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Sober Thread: Gender Bias

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dcc001, Jun 25, 2012.

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  1. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Tucker Max wrote piece about gender bias in the media, relating it to he Adam Carolla fiasco.

    Reading what Max wrote, it got me thinking: I have a strong preference for working with men. On the whole, I find them easier to get along with. Also, they're more direct. If you have an issue, you can say something to the effect of, "Hey, Bob, I thought you were an asshole in how you dealt with that problem. Can we do something different next time?" You'll have it out, and then it will be over with.

    The times I've worked with women, the drama goes up exponentially with each woman added. And a fight never ends. Women will hold grudges and take everything personally in a way that men just don't.

    This, however, is just my personal experience. Obviously I work in a heavily male-dominated industry right now, but I put myself through school working service and hospitality, so the industries were totally different from what I work in now.

    Focus: Do you prefer working with men, or women, or both?

    Alt. Focus: Has your gender ever been an issue at work?
  2. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    I can't imagine how this thread will be anything but both men and women shitting all over female co-workers. Personally, I don't give a shit what gender you are as long as you do your work and leave me alone. Being in IT has afforded me the luxury of working with nothing but dudes for the most part, so I don't really have that deep of a well to draw from.

    The one time my gender has been a problem was because I wanted to fuck the hot receptionist. It ended poorly for both of us.
  3. whathasbeenseen

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 30, 2009
    A good tech is hard to find in my field whether its male or female. Shitty IT 'Professionals' are a dime a dozen. Its hard to find a woman in IT let alone a good one. In 7 years I have worked with 3.

    One of them was Indian and she was a bad bitch. One of the best programmers I have ever seen. I learned a lot from her. Direct, smart, hard working.

    Second was a ball buster but good at her job. Just a take no shit kind of chick.

    Third is at my current workplace. There are 20 guys that work in the basement of a once school house, once prison in what from the looks of it definitely kept prisoners in our back room. We all for the most part get along. Then there is this cunt. She is supposed to be a project manager but including myself, no engineer will let her touch another one of their projects because she fucks up everything she touches. She'd rather be on her Blackberry texting whoever than working. If she's wrong its your fault some how. You're wrong. Oh and go fuck yourself. And she'll remember it for 6 months and try everything in her power to make your life a living fucking hell. Disagree with her? See the above. Tell someone she fucked something up? See the above. It makes me wish England would adopt some At Will practices. The company protects her because when she has on enough makeup it makes you forget that you work underground like a fucking ground hog and have developed a smoking habit just so you can see the sky once or twice a day and these idiots have invested money in her and want to see some return on that. Good fucking luck.

    If I'm on a client site, I'll take women all day. I can talk and have something nice to look at and cut off my interactions with them at facilitation and teaching. I don't depend on them for anything. In my workplace, at my job where I might have to depend on you for something, give me cock(s) all day long. Shit is dependable son.
  4. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    A few things about this:

    1. Adam Carolla doesnt like Tucker Max, so it's interesting that Tucker is defending him. But bravo for objectivity and Tuckers 100% on point, except for the Roseanne being funny part.

    2. I dont think Adam was baited as much as I think he doesnt gives a shit. He's said plenty of other inflammatory things in the past, including pissing off the Phillipines for saying Manny Pacquiao was its only worthwhile export.

    He definitely received much more shit when he said this:

    Focus: I work with men and women and there's people from both groups who are huge gossip queens and are obnoxious as hell. There's also people from both that are great and I enjoy working with. I think the majority of it comes from intelligence and maturity.

    Alt Focus: In my office, one of the managers has all young women of his team who he treats like gold. If you (rightfully) criticize any of the work they do, he flips out and calls you incompetent. All of his subordinates are now empowered morons who could fuck up a cup of coffee. We call them "Jimmy's Angels."
    #4 Juice, Jun 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  5. dixiebandit69

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The asshole of Texas
    I enjoy working with women, and especially like having a female boss. Like Dcc001, I get along better with the opposite sex.
    I always feel like I'm in competition with other men, so I'm more relaxed around women. I feel I can talk to women easier than I can with men.
    Also, I can flirt with/sweet talk women and get away with things I normally wouldn't be able to.
    Unfortunately, the auto repair industry is dominated by men, so my chances of working with women again are pretty slim these days.
  6. Angel_1756

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    The Big Four-Oh

    Oct 21, 2009
    The T-dot O-dot one-of-a-kind

    I prefer working with men. With guys, I don't have to hear about fucking "weight loss journeys".
  7. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    You sound like an HR department's wet dream.

