You are about to be shipped off to a desert island for 1 year. You will be completely isolated from the rest of the world. Your basic needs will be provided for, you'll have shelter, water, and food. Focus: You are allowed to bring 3 people (all must be currently living - sorry Joan Rivers' fans) to spend that year with you. They can be famous, infamous, celebrities, friends, some pen pal you made while in prison, etc. Who do you bring and why? Alt Focus: Do you see any potential conflicts among the three you picked? What would those conflicts be? Alt. Alt. Focus: Odds that each member avoids getting killed by one of the others. Including you.
I would bring the following: -Charles Bronson (the British criminal, not the actor) because he seems like a fun chap and he knows how to make the best of use of one's time in solitude. -Angela Lansbury because she can bestow her wisdom upon us and her soothing words will be useful to calm down Charles Bronson when he gets out of hand. Also, when she dehydrates and dies, we can use her leathery skin to fill with sand and make comfy bean bag chairs to lounge around on. -Bill Cosby. You dont need to know why. I think I'd be concerned that Charles Bronson would try to have his way with Angela Lansbury at some point. Hopefully Cosby can step in to defend her, because I'm not going to get in a fight with Bronson. Bump.
Bear grills - he's married and religious, so he'll stay away from my second and third choices, he knows a lot about survival and hunting, and if for sone reason we need someone to drink their own piss out of a recent skinned snake's carcass? Fucking sorted. Jlaw. It's not original, but you can't argue with a man who makes sense. Eliza (Iliza, whatever) Schlesinger - she's hot and fucking funny. Watching bear drink his own piss and narrate everything he does will get boring eventually, and there's that refractory period between erections, even with jlaw and Eliza threesomes.
1. Stephen Hawking - I would learn so fucking much from that guy while on the island. 2. Tim Minchin - music and laughter, so I would be entertained. 3. The husband - because he sexes me up.
Except when his wheelchair-robot battery dies, and you basically just have mute cripple who cant communicate his knowledge and basically grins at you while you and your husband get your freak on. Spoiler
FOCUS RULE CHANGE: Fetii, fetussesssss, whatever the fuck they are called - don't count under the 'Carry On Luggage Act of 1963' Ok, return to your picks. I'd like to thank Angel for bringing this potential loophole to my attention.
Just because he knows how to make one doesn't mean he can make one. Imagine when those batteries go out, all you have is him sitting there grinning, never mind the nursing care he requires. Bringing a genius is great an all but I'd much rather bring a carpenter I can stand being around than a theoretical physicist. If I'm on a deserted island, I need shit to be made to make life easier. Don't really care about the universe and the nature of existence.
VI said that we have shelter, food, water and the necessities of life. And we're only there for a year. Do you really need a carpenter to build you a wooden Xbox?
Good point, I imagine the xbox would be provided then? Still not bringing a genius. I need to bring three people I can stand to being around for that long.
Here's a thought: Don't criticize other's choices until you've posted your own. I thought that would be self evident, however, I stand corrected. Geez. Not sure there's 'right' and 'wrong' answers here. I just thought after some of the heavier thread content lately, a little levity might be nice.
Focus: You are allowed to bring 3 people (all must be currently living - sorry Joan Rivers' fans) to spend that year with you. They can be famous, infamous, celebrities, friends, some pen pal you made while in prison, etc. Who do you bring and why?[/quote] A year on an island with all my basic needs met, but leaving everything else behind? Then, I am going to bring fun and beautiful people that I'd like to be with and look at for a year. Emma Stone, Morena Baccarin - fun, beautiful, get my "other needs" met My buddy Mark - could hunt, fish, throw the coconut around and talk sports, and he's an artist, so he could bring a little culture
He is also a lot better looking than I am. Like a lot. However, in a year's time, I can't think of a single dude, famous or one of my friends, with whom I would enjoy spending time on an island, that is not going to have at least equal chance of hooking up with the lovely ladies I choose. So, I chose a dude that I actually wouldn't mind being around for a year on an island. There were a couple girls in college that we both slept with, too, and that didn't bother me then. I am assuming that both Emma Stone and Morena Baccarin have slept with other dudes before they get to the island, too. I guess my point is, I took your point into account before I chose, and there aren't any girls where that wouldn't be the case. And, any dude I know with a broken dick, or that's fat and nasty and therefore no advantages over me,, I wouldn't want to be on island with for a year.
My wife, I know I would be getting laid at least 12 times that year. Kenny Roberts Jr. I would love to learn to ride motorcycles better, might as well learn from the best. Plus he is a gun nut. I better throw in Kenny's wife just so he would leave my wife alone. Otherwise it could be a long year.
Mmmm, desserted island. Anyone catch Fox's latest shitshow Utopia? A bunch of narcissists band together for a year to start a society from scratch. Except they're all too fucking stupid, petty, obnoxious, and egotistical to work together to get anything done but bickering. This is actually horribly appropriate. Link. Focus: 1. Whoever is the master distiller at Pappy Van Winkle Bourbon. I bet that guy could distill up some coconut liquor that'd put you on your ass. 2. Obama. That guy needs a vacation. A deserted island would probably be a welcome change. We could get drunk and talk mad shit. 3. Emma Watson. Buttholicus DPicus! With the President! Can we at least get a monkey butler? This entire thing would be worth it if I could get a monkey butler. There will be no issues, only harmony, if we can get a monkey butler. MONKEY BUTLER.
Snoop Dogg, Seth Rogen,* and a (any) moderately cool/good looking woman who finds me considerably more attractive than Seth Rogen and Snoop Dogg. There must be a few of them out there. They can bang her sometimes, but I will be the alpha stoner. *By "basic needs provided for" I assume that means there is a grow op on the island.