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Same Old Lang Syne

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrFrylock, Dec 27, 2010.

  1. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    During this holiday season, many TiBbers and their acquaintances of long ago are returning home. This leads to many gatherings where old friends reconnect with one another.

    Last year I attended one such gathering that grew to the point that it became a mini high-school reunion. There, I found out that a number of people I had known in high school found each other after college on Facebook and have been reconnecting in a more substantial way*.

    FOCUS: Have you ever had a second-chance hookup with someone from your distant past? Did you finally fulfill your mission to bang that hot chick from high school now that you've lost weight and she's divorced with three kids? Did you return to your high school sweetheart after torpedoing all your college relationships?

    * Penis in vagina
  2. taste_my_rainbow

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Guess I'll be the first to admit it... I've actually had two "substantial reconnections".

    One was at Thanksgiving last year and started on Facebook. It was the typical, "Oh you're going to be in town? We should get together and catch up." that led to cramped sweaty sex in the backseat of his Accord. He was the high school sweetheart of one of my close HS friends.

    The second was a little less scandalous... we were part of the same circle when I was in high school, although he graduated my freshmen year and we always had a thing for each other. *We may or may not have hooked up back then, neither of us really remember.* Over a decade later, Facebook chat and me out of town, in my hotel room after a friends wedding and we start chatting. It took us a couple of times hanging out to hook up (he's in a wheelchair now and I wasn't sure if things worked like normal) and we still talk/see each other.
  3. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    My high school was notoriously lousy for hot chicks, and the the amount of hot chicks that went there you could count on the hand of a bad wood shop teacher. One of those ot chicks was "Shae", who of course did not know I was alive because I was shy and three feet tall until I was a senior. I saw her a few years later at a bar, she looked just as hot. I put on a friendly offensive and went after her, cracked her up about how pathetic I was to never talk to her, and banged the shit out of her back at my place.

    Afterwards, she went to the room next door and banged my roomate. Then, my friend who lived in the aprtment downstairs who was just visiting at the time. Really. That fucking happened. Didn't see her again. Weird.
  4. lostalldoubt86

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe
    I said this is the other new years thread, but I'm actually meeting up with someone from high school this year for New Years. We've been flirting since I was 16, but for a series of reasons (he had a girlfriend in high school, than while I was away at college he broke up with her, I came back and he already had another girlfriend, he broke up with her while I had a boyfriend, I broke up with that guy and he already had another girlfriend who he broke up with the day before i went away to a different college, by the time I moved back from that college he had enlisted in the Navy) we never did anything about our mutual attraction. Now he's coming back for New Year and neither of us are involved. Neither of us has said outright that we're going to do anything on New Years Eve, but he mentioned that he is being put up in a hotel and I told him I'm not doing anything that night and we should go do something.

    On a side note, is pulling a condom out of my bra sexy or slutty?
  5. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Niether. Using a condom makes it not slutty, no matter where you pull it from (unless you pull a used one out of an oraface). And using a condom is never ever sexy.
  6. Fracas

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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 12, 2009
    Arizona Bay
    High school, no. I'm minimally in touch with a few of those people on Facebook. (Enough so that I haven't deleted them for polluting my newsfeed with Obama = antichrist type crap.) One or two ended up in SoCal, and we meet for drinks maybe once a year. No one registers as a loss.

    College is another matter. College was the first time I really dated, made friends or socialized in earnest, and I carry a fondness for A LOT of those folks. There was a chick I knew in those days - let's call her Ynnej. Pale, petite gal with big boobs, a soft voice and a dark sense of humor. We date once or twice and then flirt off and on, but the timing is always, as they say, off. We both graduate and leave town, but keep up an honest-to-god pen-pal relationship, with long, confessional letters and, in her case, elaborate drawings. (She's always been quite the artist.)

    FFWD to last summer. Over the last few months, I've sent her a few drunken texts that revealed my less-than-pure thoughts about her, and she's responded with surprising enthusiasm. (Out-of-the-blue perverted texts are the hail mary of courtship.) She drops into town for a "convention," which turns out to be imaginary. We see the sights, catch up, and enjoy our obvious, undiluted chemistry, and she spends much of the time complaining about her new husband, who's supposedly a hardcore fundamentalist and barely closeted ghey. (He's given her an official code of wifely conduct, and she's found man-on-man images on his hard drive.) We have a few cocktails and end up doin' it, hard.

