Inspired by this: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> and this one, too: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> Focus: Ex's and Internet. How do you deal with them? Funny stories, or technological tragedies. Alt focus: Discuss the crazy. What is the worst, unpardonable internet sin?
I message them years later on FB and try unsuccessfully to fuck them, but I suspect there's nothing particularly unique about that. EDIT: Ohhh, I forgot about a good friend of mine's breakup. He was deeply in love with a worthless and irritating (but hot and consistently horny) girl when he was about 19. He went shopping to buy her a present one day and happened across her making out with some other guy. He went a little bit nuts and we had to talk him down, and they had a pretty messy break up when it transpired that it wasn't the first guy she'd cheated on him with. He called her later than night when we were getting him drunk and told her she was a filthy cheating slut. She objected to his characterization of her and put up a blog of some kind (livejournal maybe?) talking about what a terrible person he was. There was a section dedicated to his 'sexual perversion', where she alleged he enjoyed having carrots thrust into his ass, and that he had a tiny penis, etc etc. He responded in kind, albeit never quite that below the belt. Called her out for being crazy, and cheating on him with multiple guys, etc. She hit back saying she wouldn't have cheated on him if he could have satisfied her, and he said apparently no 3 normal men could fill her, and on it went. Then friends on both sides chimed in and it escalated from there. It wasn't a good time for either of them, although I have to admit I quite enjoyed it. Oh, and a friend of mine (male) had a spat with a friend of his (female). He waited till he knew she was asleep, and her fiance was awake then posted on her wall that she shouldn't get on her high horse considering she had cheated on said fiance. That got messy, and they are no longer engaged, or speaking for that matter.
FOCUS: I've told the story of my HS ex telling enough people that I used to forcibly make her go down on me that it eventually got back to my mother. I shudder to think what may have happened if Twitter or Facebook was around in 2003 or if blogging was more popular. She needed no more forums for crazy. Closest tech attempt I had was an ex-gf posting some sort of Facebook about me never having loved and having an inability to in a horribly veiled maneuver. I never saw it as, for whatever reason, I was off for a weekend or so, but my sister did and apparently proceeded to lay into her and humiliate her in her cries for pity and attention so much that she took it down and shut up. Let it be a lesson, don't befriend younger siblings of your significant other (she had only met her twice but liked to pretend they were besties on FB) and then think they will stand idly by as your attempt to slander their brother.
A friend of mine broke up with his GF about a year ago. A couple months later we realized that her friends were taking an unnatural interest in him and soon concluded that she was using her friends to keep tabs on him. He would get texts from her complaining about his Facebook statuses despite having defriended her, etc. About six months after they broke up, her friend asked my girlfriend at a party whether he was dating anyone. She barely knew who my friend was, let alone who this guy asking her about him was, and was especially weirded out that an apparent stranger would know what her relation was to another apparent stranger. She called me to let me know, I called my buddy to let him know that his ex's friend was talking to my GF about him, he called his ex to call her out on her bullshit, and told her in no uncertain terms that she was not only to stop contacting him, but to stop contacting his friends and his friends' girlfriends. Somehow she and her accomplice were offended by this despite blatantly admitting to what they were doing. In case that last paragraph was too confusing: His ex used her friend to talk to the girlfriend of her ex's friend (i.e. me). I don't think it gets any more indirect and weird than that.
Oh boy, psychochotic females are just the best... One of my ex boyfriend's has a habit of dating psychotic girls. One of the most psychotic girls he has dated he was with for 3 years. She would run into walls to cause bruises on herself. Then she would call the cops, and say he beat her up. The cops got so tired of her screaming false domestic violence, that they told her the next time they had to go out there they were going to arrest her. She jumped out of his truck on the way back from a bar they were at together. She was drunk, and wanted out of his truck. Luckily, he was only going 35 mph. She didn't remember a second of it the next day. When his stupid ass finally broke up with her, he also put a restraining order on her. Did that stop her? Of course not. She tried stealing his dog. She crashed her truck into his fence. She broke into his house, and walked into his bedroom while he was having sex with another girl. She violated the restraining order numerous times. She is extremely obsessed with him. When I started dating him, she decided that she was going to do everything possible to find out everything about me. She called his ex wife to find out who I was. She found me on facebook, and started sending me drunken messages. Her kids go to school with my neighbor's children, and they are friends. She got my email address from them. She started sending me emails in the middle of the night. She wanted to know where I worked, how old I was, how long me and him had been dating. I never responded to any contact from her. She went as far as to show up at my brother's work, and confronted him about me. The manager's had to escort her from the property. She even went as far as to contact my ex again to volunteer to have a threesome between me, and him just so that she could have sex with him one more time. She was/still is as crazy as they get.