    Yeah, you just have to hear about "Jager bombs, bro" instead.

    Gender dominated workplaces run high risk of turning into henhouses/frathouses. Any office than goes beyond 70% in either direction probably suffers for it. At my company, it's slightly male biased in numbers (in finance/consulting that's the norm), but if I were to name my most competent peers, it would probably include more women than men.

    My mom was the first non-clerical woman hired at her company. They had to change what they called their segregated cafeteria from the Men's and Women's Cafeterias to the Clerical and Professional Cafeterias (I often suggest I'm going to lead a charge for the oppressed Clerical-Americans of her office). She spent more than a decade as the only female "professional."

    She was hired in 1994.
  8. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    I've not had great experiences working with females. I'm abrasive to females for some reason...Mainly, I think, because I'm not prone to the female fits of drama.
    I've also not had great experiences working with males. Most males are uncomfortable with a female in charge, I've found.

    That said, I don't care which gender I work with, as long as they work as hard as I do.
  9. Flat_Rate

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 26, 2010
    Re: Re: Sober Thread: Gender Bias

    Having been turning wrenches in a GM dealer for 10 years now the only women I have ever worked with have been receptionists or the cashiers, and I don't have hardly any interactions with them. It would take a extremely tough and thick skinned woman to be a mechanic, I have heard of one or two that do ok but its very rare.
  10. Misanthropic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I think you need to work a bit on your limited imagination.

    I work with engineers, scientists and accountants, so the work environment is different than you might find in a mechanic's shop or a factory, and I think it shows in how the men and women here interact. In short, i likes working with whomever gets the job done without being an asshole. I have worked for both male and female managers and supervisors, and have had both sexes working for me on my projects, and after 20 some odd years I can honestly say i have no preference. On a personal level, I've had friendships with co-workers of both sexes outside of the office. Gender conflicts obviously exist at all types of workplaces, but they are certainly more rare here, where the employees tend to be better educated.
  11. E. Tuffmen

    E. Tuffmen
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Negative space
    I have worked almost my entire life in woman dominated fields. First I was a CNA and then I was a medical transcriptionist, and the trend will probably continue because I'm going to nursing school. Working with women sucks but only because of unbelievable gossiping, back-stabbing, and emotional bullshit that goes on, and the fact that they always want to suck you into it. On a one to one level I prefer women. I've always gotten along better with them than men. I don't have any male friends and there have only been one or two guys, as an adult, I can say I even would consider having as a friend. I pretty much despise everyone. The best working experience I've ever had was working at home as a medical transcriber. The money was good and the only person I had to interact with, to my great pleasure and relief, was my wife. Thank God for her or I would have no social life at all. I'm just not the kind of person who needs to be around other people. I find it exhausting and distasteful.
  12. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    Oh my god, apparently I'm in a contentious mood, because all I can say is: fuck this entire line of reasoning.

    I am exhausted, just physically exhausted, with men complaining about not being "allowed" to say certain things. You know who wasn't "allowed" to have divergent opinions? Slaves. You know who isn't "allowed" not be overwhelmingly positive? Iranian women who are afraid their husbands are going to cut their fucking arms off.

    But a person who became famous in no small part because of his gender-baiting controversy gave an answer in an interview, and people disagreed with what they (and I) felt was the subtext. Then they expressed that disagreement, but nobody harmed his physical person. They didn't even take away his book or his podcast. He basically faced nothing except a deluge of shitty press, for saying what I think is a shitty thing.

    To couch it in a word like "allowed" is just...privilege 101. God.
  13. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Re: Sober Thread: Gender Bias

  14. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Co-workers: From personal experience I have no preference. Maybe I've been lucky but I haven't really even had a co-worker I didn't like except for one guy that was a dentist who lost his career to a malpractice suit and was trying to make ends meet with a shitty $10/hour manual labor job, so he had a reason to be an asshole.

