The origin of rule 34 is unclear. Many believe that it was originated by Randall Munroe of XKCD fame, in this comic, but there is evidence he is only referencing it. The idea that he invented it probably stems from the fact that Randall is like Jesus: he may or may not be an all-right guy, but he has the worst fucking fanbois. Rule 34 is most succinctly stated as: "If it exists, there is porn of it." And with the Internet, so it is. I will offer DrFrylock's corrollary to Rule 34, which is: "If it exists, it's porn to somebody." For example: NSFW Now because some of you whine about the slightest thing with this regard, I've wrapped that in NSFW tags. But I don't think I should have to. I think. I would very much like to travel back in time and show that video to Potter Stewart and say, "so?" Evidence against it being NSFW: It is on YouTube. It isn't flagged as adult content. It has no naked people in it. It has no nudity in it. It has no mention of any sex act in it. You could replicate the entire video in public, in front of a group of old ladies and police officers, and not one of them would think of it as obscene. A little weird? Maybe. Evidence for it being NSFW: Somebody out there is furiously abusing their genitals while watching that video. Obviously, most Rule 34 porn is, by the classic definition, porn, which makes this thread RSNFW. FOCUS: Find us porn of things that if you said, "is there porn of this?" most people unfamiliar with Rule 34 would say "no." The stranger the better. ALT FOCUS: Find us things that are not porn to most people, but are clearly porn to some people. The greater the conceptual distance between normal porn and the linked "porn," the better. NOTES: This is not a "post the most extreme/fucked up BDSM porn you can find" thread. BDSM porn doesn't even fit the FOCUS very well, because everyone expects there to be lots of BDSM porn out there of all types. Also, any porn featuring children of any kind (fictional or otherwise) will receive immediate and swift punishment - people have had - I shit you not - big problems because of Simpsons porn featuring Bart and Lisa. Don't do it.
Behold, furniture porn: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Pterodactyle porn: [rnsfw] [/rnsfw] While I was searching for the above, I stumbled across this creepy little thing, too: [rnsfw][/rnsfw] Who could possibly find that sexy?
I'm not sure what fetish this qualifies for, hunting sex? Dead bear? Either way, it's still one of the most offensive things I've ever seen.
Behold, pudding Apparently there's a whole genre of people farting on food. Here's a meat loaf farting video. Sheesh, Li'l Bandit and I made a huge meatloaf this weekend and we've got a bunch of leftovers that I'm never going to look at the same way. What the hell, internet? I thought we were friends. EDIT: Ever since Futurama, I always refer to wiring schematics as "robot porn." Fuck the spoiler tags:
Crush videos exist in a serious moral gray area: On one hand, nothing about our (used loosely) moral code explicitly forbids pornographic videos, or videos with cute animals, or videos with animals getting killed (think hunting videos). On the other hand, videos of rabbits getting stomped with high heels for the sexual pleasure of deviants trips off some serious bells. The fact that it's legal sounds more like an unintended consequence rather than a victory for freedom, and while I don't know what law would be suitable, I'm more than ok with there never being another such video produced. I'm not going to link one, but I'm sure you could find it if you were enterprising enough.
I don't remember what lead up to Harry Coolahan and I wondering "Is there paraplegic porn?" But, yes. Yes, there is. (And no, I'm not going to try to find it again.)
If the link makes you sign in, go here. No, really, go here: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -obviously</a> Do I really have to explain it?
Could this potentially lead to a fetish in regards to people masturbating to people masturbating to posts on a message board? ..........Ladies, gentlemen, Ballsack..........I feel we treading on holy ground here. Possibly transgressing the laws of God and nature which could very well lead to the internet itself, breaking.
This guy is basically Randy Marsh in the South Park episode when his balls got huge. Apparently this is what happens when you inject your dick with silicone for 6 years.
I don't know if this fits the focus, but it's just too weird. Stile Project had video from this guy with huge nuts. I don't know if he did injections, or he "won" some genetic lottery. But, ladies, I give you the half gallon 15 roper: [rnsfw][/rnsfw] The video I can't seem to find went on even longer. At least 2 solid minutes of ejaculate. That would be the ultimate surprise facial. "When the fuck does it end!?" *Skeet Blllooop Skeet Blllooooop*
Jesus man, you dick. I was perfectly happy living my life not knowing shit like that exists. Up until this moment I thought the expression "my soul hurts" was just hyperbole. Scat fetishes are nothing compared to such an unspeakable abomination. I need to go pet a puppy. Or cry.
There's no fucking way. Peter North straddles the border between improbable and implausible (and jizzes all over it), without approaching that kind of insanity. I don't see any way for that to be anything but special effects.