The crew on Whale Wars is comically inept. Like, I felt embarrassed for them the couple of times I've watched the show. They also attempt different tactics that put the Japanese sailors and their ships at risk, and then bitch and moan when the Japanese use water cannons or throw lug nuts at them to try and back them off. If you've ever been around college protesters, these are the same whiny, entitled shitheads but just in international waters. I imagine that's Matt and Trey's motivation. It's impossible not to hate them. The whales deserve better.
Cartman's rendition of Poker Face made my week. Probably the best cover done on the show (I thought come sail away would never be topped)?
I think this episode may have topped my list for the season. The storyline wasn't great. But the comedic goldmine that was Cartman this episode was incredible.
I loved that they showed once again that Kenny can be just as much of an asshole as Cartman. He's usually victimized to some extent, whether it's just showing how poor he is or, obviously, killing him, but recently they've been glossing over the fact that he really is a selfish, immature jerk with the mouth of a sailor. I'm glad they brought that back. Stan asking Kenny and Cartman to admit that they just want to be on TV followed by Kenny raising his hand and obliging was one of the high points of the episode.
I personally thought this last episode was trash. It was a great concept and laid out the possibility for what could have been a few amazing jokes, but instead it almost feels like this episode was suppose to go in a totally different direction but then for some reason they had to change it. - The amount of random hate they expelled toward the reality show is beyond me..yeah we get it they all don't care just want to be on TV and generally suck at life - Look TV people lie and they try to keep creative control with the producers (thought this was lame) - Look the American government lied to a group of people....kinda of a cop out as to why the Japanese hated dolphins and whales. It had its moments The boys playing rock band and not giving a shit about the whales and dolphins was funny, the random killing of dolphins and whales with samurai's using spears make me laugh. I was just hoping for more from this episode.
I couldn't disagree more. I loved this episode; it might not have been as clever as some of their other work, but I laughed more during this episode then I have for any other TV show this year. I nearly shat my pants when they invaded Dolphins stadium. This goes into my top 10 Southpark episodes of all time. Just shows that comedy is truly subjective.