    Raw dog, even. Which I've found to be, jibing with Tucker's experience and as someone else mentioned, a favorite of wayward wives.

    Anyroad, she goes home and all fuck breaks loose. Someone (I haven't figured out who, although I have theories) hacks into my e-mail account and starts harassing her, sending her copies of our adults-only correspondence, ratting us out to her husband and baiting him to fly out to Cali and kick my ass... the works. She naturally freaks the fuck out and breaks off all contact with me. (This only after the hubby has demanded she torch all our paper correspondence.)

    Was it worth it? Well, it cost me a genuine friendship, but at least I don't have to die wondering what Ynnej's snatch feels like. (Better than I'd hoped.) Sometimes persistence yields unexpected rewards. I still have her last gift to me: a music box that plays the Godfather theme, which I often crank up before I fall asleep. Solid bitch, that girl. Hope it all works out.
  7. cpt0

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 18, 2010
    I personally think it's a practical thing. At this point, I don't think guys care.

    Altho if you want to "cover up" the condom in the bra thing, you could always show up with a big red ribbon and insinuate that you're a holiday present and that needs to be unwrapped ...
  8. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I hear these stories all the time. I had multiple friends in college who couldn't wait to go back for breaks and holidays cause they would randomly hook up with girls from HS. However, for myself and a few of my friends, it couldn't be less likely.

    No matter if I see them out and about in Chicago, or when I'm back home in Milwaukee, I pretty much getting treated exactly the same as in HS. I was short, kind of scrawny and not super social back in HS. I wasn't a nerd or a loser, I just had a group of friends who weren't the party type and as such I didn't get invited to a ton of parties. I didn't drink cause it was something only "cool kids" did, and I was just generally slightly outside of the groups where the girls I truly wanted to have sexual relations with resided.

    Fast forward to now, I've grown a few inches, put on 30 lbs, filled out my frame, way more confident, socially comfortable and clever. I saw a girl one of my friends used to date and she blabbed for 5 min about how different I looked, "you look great", etc... It was a nice ego boost if she wasn't married. With the chicks I hoped it would, it just doesn't seem to matter. I was back for Thanksgiving and ran into a girl I had a couple of classes with in HS. We were friendly, but its not like we were going to ever hook up. She was mildly polite, but clearly had little interest in talking, before running back to some of the "cool" guys. Almost all were carrying their "freshman 15...or 30" from college and looked sloppy as hell. I know one of them, a former stud RB on our football team, had 2 illegitimate kids, but they were still mopping up. Whatever.

    Its not just me. One of my good friends I used to golf with, its even worse. He was a big nerd in HS. Socially awkward, kind of bad skin, etc... Well after HS, he got an academic scholarship to Harvard, kind of grew into himself. Now he works for a PE firm in NYC and, no joke, had a bunch of offers to model when he was a junior and senior in college. Sounds like the "Just Friends" with Ryan Reynolds when he comes home right? Nope, honestly, girls from HS were treating him like the same old nerdy tool they thought he was in HS. And my parents wonder why I have absolutely no desire to move back to Milwaukee...
  9. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I was a big fan of the class that were seniors when I was a freshman in high school. I thought they were all so cool, and had crushes on many guys from that class (including what turned out to be my first serious boyfriend, only the year after he graduated). My friend's older sister was in that grade and friends with most of the people I liked, and since the sisters were really close, I started hanging out with them once I became better friends with the girl in my grade. (Hope you could follow that, am a little hungover.)

    When I was visiting home over Columbus Day weekend this year, I unexpectedly hooked up with one of the guys that I had one of my biggest crushes on and it was exciting. We hooked up a couple other times while visiting home, but unfortunately this doesn't have a happy ending because through actually getting to know him I've discovered that, along with having a shitload in common and being awesome in bed, he is seriously fucked up and I've decided I don't really want to deal with that right now.

    Although apparently I'm working my way though that group of friends slowly but surely because I hooked up with another one last night. It caught me totally off guard, but was a welcome surprise.
  10. Ogee

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    Experienced Idiot

    Feb 9, 2010
    In Scranton that's pure class. Have you noticed the number of single, under-25 moms in this joint? WTF?

