February is my least favorite month of the year. As a perpetual bachelor, I have to deal with Valentine's Day nonsense. As a football fan, I get to witness the end of the football season, while usually spectacular, means no football until August. It also means I finally have to pay off all the idiocy I purchased in December and January, and the worst motorcycle weather of the year. So this month, with TWO potential candidates for worst day of the year, sucks. What is the saddest day of the year for you? Why?
The first Sunday of February is sad because of the end of football. But the saddest/most hated day of the year for me is Halloween. I HATE HALLOWEEN. As a child I loved Batman (still do) and on the first Halloweens I can remember (around 6) was the year I wanted to be Batman, so my parents got me this kick ass Batman costume with the mask, the cape, the plastic chiselled torso, the works. I went out that year and all was well. Then came the next Halloween where I wanted to be a ninja, but my parents, being the ass holes they are persuaded me into being Batman again. I thought what the heck, one more year as Batman can't hurt. Wrong. This kept going for 5 fucking years. By the fourth year I could barely fit into the damn costume and being over weight didn't help. I looked like fucking Chancho from Nacho Libre with a Batman mask on and a cape that looked like a backwards bib. Oh and the mask? I couldn't see out of because it covered my eyes since it was too small. Thank God for that because if I could have seen myself I would have shot myself. And the ridicule at school and in the streets never stopped on Halloween. I got made fun of by Percy, the fag in the Dudley the Dragon costume every year for fucks sake. Screw you Halloween and screw all of you who think its so awesome. I hope you get razors in your candy apples.
Last Saturday of October through the 11th of November. Other sad days: Leaving school for the summer. Leaving wherever I am for the summer to come back to school. Time spent with my family.
I'll be the first to say it. December 25 can suck the left hairy nipple of a fat sweaty man who just contracted the plague! I hate that fucking day with a passion! People drive themselves broke just to prove to people that their love has a fair market value. Everyone slaps on that thin facade of forced holiday cheer, while really, the pressure of a FUCKING CELEBRATION has them one missed sale away from slitting their wrists. And the fucking phrase Jesus' birthday just makes me want to throw things. But the absolute worst part of this fucking day is that it keeps getting bigger. This miasma of fuck used to have the decency to wait until after Thanksgiving to intrude into my life. Now the damn day is trying to take over Halloween!
<a class="postlink" href="http://comedians.jokes.com/lewis-black/videos/lewis-black---long-christmas" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://comedians.jokes.com/lewis-black/ ... -christmas</a>
Christmas....is the saddest day of the year??? Dude I get where you are coming from with the absolute insanity that is Christmas shopping, feeding stupid little children thousands of presents they will inevitably lose interest in by the week's end. But honestly, unless you are a completely bitter emotionless asshole who utterly hates your family, I don't understand how you can truly hate Christmas. The decorations, the awesome movies, and even to a certain extent the music, it all puts me in a good mood. And then a perfect excuse to eat delicious food and drink with people you love. Now I hate the commercialized aspects of it as well. That's why Thanksgiving is better, because it is Christmas without the gifts. But whatever, buy a couple gifts that will make some people happy, hopefully get a gift or two that will make you happy, and enjoy the rest of it.
When I was a kid I hated September because it was the start of school. But today, I fucking hate that month even more. Aside from 9/11 and hurricane season it has always just been a shitty month for me my entire life. Fuck September
I hate Christmas. In my family we can't open presents until breakfast has been eaten, the dishes are washed, lunch is cooking, and all the presents have been sorted into piles. Then, we go around in a circle and open gifts one at a freaking time. The worst part though is the actual gifts. Every single year I've been alive, on Christmas I got rocks. Not lumps of coal for misbehaving, but honest to God, mother fucking rocks. Or, as we were forced to call them "mineral specimens." My grandfather did gem cutting and rock collecting as a hobby and figured Christmas was the right time to try passing it along to my brother and me. Mother fucking rocks. What the hell is a 7 year old kid supposed to do with a piece of quartz? You can't play with it, not without someone getting hurt, and it's not fun to look at, and will never be valuable. After my grandfather died his daughter decided to keep up the tradition. Also, my uncle on that same side of the family is now estranged, but always sends us Christmas presents. Without fail, he sends a box of random food. Hot sauce, packet of instant mashed potatoes, canned minced clams, that sort of stuff. Might have been decent when I was in college and starved, but I got these boxes starting in middle school. Most of the stuff was expired for years or looked like it came from the dented/damaged section of the store. The shipping cost was always higher than the value of the junk in the box. It wasn't just random stuff in his apartment though, because he always sent me, my brother and my parents identical boxes. He had four of each of these things. Still not as bad as the damn rocks though.