    Bosses: In my experience I've done better with men as bosses, they have tended to look more at overall accomplishments rather than showing up early/staying late and amount of effort.
  15. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Its a loaded debate, that's for sure. Its interesting, I don't really find Adam Carolla funny at all and think his voice is beyond obnoxious, but when he talks about serious stuff, I usually agree with him. His rant on the Occupy movement/1% was crass and vulgar, but really fucking on point.

    It also made me think of the "girls being funny". Empirically, I know far more funny guys than funny girls. And I'm not talking about "guy humor", but more quick wit, retorts, and situational commentary. I think it probably has alot to do with gender norms and such, but thats a different argument. And not at all conclusive, I mean, my mom and sister are both hysterical with timing and commentary to rival any guy.

    FOCUS: I have no preference when it comes to actually WORKING with men or women, its the accompanying workplace social dynamics that make me prefer men. I work on a team that is probably 75% women, and I'm fine with that. I'll go for lunch in groups that is often me and 4 girls or me, 5 girls, and another guy. I'm comfortable with it and feel like I get afforded certain benefits for being the minority. However, cattiness, wedding/relationship related hysteria, and excessive bitching come along with it and make it annoying. The guys in the office are all pretty close for that reason, strength in sanity I guess. I work with a couple girls who are extremely intelligent, driven, and old enough that they've lost the sorority mentality that often leads to the shit I mentioned earlier. But then you also get women like one of the group VPs who is in her 50s, unmarried, and feels the need to still continually assert her dominance and monopolize situations. I often feel like some of the criticisms of women in the workplace are demons of their own design.

    But when it boils down to it, its very much an individual situation. I interviewed two prospective new hires a month ago. Both in their early 20s, pretty similar. The dude had a similar background to me but I preferred the female way more. Why? Not cause she was hot (she wasnt), but rather because she had a level headed approach to workplace dynamics and team situations and the dude spent half the interview bitching about former coworkers and workplaces and how he would have done something differently. Even though he was a 24 year old bro, he was no different then the sorority girls I complained about before. Its case by case.
  16. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    I work in advertising, which has to be once of the most balanced industries out there. I got 4 offices right next to me, all of them have women in them. In regards to the focus, I like working with single people who are good at their jobs. I could give a fuck less if you're male/female/asshole/nice/funny/emo whatever. You do (or don't) get your shit done causing me to stay at work later and I'll hate you.

    When I worked at the Onion, I had two male bosses, and one female boss. The female boss was scorching hot who could drove a stick Audi A6 with her left hand while talking on the phone with her right and steering with her knee. She was a raging bitch that hated me, but she was so hot I couldn't stay mad at her for longer than 10 minutes. The guys were cool and all, but having one and one meetings with her were fantastic.

    Moved to my new company and have male boss now, moving to a female boss with my promotion. I'm a little nervous about her because she focuses on the problem a little more than focusing on the solution. She talks out a lot of stuff I feel can go unsaid because it really isn't super productive, but I'm not sure if I can fairly attribute that to gender or personality. Either way, I like being around women. After working with two nerdy-ish dudes, one is rocking Jesus hair plus a lumberjack beard.
  17. FreeCorps

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    #1 Internet Boo

    Apr 22, 2010
    Boca Raton, FL
    This is completely anecdotal, but working with I haven't found any significant differences. Some people are assholes, some are lazy, some are good at their jobs. Working for however, is a different story. I've found that I would rather work for a male boss because they seem to be more result oriented. Get to work 10 minutes late? Need a long lunch? A male boss won't care as long as he knows the work is being done and that I'll show up early/leave late if I need to. A female boss is more concerned about appearances so even if my work is exemplary she'll get on my ass about eating a sandwich at my desk. I know I can do my job well and I do my best work left alone so this doesn't always sit well.
  18. Luke 217

    Luke 217
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Provo. Spain?
    Carolla was asked a question, and gave an honest answer according to his view in the Hollywood circles that he roams around in.

