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Recent Movie Review Thread

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by atcmh, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    There is one other reason: increasing enlistment in the Air Force the way Top Gun did for the Navy. AF is now running an ad featuring all female pilots and cool planes with the tag line, "What will be your origin story?" Kinda cool, really, if the movie inspires a bunch of girls to grow up and be AF pilots.
  2. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    The Dirt

    Like “Straight Outta Compton” this is a non-stop fun and entertaining bio-flick, the kind you can watch more than once. I’m a Crue fan. All my closest friends are. I’ve read the book many times, it’s a dog-eared staple on my shelf and I can honestly say this movie did it right. Four bullseye performances that recreate this degenerate band— and their actions— honestly and humourously. All actors nail their roles. And they need to use the guy who play Ozzy in this when they make HIS bio. Good lord, that was great comedy.

    It reacreates the dizzying metamorphisms the rock music to perfection in terms of clothes, personalities and sleazy raunch. It’s far from perfect filmmaking. It’s done right for it’s time by Jackass founder Jeff Tremaine. But for fans of Motley Crüe and that notorious autobiography... this is EXACTLY the film you asked for, completely loyal to the book, and it was worth the wait.

  3. dixiebandit69

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The asshole of Texas
    I just watched "The Dirt" yesterday, and I was a bit disappointed; not one mention of the spaghetti incident.
  4. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    I finally got to watch "The Dirt" today. It's pretty good, I wouldn't mind having it on Blu Ray, but seeing as it's a Netflix property that's probably unlikely.

    Am I the only one that noticed that Mick Mars' depiction in the movie seemed to be based on Tucker's movie Slingblade character?
  5. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I see what you’re saying. The performances/characters both have that monotoned nihilism that are similar. But I doubt anybody in The Dirt watched that movie. He played Mars how I pictured him to be. He was a loner, older than the others by a decade and a broken shell of a frame.
  6. Bob the Builder

    Bob the Builder
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    Saw “The Mustang” at my local indie theater. Mostly disappointing and predictable redemption story. Not enough substance to make it believable or to care very much. One scene made it worthwhile, but won’t spoil it here and it might only be impactful for me because of my own psychic place in life right now.

    Wait for Netflix or not at all. 4/10
  7. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009

    Milla Jovovich is dope as hell. David Harbour did an admirable job, and thank God this got an R-rating.

    That said, it felt poorly stitched together. Ian McShane as a distant dad felt...weird. The plot lines were pretty similar to the first film, and it missed sorely on Guillermo Del Toro's world building talents featured in the second.

    Soundtrack was predictable, CGI gore galore and the rest of the acting was kind of meh.

    If you loved the comics, it's worth seeing. Casuals beware.
  8. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    Avengers: Endgame
    I enjoyed it very much. Packed theatre, lively but not distracting crowd. I'm not going to review anything so I don't have to spoiler it. But, there are some great laughs, some tears, good script, and good action. I liked it much better than Infinity War.
  9. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Avengers: Endgame

    I also really liked it. I caught a 6pm show which was full of nerds that laughed and clapped at everything, but comes it with the territory. After 22 movies, it was a great end to current MCU. And I really liked how they wrapped up the series with the movie mostly being about the Phase 1/original Avengers. God dam does Marvel have a good script supervisor. That’s an insane amount of shit to keep track of. I know they try to make these movies so you dont necessarily need the background of the others, but with Endgame it would probably be impossible to know whats going on without it. At 3 hours, it probably could have been 20 minutes shorter. The Nebula switch-a-roo side story was probably not really necessary, but not once was I bored. Some spoiler thoughts:

    -It was pretty clear ends for both Captain America and Iron Man, obviously. It wasnt a surprise that they killed Tony Stark in this one. RDJ wanted no option for Tony to come back. Same with Captain America I think. Good send offs for both.
    -I guess Black Widow doesnt get the same funeral Tony does. I felt absolutely nothing when she died. Just not a compelling character.
    -The Captain Marvel entry into the final battle was a pretty big deus ex machina. Shes still just as boring as her solo movie and they really should have never introduced her until Phase 4.
    -There was a ton of shit that really didnt make a lot of sense (Professor Hulk, Iron Pepper Potts, Capt. suddenly wielding Mjolnir, etc.), but whatever.
    -Will be cool to have Thor in Guardians 3.
    -How they went back and to the invasion in 2012 to get the Infinity Stones from Avengers 1 was really cool
    -Fat Thor was awesome and Hawkeye is a great character. I hope they keep him for the next version of MCU.
    -One question: Where did Loki go with the Tesseract? That’s it?

