I'm really looking forward to this. I was delighted by this show, the best comedy series to come out in quite a while focusing on a subject I don't know much about. Still I find it relatable, and as the "Anti-BBT" its funny, witty, has fun situations, pulsates with one-liners and has a group of main characters easy to root for. I asked this before but don't know if I got an answer: why is the actual town of Silicon Valley itself so widely despised?
I didn't know it was. There are issues with the cost of living due to the high tech job saturation and the high salaries that go with it, everyone and their brother are trying to pitch the latest/greatest startup, etc. It's like anywhere, really... it has it's own vibe; either you like it or you don't. Same goes for the middle-of-nowhere in Montana, hipsterville Portland, or fuck-you New York... your own personal preferences and tastes will determine if it's someplace you like or not.
So it's sort of for techies what Fort McMurray is for blue-collars. The show did a great job right away of explaining how everyone there wants to be the next Jobs or Gates. But I've heard lots of people talk about the town in a Hollywood-sleaze sort of way. Perhaps because it has all of the huge tech HQ's much like Hollywood and Burbank do with the studios.
A lot of the peripheral characters on the show are blatant jabs at real-world entities in Silicon Valley. The VC is a huge satire of PG, the guy who founded Y Combinator. The Google reference. The stupid "synergistic" buzz that a lot of new startups have. That opening shot where there was a marketing meeting on that multi-person bike made me laugh my ass off because it was so stupid, and so true. As much as the Valley's companies are cutting edge technology, there's this weird mix of crystals and empathic crap woven into it. This show really nails the absurdity, and a few of the Valley types don't like it, because it's making fun of them simply by pointing out what's going on.
Solid opening episode. My favourite line of the week "I don't want a love in a world where somebody else makes this a better world to live in than we can." Gavin is hilarious. And they simply killed Peter off. I guess he was irreplaceable. It's still sad, he was a fantastic character.
I know, I was wondering what they would do with him. I thought they would replace him with another actor but this new neurotic woman is very similar to him.
I read that they were considering having the character on a sub under the Pacific Ocean for the remainder of the show, but wanted to do the character justice. The chick that replaced him is George's girlfriend in the Yadda Yadda Yadda episode of Seinfeld.
Last night's episode might have been my favorite so far. The whole set up was tremendous, especially: Spoiler: funny When they go back to the company where TJ Miller put his nuts on the table and the guy does the same thing to him. I'd like to see Big Head return, but other than that, this season so far has been awesome.
But....IT'S YOUR TABLE! Does Gillifoyle have any reason why he fucks with Denesh? It's one of my favourite reoccurring plot devices on the show but I forgot if there was a reason. "YOU were the cool cousin?" Hilarious.
Nope, he just likes fucking with Denesh. Last season with Gillfoyle's girlfriend and getting citizenship were hilarious.
The way Denesh delivers every line is hilarious to me. I don't think it's an accent thing either. It's just his tone.
It took a bit, but every character in that show is distinct. And funny in their own right. I can't think of another show, other than Veep, where every character is a comedy gold mine set to go off at any second.
Denesh's sequence at the coffee shop with his cousin was fucking hilarious. He's definitely my favorite character. Jared used to bother me, but his character has become a pretty funny foil.
Denesh is the most believable character. His Shtick is reacting to things that are said/done to him and it's always equipped with a relatable zinger. He's a good team with Guilifoyle, who has a shtick of being a complete going-out-of-his-way asshole to Denesh just to fill his boredom.
I don't like the woman character they replaced Peter with. She just feels like she is trying to do a imitation of his character instead of being her own. It just feels lazy to me. They could have went straight to the Brosif with the McClaren without her. I don't think anyone would have really noticed, or cared. Otherwise I liked how they handled the actor's death and made it almost a memorial to him. Erlich's line about being known to fuck himself was hilarious.
I agree, the chick is definitely the female version of Peter, and I'd be alright with a new dynamic. The billboard stuff was hilarious. And when the guys talked about their apps that they were working on before Pied Piper. This show continues to impress.
This show just gets better and better. The new chick engineer is fucking awesome, and I expect the "fucking with their brain" quotient to climb significantly as a result.
Oh, and if anyone is interested, The Nerdist did a podcast with Thomas Middleditch. http://nerdist.com/nerdist-podcast-thomas-middleditch/ It was fucking hilarious, and I recommend checking it out.