    He says that women aren't funny. Shocking. I know. They aren't. You and others can stomp your feet about the discrimination of women in the comedic workplace, but the bottom line is, its the fucking truth. They can't play basketball either. If someone said that there would be no outrage, since everyone knows that to be factual. Why is saying that women aren't funny shitty? Why do you find the truth shitty? The truth is the truth.
    I can't play guitar for shit. I've tried. I own 3 guitars, I've spent years honing my craft. And I suck. What's wrong with saying that I suck and am a shitty guitar player. I am. People have said so. And yes it sucks. But its the truth.

    I get your point, White guys complaining about being persecuted across America because they're portrayed in our culture as dumb fucks in commercials, all the while the world has a plethora of other issues. I get it, women in Yemen can't drive, this country had slavery years ago, Hitler killed 6 million people, in Mississippi they're closing the last abortion clinic, the north pole is melting and polar bears are dying, and before you know it we're going to run out of helium. I get it,,,,its a rich white guy problem.

    But it doesn't change the fact that,, on the whole, women aren't funny.

    And I'm okay with that, you know why? Ask most women on this board what they're attracted to. First thing to come out of their mouths. Confidence. Second. Sense of humor. I'm glad they aren't funny, because it affords me to woo them through me being a jackass.

    Quick question because I honestly don't know: How did he become famous for gender baiting? The Man Show? Loveline? Shit. I gotta admit, I don't know what gender baiting is?
  19. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    Welcome to America: 21st Century - Where Equalizing Results Means Equality Has Been Reached (TM).

    Couldn't agree more. Most women I know are not particularly funny. Why? Their frame of reference isn't the same as mine. Does that mean they're not smart? No. Does it mean they're not entitled to the same rights as me? No. Does it mean they're bad people? No. What it means is that if you saw the following HBO specials on, you'd probably pick a dude:

    Chris Rock
    Ricky Gervais
    Jerry Seinfeld
    Louis Ck
    Lewis Black
    Richard Jenni
    Richard Pryor
    Eddie Murphy
    GIlda Radnor
    Paula Poundstone
    Ellen Degeneres

    In the case of Ellen Degeneres, I think she's fucking hilarious, always have. But she's a standout. I think Tina Fey writes some funny shit. But Bridesmaids? Jesus, if I have to hear one more time 'It's the FEMALE version of Hangover' I'm going to puke. It wasn't that funny, it wasn't that great. Does that make me a sexist? Maybe.

    Do I care? Not really. It's like when San Francisco had that big thing years ago because years ago they didn't have enough female firefighters because they couldn't pass the test.

    Oh, good, I'm dying in a fire, but a woman, whom couldn't lift me, TRIED to save me, but couldn't because she wasn't strong enough (physically). At least my death stands for equalized results! I'm no less dead mind you, but how I got there matters.

    In short: do women have the right to equal rights? 100%.

    Do I have to believe that women do everything just as good as a man, and men do everything just as good as women? No.
  20. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I've mostly worked for female bosses, but have had a few male bosses in my high school/college jobs. I've never had a good male boss (actually, with the exception of my current editor for one of my freelance jobs), but I've also had a lot less male bosses so the chances of having a good male boss are lower. I don't think their inability to be a boss had anything to do with being men. They were just either incompetent or too occupied with being an asshole to be a worthy boss, and that's more of a personality issue than a gender issue. The only time that I had problems with a male boss due to standard male reasons was that he was a businessman starting a fashion site, and he knew absolutely nothing about fashion. He hired me as a writer, but then depended on me for figuring out the entire creative side of the site without a bump in raise or title. The nice part was that, for whatever reason, since he was coming from a business background, I felt more comfortable being like "Look, I can do this for you, but you're going to have to pay me a lot more." And when he said he couldn't do that, I didn't feel bad about quitting. If it had been a female boss from a creative background, I would have been less comfortable being that forward and demanding and worry about hurt feelings and taking it personally would have been a much bigger factor. But I honestly don't know whether that part was due more to the gender or the background. I have noticed that when I've had bad female bosses, that they were always bad bosses due to stereotypical qualities and behaviors that tend to be socialized more into women than men. It was always due to this timidness at leadership because they were afraid of being disliked and seen as a bitch. The inability to make a decision or enforce a decision they made drove me crazy. Or they wouldn't be able to tell other people what to do effectively, making their employees totally useless.
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