    Overall, I really enjoyed it and I will probably see it again to take it all in. It was a great wrap-up for the Infinity Saga.


    Also dont waste your time staying for anything after the credits. There isnt anything.
  10. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    Excellent comments, I agree with all that and had some of the exact same questions.
    Loki: alternate timeline, like The Ancient One was explaining, maybe? Also, there's going to be a Loki TV show, and I think he can time jump and effect historical events? So, this is a set up for that?
    And, there were big notes on the doors of my theatre saying "There is no mid-credits or after-credit scene in Endgame" and when the cleanup crew came in during the credits, a manager came in shouting out "There are no more scenes, I promise! You can leave." They have so many showings, the next show was pretty quick after that one. I always stay through the credits of every movie though. Plus, I like seeing the Georgia film logo at the end.
  11. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Good point, completely forgot about the show. And-

    With the timelines shit, they could easily tie in the XMen now. They could say they altered something in the past the modified human DNA on a global scale or something.
  12. NatCH

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 10, 2012
    Absolute center of the continental US
    I enjoyed it. It didn’t feel too long to me, the pacing never slowed. The crowd was okay, except for a few cellphones going off early on (seriously, who the fuck doesn’t know to silence their damn phone?).

    I was glad that Captain Marvel wasn’t the entire dues ex machina of the whole infinity saga. I expected her to be the ginger snapper since she’s been made pretty much all powerful, and she’s a STRONG WOMAN WHO DON’T NEED NO MAN.

    It was equal parts action with trips down memory lane, and some interesting cameos. I bet there’s a lot more cameos that are on the cutting room floor, too.
  13. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    I completely enjoyed Endgame. The quibbles y’all have are similar to mine but...yes. I could go watch it again right now.
  14. NatCH

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 10, 2012
    Absolute center of the continental US
    In regards to the Disney/Fox merger and The MCU’s future...

    I kinda hope they recast the X-men and just start them new like they did with Spidey. We’re at the point where there’s so many movies that we don’t need super elaborate origin stories for characters we’ve seen or known in some way since the early 2000’s. Like, bring in the Fantastic 4 and just have them exist already, don’t show them being in space. It’s been done twice, and got worse the second time.

    And in regards to the movie itself...

    I suspend my disbelief a lot when watching the MCU movies. Time travel paradoxes? Who cares, it’s already got aliens and vibranium and all this shit. Iron Man got to truly save his universe, and Steve gets his happy ending. I don’t need to care about the science details, it isn’t a Christopher Nolan movie.

    My only question is - did Gamora disappear at the end because she wasn’t the actual timeline’s Gamora? I’m assuming that’s the reason but it wasn’t made evident.

    The fight scene with everyone back makes me REALLY wish DC would do an Elseworlds movie for Kingdom Come. It could be done so well, if the right director was involved.
  15. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    So, having not seen the movie yet, are the spoilers potentially as huge as they are being made out to seem? People are making it sound like if you hear the spoilers you might as well not watch the movie.
  16. jdoogie

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 20, 2009
    Columbus Ohio
    The things that have been spoiled here so far give away a lot of major plot points and basically the main ending of the movie... so, yeah?
  17. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    Also, a lot of the spoilers here and on the interwebs take the impact out of the highs and lows. Some of them are plot spoilers and some of them are emotion beats (Yeah! . . . Awww) Knowing those ahead will take some of the fun away. There is also a character appearance spoiler that was intentionally misled in a trailer. It's both funny and a big part of the plot.
  18. NatCH

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 10, 2012
    Absolute center of the continental US
    I mean, they’re tying up story arcs that have been going on for multiple movies, so...everything is kind of a spoiler in that regard. What Rush said...I’m glad I didn’t know anything about it going in because everything hit how it was supposed to.
  19. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Avengers: Endgame

    I enjoyed the film and had a lot of fun watching it, but it is clearly a fundamentally weaker film than Infinity War, for what I believe are a couple of reasons.

