I love when TV shows plan ahead for an ending, so they can wrap things up properly. Teddy's line at the bar cracked me up, "Y'know, this is kinda fitting..."
Hope somebody is watching this. I've got a DVR, recorded the season, forgot I had the first episode, saw it when episode 2 was being recorded 'tomorrow'. Because I'm an idiot, waited and episode 1 was deleted, avoided the rest like the plague. Tl;dr tell me where to watch Rescue Me on the Internet
OK, last night's episode was back to basics. A sweet Tommy rant, 2 fights, awkward conversions, Lou jokes, and they actually went in a fire. That's the formula that really makes this show work at its best. And fuck Franco.
The whole Sheila operation was brilliant, and I loved Tommy taking his Manhood/man of the family status back.
Last week's episode was phenomenal. The part with Sheila was, indeed, brilliant. I love where they are taking the show so far and I really think it will deliver a satisfying ending. And Franco is such a DOUCHE.
Since everyone knows it's the last season, and they shot it that way, (season 6 and 7 were shot together) I think they're welcoming any retarded shit we're saying at this point. Discussion + + Ratings. And I'm ok with that. But at the same time, to coddle those of us that are watching this last season week to week, please don't spoil anything, or I will sic the mods on you... Please. No spoilers...
Damn, I'm halfway through the latest ep and I wanna kill myself. Between Fienberg's amazing speech, Sheila's letter, and the dead family on the couch... This show has to have won some Emmys right? Edit: and then Garrity with the gas mask killed me laughing.
Fuck me, I thought going straight to the wedding was out of left field. The final 5 minutes, christ. Spoiler So, do you think anyone lives?
Spoiler No. I think the entire crew just went up in flames, and the final episode will focus on the fallout, including the funeral. I expect tension between Sheila and Janet, because of their conversation after the wedding (where Sheila admitted she was jealous that Janet got everything Sheila wanted), but by the end they'll bond and Sheila will ultimately help Janet raise the kids. I think Colleen goes off the fucking deep end after losing her father and new husband in one fell swoop (and who can blame her), but the Gavin clan manages to rally around her and bring her back. I also think it is going to end with a new crew of 62 truck, under Needles, and them going out on a call. The theme of the show has always been "no matter how big the tragedy, the job still never ends," and that's how they'll go out. I fully expected Tommy to die in the end. I really thought it was the only way they could end the series. I didn't, however, expect that last 5 minutes. The look of realization on their faces when they saw they were trapped floored me.
Time enough passed for it to not be spoilered, but out of respect for an amazing show: Spoiler I could put it either way, right now. I wouldn't put it past the main writers (Leary and Toland) to kill everyone off, but from the preview with the polishing of shields and the carrying of coffins, it seems too obvious... I think one or more of them might die. Not all. Probably Tommy. That would be fitting. Maybe Lou, let Franco... no. Fuck that, and fuck Franco. Probably just Tommy.
Spoiler If I'm not mistaken I only saw two coffins being wheeled down the church isle. For me, if they kill everyone off it would ruin the whole series. I could see Tommy and Lou or maybe Tommy and someone else other than Lou, but not everyone.
Well, I'm really happy with how they ended it. I'm sooooo glad they didn't go for the overly dramatic tear-jerking sappy ending I was kind of expecting. Save for the first 10 min. it was an honestly hilarious episode with tons of good on liners. The blue shovel scene was particularly awsome. And the ashes scene. Spoiler Even the funeral was funny. "He had an encyclopedic memory for porn". And the birth scene. "OH MY GOD IT'S DEFORMED!!!" HUGE fan of Lou coming back in final scene.
They captured every element that I loved about the show in that last episode. Even during the commercial breaks having the quick look back at each main character from the house. Spoiler The only issue at all was the birth scene. I know they needed to throw it in there but it was way unrealistic. Everything else was spot on perfect. My sappy ass usually gets teared up during series finales when they lay on the shit, but this was hilarious with enough seriousness to just be right.
Spoiler I lost it when he found Lou between all the rubble. And during the funeral reading his letter. But the way they ended it was just.. Perfect.
And thus ends an era. I'm so glad Leary's show "The Job" didn't work out. That was how all great series should end their run. Callbacks, but casually. Sponsored look backs at the characters. Humor, tears, endings and new beginnings. Shea Gavin does sound like a QB to me. It was a 9.5/10. Spoiler That fucking birth scene. Sure, I know you give birth faster when you've had a couple kids, and that was Janet's 5th. But for fuck sake, it was less than three minutes from water break to "OH MY GOD IT'S DEFORMED!!
I had one qualm with this episode. It wasn't iczorro's spoiler, either... Spoiler I'm willing to suspend a little belief for that birth scene, and chalk it up to creative license. Rather, what bothered me was... Spoiler Janet's complete 180 about Tommy retiring. The entire season, Janet's only goal was to get Tommy out of that house and into a 'safe' job or retirement. Then, just because he has one shitty day at the park, Janet tells him to go running back into fires. I don't buy that for a minute, and it was completely out of character for Janet. She'd tell him to get a desk job or get a job training new firefighters, but she would NOT tell him to rejoin 62 Truck, not when her entire life last season seemed to revolve around getting Tommy out of that house. She said she wouldn't renew her vows, and she wouldn't be with him, if he was still in that house, but then she changes her mind just like that because of one stupid incident? No, sorry, bullshit. Personally, I think a better ending would have been if Tommy took over as someone training new firefighters. They could have kept that entire end scene, only instead of saying Tommy was returning to the crew, they could say he was training new recruits now. Otherwise, it was an excellent way to end the series. That shot of Lou burned up in the rubble is one of those things that stuck with me, probably because I liked the character so damned much. Lou was one of the best characters on TV.