I was sort of dating a girl my last year in college who was 19 at the time. She was a typical sorority girl who drank too much and was obnoxious. We never officiated the relationship but we fucked all the time so why would anyone complain? One night we were both at a party but talking to separate people when she saw me talking to another girl. She walked right up to her, called her a slut, and told her to get lost. The girl I had been talking to was my cousin whom I hadnt seen in a while and was simply catching up with her. After that I distanced myself from her. But of course she blew up Facebook and my friends emails with messages about how I'm such as selfish jerk for ignoring her. She went as far as setting her Facebook picture as a poorly photoshopped one of me with X's over my eyes and blood dribbling out of my mouth. I ignored it as best I could and after about 2 months it died down. One day she invited me for coffee so she could apologize for her behavior, which I accepted. One thing led to another and I fucked her later that afternoon. I told her based on past events, we could hook up but she's not getting a relationship out of me. She willingly accepted and things were fine for a few weeks without issue. When my sister got sick 3 weeks later, I was pretty upset. I told her about it and she made me brownies to make me feel better. We slept together that night and she left the following morning. That next afternoon, one of my other female friends heard about my sister and wanted to come over to hang out. Girl 2 came over with a bottle of Jack Daniels and we had sex later that night as well. Well unbeknownst to me, my neighbor was in Girl 1s sorority, had an idea of what went on, and all fucking hell broke loose. I got 157 text messages in 1 night from Girl 1 and 3 of her friends about how I once again broke her heart and how I'm an awful human being etc, etc. It got so bad on Facebook too that I had to deactivate my account until it died down because of all the bullshit I caught from these girls. Even after I defriended them, they would send my friends messages about how bad I was. Moral of the story? Let crazy be crazy and stay far away from it. You cant tame it.
My last break up was pre-internet days, but this reminded me of a woman I dated briefly. I despise the "test" bullshit many girls pull to gauge your level of interest. The aforementioned woman and I went out a few times and messed around, but we never had sex, in part because I only wanted something casual, and I could tell she was way more into me than I was into her. The night we broke up I was already planning the "how" of my escape. We were out to dinner, and she casually mentioned that her and a guy friend were going to drive to a college a few hours away and visit someone they went to high school with. Me: *silence* Her: Me and (guy friend) are going to stay there overnight. Me: Sounds like a good time. Her: He's just a friend, you know. Me: *silence* Her: Is that ok with you? Me: Why wouldn't it be? He's a friend right? Go, have a good time. Her: What do you mean? You mean you don't care that I'm going all the way out to X college with guy friend? Just him and me? Me: Of course not. Have fun. Her: I can't believe you would say that! How could you not care? Doesn't our relationship mean anything? A which point I called for the check, drive her the half mile to her house, and told her i didn't want to see her anymore. Hope her road trip was fun.
This is pretty atrocious. And yes, I know the information is public record, but how many of these people that are now going to harass these jurors would have gone through the actual trouble of going through the public record themselves? Of course, the response is 'She's a murderer, blah blah blah.' And that's all well and good (since everyone saw all the evidence, right? RIGHT?) but I assure you, if you get accused of something, the last thing you want is a jury that is going to convict so that they aren't harassed later. Bunch of fucking asshats.
From my own facebook archives. Bold is back story. Spoiler While I didn't answer her crazy messages other people did. It was a common tactic of her to try to convince people I'd cheated them as well and they should hate me. She had never met my sister in person and as far as I know I never talked to her about my sister so I'm not sure what the name calling is about. I had hoped she was done at this point, but apparently she still wanted me in her life.
How timely. The girls are best friends. I hook up with one, take the other's virginity, and things get so awkward I don't have any contact with either until they post comments to try and fuck with me. It really does bother me but I feel like if I dignify them with a response, the terrorists win.
Wait. There needs to be an explanation for that picture. Is that the three of you? Because everyone in that picture looks like they're thirteen, and I feel like I'm going to be arrested for child porn just for imagining the story while reading it.
Alt-Focus Not to beat the deadest horse of all on here, but part of the reason the Ryan Milliron thing died off so quickly is because people got way to personal with him on here. Yes, the moron made his contact information very public and easy to locate, and he is indeed a moron, but once people started prank calling his house and cellphone, and posting pictures of his house... Too much too soon.
Also, either you are the world's lightest man, or that is one strong girl. I'd tread carefully there.
This is one of the reasons I don't have a Facebook page. I joined LinkedIn a few years ago for business networking purposes, and then started getting messages from psychobitches from college to add them. Unfortunately, LinkedIn doesn't have an "unfuck" feature.
I had to get a running start and we held the double piggyback for about two seconds before collapsing. Yeah she could probably wreck my shit, you won't find me threatening anyone with physical violence for a good reason. Context is boring but I got used pretty hard because both girls are very, very smart and I am dumb. Hence, them fucking with me on facebook. I'm impressed/terrified that Frank was able to verify the date by my shoe model. TX. with the best rep ever: “You look about how I imagine you: an 8 year old boy with Cretinism.”