    Time Travel
    Time travel in any movie that is not 100% dedicated to the concept of time travel is always a cop out. This is a golden rule of moviemaking you can take to the bank. Unless you're making Back to the Future, 12 Monkeys, Looper, or something similar that exists solely to play with the concepts of time travel, causality, and the like, you've just blown up your screenplay. It immediately introduces plot holes for all but the most exquisitely crafted plots, and it undermines any finality you attempt to introduce into your movie because anything the characters do can theoretically be undone by just going back in time and not doing it. There is a slight exception for films that put the time travel mechanism fundamentally outside the characters' control, like Groundhog Day or Edge of Tomorrow, but it's a very narrow exception. It's not a coincidence that any popular franchise that has introduced it as a concept pretty quickly stuffs it back in the bottle, ceremoniously or unceremoniously. Harry Potter basically never mentions it again; Dr Strange uses it once in a very limited fashion and then treats it as too dangerous to use; Star Trek classifies or breaks any time travel tech as soon as the plot is over; etc. Endgame runs into the same challenges. It's fundamentally a "what if we retcon Infinity War" plot, which is a bad place to pick up from the best movie in the MCU, and despite trying to spell out rules in act I, it repeatedly violates them in acts II and III. The time travel aspect is at its most egregious when it sets up a fight between the Avengers and a version of Thanos that doesn't even know them, doesn't have the grudging respect for them that they earned by the end of Infinity War, and doesn't have the same deep characterization as the "older" version. It reduces him to a generic villain when the prior movie worked so hard to elevate him above that.

    Power Level
    Infinity War does a really good job managing the Greater-Scope Villain that's been lurking over the MCU since Thanos was first name dropped. The movie contains a not-inconsiderable amount of power creep, but it's well handled and balanced. Thanos gets progressively stronger as the movie goes on, as do the Avengers as they organize themselves into alliances and seek greater strength to bring to bear against him. The movie ends with a vastly powered-up Thor getting a second whack at a now fully-powered Thanos, and ends somewhat ambiguously on whether Thor or Thanos would win straight up. This sets up a third and final showdown between the Avengers and Thanos in Endgame to settle the question of whether the Avengers can come up with something to turn the tide this time, especially given that Thanos is now aware of how strong Thor has become.

    ...and Endgame discards it. Worse than that, they beef up the Avengers, and weaken Thanos. By the time the final battle of Endgame arrives, it shouldn't even be a contest. Thanos is weaker than we've ever seen him (he shows up in Infinity War already having taken the power stone, which is what he uses to outbox The Hulk and threaten to pop Thor's head like a melon) while literally everything about the Avengers is stronger. Thor is fully powered up and wielding Stormbreaker; Scarlet Witch is undistracted and unleashed; Captain America is wielding Mjolnir like a second Thor; Thanos has to fight them all at once instead of a few at a time; and Ant-Man, Wasp, Hawkeye, and Rescue Pepper have joined the fight while sacrificing only Black Widow (the weakest Avenger) and a completely crippled Vision who barely fought the first time. Oh, and they've also added a completely gamebreaking Captain Marvel who is "Superman can punch a Star Destroyer into the sun" levels of OP. Infinity War established that Thanos' ship, without a single infinity stone, decimated the Nova Corps and wrecked Xandar's shit, and Captain Marvel flies through it like a '46 Ford tearing through a DeLorean. This is a fight that any of Captain Marvel, Thor, Dr Strange, or Scarlet Witch can easily handle by themself, and we're supposed to feel like they might lose when working together and being supported by the literal entire MCU cast.

    The Positive
    That said there's a lot to enjoy here. Tony Stark and Steve Rogers get the sendoffs they deserved; it has a solid number of laughs; they take the time to really sit in the consequences of the snap and how emotionally devastating it was for everyone; and Thor just straight up decapitating Thanos without hesitation is the peak of his character's brutal arc since Thor 2.

  20. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    The movie has been out for 3 days, so I’m not spoiler tagging anything anymore. So stop reading below this line:

    Really well said. The more I’ve thought about the time travel aspect the less sense it makes. Hell, it kind of ruined Cap’s send off. Old Steve Rogers should have been in another timeline, right? Wasn’t that the entire premise of what they said? It doesn’t make sense that he exists at the same time as his younger self doing all the Avengers shit. Plus it violates all of the character qualities they gave him. So he just grows old, knowing Hydra is forming, Bucky is enslaved, Tony Stark’s parents are killed, etc? That’s not even unique, that’s just kind of a rip off of the finale of Quantum Leap.

    Yeah, feel the same way about Captain Marvel, which is why I didn’t really like her movie. As I said, she was the Deus Ex Machina to mop up the plot for us. She was a lame character in the comics for this reason. The DCU at least has villains that could take on Superman like Anti-Monitor, etc., otherwise there would be no reason for any other character.

    If this movie didn’t have a legit hour of just payoffs from the other 21 movies and 11 years of storytelling, it wouldn’t have been as good.
    #1080 Juice, Apr 28, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2019