A about 6 or so years back, a guy made a video resume boasting about absurd accomplishments in hopes that it would impress the investment banks he was applying to: <a class="postlink" href="http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/impossible-is-nothing" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/impossible-is-nothing</a> This morning he turned up head, most likely from a suicide: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.ivygateblog.com/2013/01/aleksey-vayner-reported-dead-in-new-york/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.ivygateblog.com/2013/01/alek ... -new-york/</a> Obviously this guy was a moron for putting together a resume like that and thought anyone would take his seriously. However, the viral nature of his video basically ruined his life due to constant ridicule and circulation around the finance industry. Focus: Internet lynch mobs. Do they have a place in society? Are they an (overall) negative force or a positive force?
I'm just going to leave this here... Woman wins contest for internet to name her baby Some people do something stupid on the internet that they thought was funny or witty and it turns out that the masses don't agree. In instances when it results in someone's suicide, that's obviously tragic. I feel bad for a kid who stood up in front of the class to say something they felt was important only to get a binder thrown at their face. Sure, they set themselves up for criticism, but not to that degree. Just let the little guy go in peace. However, when you not only allow, but encourage the internet to name your baby, you deserve to have your kid named Dumpster Cumwagon and be ridiculed for it for as long as the internet remembers. In that way, I evaluate these types of things on a case-by-case basis. There are moments when people are definitely asking for it, and then there are shades of grey.
Likewise. There are errors in judgement, and then there are complete collapses of the central nervous system. The resume dude was goofy and over the type. Maybe he was also a douche. But he made an error in judgement. The amount of ridicule he got was over the top. Those boys picking on the bus monitor last year verges on a misfiring of the cerebral cortex.
Im on the fence but leaning towards this shit being on the negative end of the spectrum. I know we all laughed when Tucker was taken to court by the Blueberry guy and some of the boards post made it into the court record but since the rise of anonymous I've started seeing it more in terms of virtual stalking or harassing even as far as cyber bullying. I wouldn't be surprised, though Ive not investigated the current laws, if there were some drastic set of laws passed barring this Wahoo internet lynch mob behavior. No doubt there will be some national incident played out endlessly in the media that'll convene congressional hearings into it and they'll ramrod everything they've wanted to hit anonymous with into a new national cyber bullying bill. The main problem being that like a real lynch mob there is no due process to dole out justice fairly. That Youngstown rape case is one where as abhorrent as the teens behavior might have been, and as much as some of the connected characters brought it on themselves, what anonymous was trying to do was actually counter productive to actually finding out the truth and punishing those involved (fair trail, etcetera, so forth). Demanding radical transparency or else suffer public and private harassment in my mind isn't helping the situation.
Anonymous is a fucking menace, and I hope they all die. Only cowards hide who they are while demanding to be noticed at the same time. That being said, internet shamings are touch-and-go. And the one that haunts me happened a five minute drive from my house: The Saugeen Stripper. That poor girl had her fucking life ruined in 6 hours flat, transformed into the world's biggest slut for doing the kind of shit all college kids do. Then there's the ones that simply have it coming, such as: Every Vancouver rioter. I'm so glad the were publicly shamed. Orgasmic, really. I actually DO hope those assholes have their life ruined for what they did, and don't start with that "Caught up in the mob moment" crap. Another that deserves a lifetime of shame: Spoiler No woman that has ever lived could find this ding-dong attractive. Stone. Cold. Liar.
Let me educate you. That, good sir, is John Fitzgerald Page, Actor, Model, Delusional Retard, Professional Douche, Wearer of God-Awful Shoes, Online Dater, Pithy Emailer, and RMMB victim. http://gawker.com/309684/nightmare-...zgerald-page-is-the-worst-person-in-the-world He has a personal website: http://www.johnfitzgeraldpage.com/Pages/default.aspx And holy fuck, for the people who actually remember who this abandoned sack of excised anuses is, he's gotten - if possible - even more delusional. Seriously, here's some highlights from this chode's website. Being social chairman obviously has an effect on a team's athletic performance in years you didn't even attend the school. But he's not just a dumb jock you guys, because he COMPLETED WHARTON SCHOOL OF BUSINESS CLASSES! Be still, my heart! His starring roles in film include "Reality Show Audience Member" in "What to Expect When You're Expecting", and he's had a breakout gig as a stand-in (the dude who sits around while the crew sets up lighting on the shot and then fucks off) for Jeff Warren in "Why did I get Married Too". JFP is also 78% like Johnny Depp, you guys. Myheritage's facial recognition software does not lie! Also, this: And this:
And don't forget, he has lunched with the U.S. Secretary of Defense & the U.S. Ambassador to South Africa!
Darwin in action. Actions have consequences. If you aren't willing to deal with the potential consequences of an action, don't take it.
Oh wow, the fucking leg press. Holy shit, I can't contain my awe. FOCUS: I think internet lynch mobs are for teenagers who still think that vigilantism is a reasonable response to injustice. Most people grow up and realize, hey, society has ways of dealing with shit like this. The delusional idiot in the OP is a self-evident jackass, and he wouldn't have gotten hired even without the lynch mob. The kids picking on the bus lady? Guarantee you there's a process for dealing with that at the school level. I don't see any internet vigilantes going after the golden-parachute financial types, or anybody that actually matters and is above the system. It's always picking on people smaller than them. That said, if you're doing something that would cause a mob of strangers to ruin your life, you're probably fucking up.
Good timing, I swear to good I just found this dude on Reddit.com/r/dating_advice http://www.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/comments/19dv6z/35_m_touchless_virgin_foreveralone_otherwise/ Dude is a total nutcase, its like watching car wreck.
It didn't really stretch too much beyond here. I know for a fact he certainly regrets posting that entry here. He's been trying to ghost himself on the internet for the past while, and pm'ed me asking to take my blog post down about him because it's the first thing that pops up on google (I did). IMe taking that down won't change it much for him. No name comes up more on here than his, his thread is probably the most famous on here, and there is NO WAY The Artist Formerly Known As Chater But Now His Old Name And It Will Soon Become Just A Symbol Probably will erase THAT from board memory.
Internet lynch mobs are generally retarded and over-reactive. The internet can positively effect some people's lives, but even when these lynch mobs are trying to do good they often blow shit out of proportion or act before all the facts of the situation are known and people being free from the consequences of their actions leads to them acting like little children, which at heart the people who participate in these things are. Also, I wish all the people who are a part of Anonymous would just kill themselves. We get it, the government sucks, nothing your doing is changing anything and wearing Guy Fawkes masks just makes everyone laugh at you.
The Reddit/ViolentAcrez thing is relevant: http://gawker.com/5950981/unmasking-reddits-violentacrez-the-biggest-troll-on-the-web http://www.cnn.com/2012/10/18/us/internet-troll-apology After he lost his job because of this, he not surprisingly started looking for IT work in the porn industry. Also, the dude looks like a straight pedophile.
Some of us around a year ago on here remember Tory Holm, the guy who ripped off Doug Stanhope's act in his blog and Stanhope himself found out about it, then sicked his fans on him: Spoiler