    Anywhere else, I'd side with slutty.
  11. Viking33

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I did very well in high school with girls outside of my high school. Yet, to this day, I've only fucked one girl from high school and it's one of my sister's friends. It's weird coming home because sissy's friend is always up for meeting my friend Rodger Poon, but the pussy well of ex girlfriends and former booty calls has slowly dried up due to boyfriends, marriages, kids, lack of communication for months at a time, etc. Two former fuck buddies have kids, one is engaged, one is in a serious (possibly getting married) relationship. Even my former senior prom date fuck buddy is dating a scrawny, half Mexican drug dealer. They've been dating for almost two years and are talking about marriage from what I can gather on Facebook. I know quality when I see it. Whatever, I'll still hammer Sissy's friend as a drunken booty call (She's a DI track runner. Hot as shit and... WITH BOOBS! A track runner with C cups! Seriously.). Outside of that, it's down to meeting friends of friends at parties and going for the home run, "I'm going back to my parents house. You're welcome to join."

    Fuck you Central Illinois. Fuck you.
  12. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Ive told this story before, just as recently as the Jeepin thread. It is the closest Ive come to hooking up with someone in my distant past through facebook/myspace.

    Last year I found the ghetto girl's myspace profile that had given me the best blowjob of my life five or six years ago. Seriously girls, fast rhythmic motions beat out the slow and methodical shit any day of the week. She was married and had a kid but claimed to be in the middle of a divorce. So we chatted it up and started texting each other. After a while we tried to escalate things and I suggested hanging out at my place, as I lived alone and we could fuck like rabbits uninterrupted. She refused and would only suggest I come to her house while her then husband was at work. She drove him to work as he didnt have a car and she swore he'd never know. Sensing a shotgun wielding husband type situation a steadfastly refused and she claimed "I wasn't on it..."

    A few weeks later I was deleted as her friend on Myspace. Her husband had found all of our messages. About a month ago she messaged me and told me that she had divorced and moved out. She's involved with some other dude from her work and I live in Shanghai. No porn star bj's for me...
  13. Mantis Toboggan M.D.

    Mantis Toboggan M.D.
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    Dec 6, 2009
    Funny--this thread starts and then I come home tonight to an "I live a little over an hour from you (when you're not deployed) now, feel free to come stay at my house any time" e-mail from my high school ex (the one from the Jeepin' thread).
  14. Queen-Bee

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Edge of Canada
    Neither is the clap and single motherhood.

    Tape it to the outside of your shirt so he knows you mean business. Some boys are slow.
  15. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I believe Coquette from the old boards once made this quote- "If god wanted us to use condoms, he wouldn't have invented plan B or penacilin."
  16. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    And what is really funny is that Alberta has the highest rates of the clap of any province on Canada. By a large margin. And still rising.

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ice=mobile</a>
  17. Queen-Bee

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Edge of Canada

    I had nothing to do with it! I swear!
  18. Allord

    Expand Collapse

    Oct 21, 2009
    The Nightmares of children with a 30" Dildo
    It's hearwarming. Well...cockwarming.

    Why not keep it warm for him and wear the condoms AS your bra? Just stretch a latex over each melon, throw in a couple of diced almonds, a pecan pie, and a jar of maraschino cherries and in no time at all you've got your googly-eyed self a fruit salad in a rubber duckie radiation suit. Hell, if I had my way women would dress in nothing BUT condoms, not only would the sheer convenience of the situation be mind boggling, but it'd serve as a self-contained protection system against falls. Imagine all the suicidal salary-women, jumping out wall street corner offices only to be foiled at ground zero by the fact that their mandatory outerwear absorbs and reflects direct kinetic impacts! Overnight the most irritatingly depressed people would become the most hilariously entertaining as the skies are filled with the downtrodden and suicidal! It's like a kiddie corn-popper, only the corn is filled with the crushing sadness of unredeemable failure!

    Focus: I can't remember why I posted this. Oh yeah, haven't hooked up with old high school people. Then again I haven't really kept in touch with most of them, so that's probably got a lot to do with it.
  19. Allord

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    Oct 21, 2009
    The Nightmares of children with a 30" Dildo
  20. Bryan

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Or have made pulling out to bust on her face so much more climactic (pun intended).

    Usually during winter break I travel, so this is my first time home for an extended period of time in awhile. However, instead of running some text game to reconnect with some ol' high school puss, since I've been home (fifth day now) I've been lying on the couch reading random shit on the internet and sleeping 12-13 hours a day. Hey, college is tiring, I need time to recover. I might start going out tonight though, build some momentum for New Year's.