Another great succumbs to cancer. At least he lived long enough to get his well-deserved star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. R.I.P.. FOCUS: Favourite memories of Hopper from TV and cinema. Go.
True Romance. One of my favourite movies EVER. This scene is awesome, with Christopher Walken and Hopper having a nice little conversation.
Thank you, Frank Booth, for inspiring a bunch of hipsters to ruin what is associated with an otherwise okay cheap beer.
"Now boys, don't get caught watching the paint dry." My parents never let me see movies when I was young but Hoosiers is one of the few movies I ever saw in a theater, and of course at every team function where we needed inspiration we watched it as well. RIP Shooter.
I often find it funny how when celebrities die we somehow canonize them in death. Hopper was a hell of an artist and a very cool guy; however as a person from everything I have read points to him being an arrogant, abusive, addict. I guess somehow in celebrating the work we often lose focus and celebrate the man.
This is The Idiot Board, we're celebrating precisely that: arrogance, abuse and addiction. Heineken? FUCK THAT SHIT.
Edit: clip above "...he was a kind man? He was a wise man...he had plans he had wisdom? BULLSHIT man!" The first film I noticed him in and definitely one of his better roles. The first film I saw him in was Speed when I was 7 but I was more impressed but Keanu and his so called "acting".
I Loved Dennis Hopper in Waterworld. My favorite scene was when he is having his fake eye put in. This youtube clip is from the extended version of the film.
The scene in True Romance is legendary. This guy made speed amazing. For his all time creepiest and craziest performance you have to watch Blue Velvet. SGEDIT: Ya know that little box above the text box that says "YOUTUBE"? Yeah, highlight the url then clicky that box and VIOLA` it's amazing!
Not from TV or cinema, but I think you'll be okay with it: I was alone, working the will call booth for a San Francisco theater at least half an hour before curtain. Only a handful of people pick up their tickets more than 15 min before showtime, so I'd kill time with people watching. I could be witnessed chuckling to myself at the expense of a stalky but trim man who hoped awkwardly through traffic like he was playing live-action frogger. My laughs were stifled when he crossed the street because he b-lined straight for me. Work mode settled quickly into my body. I went through the motions. He told me his name and routine questions droned out of my mouth as I rifled through two shoeboxes of alphabetically ordered ticket envelopes. "Did you order these by phone?" The answers would help me find his tickets if they're not where they should be, which frequently occurred. The questions rolled automatically off my tongue before he could even answer. "Did you pay with a credit--" Oh. I thought to myself. Did he say Dennis Hopper? I felt a fool. My heart raced as I directed him to the box office where we kept complimentary tickets. He slipped out of view to retrieve them. Many minutes later, my body was calm again. I noticed him returning just before showtime, now with a tall, slender woman with naturally straight, blond hair down to her waist. They walked unseen amongst the crowd. We had celebrities in the audience every night for the run of that play. But this was the only interaction of any kind I had with any of them. To be 19 and a fan of Water World and speaking to THE Dennis Hopper was a huge thrill. I've never forgotten it.
Nice to see I wasnt the only one that though Waterworld was alright. My favorite Hopper role was an extended Twilight Zone called "He's alive." He plays a rising neo-nazi orator who is taken in by an old Jewish man while the ghost of Hitler aides in his rise to power. I also loved him in Apocalypse Now even though his role was pretty brief.
Of course Toddus because we don't know the man. What we do know is the great works and roles that he left behind. I just watched the "Hoosiers" scene and it gave me goosebumps. I'm not disagreeing with you, any person who has lost someone in their life wants the whole world to stop and recognize there pain and loss, of course that does not happen. It kind of happens with a celebrity. Then you wonder how an arrogant drug addict get's so much attention, or worst yet a (maybe) pedophile? Because when you leave something behind a song, a movie, a book, that people love they will miss you, even though it's the work they miss. Only his love one's miss Dennis Hopper the man.