The saddest day for me is Black Friday, that abomination of a shopping day that has become so overblown that malls are forced to open at 4am so people can get a really crappy deal on last years tv, or something. As a retailer, I welcome the Christmas shopping season, but people get all kind of retarded for Black Friday. For fucks sake people, it's the same fucking deal they'll have two weeks from now, and you won't have to get up at 3am to fight some fat broad for the last laptop for $299 at Wal-mart. Fuck Black Friday. Seriously. *The reason it is sad to me is because people behave like livestock, and people get killed over consumer goods. That is the current state of America right now, and it saddens me.*
I'd rather be beaten with a ball-peen hammer than spend Christmas with a family like yours. It's upon reading posts like these that I develop a new-found love for my family's Christmas experience, which includes eating, drinking, laughing, video games (my dad is the Mario Kart KING), hilarious presents, etc. etc. For example, this year I told an uncle of mine that I wanted nothing for Christmas. He sent me an empty jar, with a card that said "Jar of Nothing" and even had a fuckin' expiry date on it. My condolences go out to you, my friend, as you have had the life sucked right out of Christmas. Forget the commercial shit, and all the other garbage that usually drags down this holiday, and Christmas is truly the finest time of year. FOCUS: My saddest day is Feburary 6th, which is the anniversary of the death of my best friend while growing up. It's a day spent remembering everything she did for me, and everything she taught me, even at such a young age. I light the candle she gave me just days prior to her death on this February 6th, and only this day each year. A runner-up to saddest day of the year is Family Day, which is a load of bullshit if I've ever heard one. It's a holiday custom made to offer a stat holiday in the month of February, and nothing more. I feel ashamed for every man, woman and child who feels the need to call their folks on such an arbitrary day, for no other reason than the government told them to. I would advise against looking it up, as the veins in your forehead would burst out and strangle you moments after reading.
The difference between your family and mine is that you seemed to have liked that gift. I think it's pretty appropriate, he wanted to get you something, but also wanted to respect that you didn't want anything. Pretty much the definition of "It's the thought that counts." This year I made my brother a "A donation has been made in your name to the Human Fund" card (and some extras he could give to people at work). He's a whore for Jerry Seinfeld, but he bitched about it not being a real gift, and not in a spirit-of-the gift kind of way. I got him real gifts too, but I was pretty ticked off that he complained about it. I'd lost my job just two months before, so you'd think he'd show a little tact about receiving a hand-made gift. I should probably talk to TBS about making a sequel to Everybody Loves Raymond.
August 7th. The date I found out I had a brain tumor and potentially (really potentially) was going to die. Followed shortly thereafter by the greatest day of the year for me: August 9th, the date I woke up from surgery, heard it *might* be benign and they *think* they removed all of it. I still celebrate August 9th, and I'll still feel absolutely sick on the 7th. But no one cares about that mushy shit. September 11th still really, really bothers me. I fortunately didn't know anyone who was a victim, but with the exception of the above I have never been so scared. I heard the news from my math teacher, who aside from being old and crazy, was also ex-airforce. He was absolutely convinced, and convinced all the rest of us, that the country as we knew it was about to be blown the fuck up. It didn't help that our school was literally right next to a major military base, and that jets were flying around like crazy. Being young, impressionable, and having never experienced anything even close to a natural disaster let along war, it completely (pardon the cliche) rocked my world for a long time. Intellectually, I wasn't able to quite grasp the magnitude of it, but emotionally, I feel like I felt it as much as my grade-school mind and heart could experience. God bless everyone in the military. Seriously.
If it makes any difference (other than in justifying calling me a fag), I bet someone does care. I have a very good friend who, in high school, found out she had cancer. I don't really remember the type...it wasn't something that was talked about openly. I remember she had to get her lungs scraped out, whatever they means. She had to live for a while in a bubble while her immune system regrew. It's actually a sanitary, controlled-access apartment, I don't think many places have literal bubbles. But anyways, she is now one of the strongest, most admirable people I know (she's also fucking hot), and I'm sure what she's been through has contributed to that. There is literally no one I admire more. So, don't discount the impact of that event. While you certainly should try to not make it the defining point of your life, it may be useful to recognize the impact it's had on others.
I still remember being woken up after a long night of drinking by father bursting into my room screaming, "the country is under attack." I then watched T.V. news all day and night about death and never want to have to do that again. Also, my father worked at Sikorsky Aircraft and went to work that day with the local TV announcing Sikorsky as a possible target and being guarded by armed military. Fuck that day.
September 10. My best friend's dad was killed in a car accident early that morning, the day before my junior year started. He was like a second father to me and I consider his family to be my own family. September 11 sucks but for me it's tough for it to compare to the day before. Sorry for bumming anyone out.
As a dual citizen of New Zealand and Australia, living in the later it would have to be April 25th. Anzac Day. Being in the military it adds a whole lot more meaning to it, there is a lot of drinking and reminiscing with friends, catching up on time gone by and all the rest of it. But at the heart of it all is remembering the fact that many others before us gave their lives so we could be free. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
The whole month of November BLOWS, but in particular the middle weeks: - 3 of my 4 grandparents were veterans; as the years passed, it got harder and harder for my grandfather to endure Remembrance Day (Nov. 11). - My grandmother passed away on Remembrance Day, 2003. - My grandfather's birthday was November 14, and he has also died - My 18-year-old cousin collapsed and died of an undiagnosed disease in her dorm room the week of November 17 two years ago (they kept her 'alive' on life support until her parents could get to the hospital). Fuck November.
October 20, where two friends died in car accident that I survived. Not a banner night, to say the least.